Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 433 [Arriving at the Mountain and Sea Realm]

The power of the Fumo Sword destroyed these stone sculptures in a destructive manner, and the golden light was dazzling. At the end, there was only a loud bang, and the remaining stone sculptures around them were covered with fine cracks, and then they scattered loudly and reappeared. into rubble.

I stretched out my hand, and the Fumo Sword fell into my hand. Looking at my cousin and Li Nianbai who were stunned, I said, "Let's go."

The red thread shot out from the traction talisman spread straight forward, Li Nianbai started to move forward again, this time he didn't encounter any magic circle, and he arrived at the entrance of Shanhaijie after a quarter of an hour.

Speaking of an entrance, it is better to say it is a rocky mountain, a hole in the rocky mountain, the inside is extremely dark, but it exudes a very special power.

This kind of power is the power produced by the interweaving of two interfaces, and it is not so easy to get in.

"Although the power of the interface is weak, it is still difficult to break through. Now we can only force our way in. The two of you follow me and try not to stay too far away. Forget it, I'll turn on the real clock of Heigang so that we don't go through it." The interface, and it falls in a non-stop place, so it will be troublesome.”

Sighing, I opened my mouth and sprayed, the small silver clock was suspended above our heads, and layers of soft silvery white light rolled down, a total of nine defenses, and I had already used the defense of this black gang real clock to the extreme.

The red aura on the traction talisman has dissipated. When I stretched out my hand to hold it, the traction talisman melted into my palm and disappeared quickly.

"let's start!"

Li Nianbai clasped his hands and looked at the cave eagerly, as long as we step through this cave, we should be able to reach the mountain and sea boundary.

Taking a deep breath, I lifted my foot and walked in. Before I stepped out, the outermost shield began to squeeze.

It seems that only by breaking this barrier can one enter the mountain and sea world.With a flick of the wrist, the Fumo Sword stabbed forward fiercely. This sword was powerful. As soon as it was thrust out, the void in front of it began to collapse. Dao attack is also the attack magic power of the No.18 rune circle.


As if it was paper, the barrier in front of it collapsed suddenly, like scattered lenses, falling all over the ground, but soon, these fragments began to be reassembled and repaired.

When I pierced through this barrier, I immediately raised my foot and took a step inside, and three people entered it.

Immediately after the foot was trampled into the air, the sky was spinning for a while, the surroundings were colorful, and the defenses around the real clock of the black gang collapsed. In the end, only three defensive shields were left to protect us. The power of Gang Zhenzhong, but I know it best, this power directly destroys my six defenses.

Just when I was stunned, another defense shattered.

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but feel a little worried about Houtu. She solved the mystery of the womb, but the body is still Luo Shui'er's. Even if there is some kind of secret technique that can strengthen her body all night, it will be difficult for him to really fight with Heigang in a short time. Bell's defense compared to it.


The eighth protective shield shattered, leaving only the last one. My cousin and Li Nianbai also panicked now. The fifth defensive shield could withstand the attack of the demon envoy, but it could not resist the power of the real demon. The nine protective shields The shields added together should be able to withstand the full blow of the real demon, but now they are shattered. If the last one is also shattered, it also means that we have to withstand the power attack of the real demon level.

I am now in the five-element holy body, so I should be able to withstand it to a certain extent. Li Nianbai has the protection of the reincarnated Buddha power of Ksitigarbha, so he may be able to resist it, but my cousin is different. Although a lot has changed over the years, it is still difficult. resisted.

"Be careful, everyone. I'll try my best to maintain the last line of defense. I guess we're almost there!"

Putting away the demon sword, I raised my head and sprayed it at the real black clock on top of my head. The red golden light spewed out from my mouth. This golden light mixed with a trace of my blood, which was transformed by the essence of blood and energy. This moment, when he entered the black gang real clock, the real clock shone brightly, golden light jumped on the silver-white shield, and mysterious runes surged out one after another.

The power of the interface began to squeeze and destroy these golden spirit patterns. Although they were destroyed, they emerged one after another to protect the last line of defense. The power of the interface began to weaken, and the golden patterns became stronger and stronger, and finally turned into a piece of golden light, wrapping stay with us.

I suddenly stepped on the ground, and the power of the surrounding interface dissipated. I put away the black gang real clock, and the surrounding was pitch black, except for the silver magic circle under our three feet. When we left here, the silver magic circle also disappeared. Dissipated.

After I walked out, my heart sank. Surrounded by gray-brown boulders, it looked the same as before.

"What's going on? It's still here, isn't this the entrance to the Mountain Sea Realm?"

Li Nianbai scratched his head and said strangely.

"Or, we are still trapped in Stonehenge and never left at all?"

The cousin pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose, doubts and puzzlements flickered in his pupils.

"This is indeed the world of mountains and seas, and it also corresponds to the stone formation in the original world. We have finally arrived. You use the traction talisman to go out again. After you go out, I will give you the map to Wushen Mountain, but you have to be careful. This mountain and sea There are two stone giants guarding the world's Stonehenge, and I was able to avoid it by relying on the Vulcan ring, but you are different."

Zhu Rong's joyful but slightly worried voice came from the Vulcan ring space.

"Stone Giant? Hearing what you said, he should be the guardian of Stonehenge. Alright, let's go now!"

In this case, the stone giant, as the guardian of Stonehenge, must be at the entrance, and there is only one exit, and it should be very safe with the red light towing it.

A quarter of an hour later, we arrived at the exit. This is indeed the boundary of mountains and seas, and there are beaches around, but the sand is silvery white, extremely fine, and very soft to step on. At the entrance, there are two stone statues several meters high. The giant, the stone giant in armor and holding a stone spear, stood there motionless.

"This is the stone giant that Zhu Rong was talking about. Be careful, everyone. These two stone sculptures are a bit different. They are not made of ordinary mud and rocks. They contain different things."

Li Nianbai stopped in his tracks, frowned and said.

After carefully observing the two stone sculptures, I was startled and said, "This unique thing is Xitu. Although the quantity is very small, it is very rare. I really did not expect to have such a thing here."

"Xitu, it's impossible, how can there be Xitu?"

Li Nianbai looked at me with some surprise and shook his head in disbelief.

"It's not wrong, I'm very familiar with Xitu, because this Xitu is something that Houtu possesses, and it's the only thing that can compare with the five-color clay, but the effect is different. The five-color clay can create people, And Xitu has the ability to grow continuously. In ancient times, fires and floods continued, and Houtu relied on this Xitu to block the gap in the river embankment. Wa exchanged the income, because at that time Buzhou Mountain was knocked down, and there were holes in the sky, and to mend the sky, one had to use five-color mud and interest-bearing soil to refine five-color stones to succeed."

Memories rolled in my mind, and after a while, I told the two of the origin of the breath soil.

It's just that I didn't expect that these two guards actually contained Xitu. Could it be that this stone giant was made by Houtu?It should be, besides her, who can use this breath?

"Since the back soil is placed here to guard Stonehenge, we only need to break through here. This giant stone guard contains breath soil, which is very unusual. Be careful when breaking through. Okay, let's start!"

I didn't take out the demon-subduing sword, and went straight outside. There is a beach outside. As long as we leave the range of Stonehenge, the guards will not chase us.

Because the two giant stone guards are at the entrance of this stone circle, as soon as we approached, they opened their eyes one after another, and with one stroke of the stone spear in their hand, they stabbed at the three of us bravely. I immediately used the seven-star step to avoid it. , my cousin did the same thing, but Li Nianbai wanted to fight, he squeezed the sword formula, the ebony sword behind his back turned into a golden light and flew out, after the ebony sword trembled slightly in mid-air, it split into two , and cut head-on at the two giant stone guards respectively.

A scene that I didn't expect happened. The two stone giants raised their stone spears at the same time, and one ebony sword disappeared after the golden light scattered, while the other flew upside down. The spear was unscathed.

Li Nianbai frowned, and the sword formula in his hand changed rapidly. The ebony sword was surrounded by golden runes, and it turned into a giant of several feet in the air, until it was as big as this stone giant, and then he slashed down fiercely. The sound is loud.

There was a golden light shining in the eyes of the stone giant, and he did not dodge or dodge. The stone spear in his hand was still heading towards the huge ebony sword once, but this time it was quite different from before, and it turned into a densely packed sword. stone spear.

However, my cousin and I were stopped by another giant stone guard. When this giant stone guard picked up his spear, he stabbed me and my cousin in two. The sound, the speed is unbelievably fast, I was shocked, at this moment, I didn't even have time to take out the demon sword, and immediately grabbed the ground, the concrete below flew out, and turned into a handle in my hand Earth Sword, and then threw it viciously at the opponent.

"Kun Yuan, the sword of the earth!"

The yellow awns flowed on the soil sword, and the yellow awns continuously escaped from the soil below and poured into the sword.

The stone spear that was divided into two condensed into one, and it stabbed fiercely at the sword of the earth. With a loud noise, the sword of the earth turned into loess and scattered, and the giant stone guard was shocked by this tyrannical force. Take a few steps back.

Although the sword of the earth was condensed by me in a hurry, the power of summoning this sword with my five-element holy body is not small. The stone spear was not damaged at all, and I was shocked again.

"Zhong Yuan, we have to use our real abilities to go out. This boulder guard is not as simple as we imagined. You carry me behind your back."

The cousin stared at the boulder guard in the distance, and suddenly laughed coldly.

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