Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 434 [Sharkman Dongzhu]

"Are you going to use the eye array to fix these two giant stone guards? Will it work?"

I stared at my cousin suspiciously.

"Of course we can guarantee success. Even if we set up the guard for a few seconds, it is enough for us to escape from this area. That's why I want you to carry me behind my back. I want to cast spells wholeheartedly to stop them from moving. I don't want to be alone. Stay here."

The cousin put away his glasses and said with a slight smile.

"Come up!"

I turned my back, my cousin was not polite, he lay behind me, his eyes began to change, and soon turned into black and white yin and yang fishes.

"Nianbai, my cousin will cast spells on these two guards later, let's rush out then."

Seeing Li Nianbai fighting endlessly with the guards, I reminded loudly that these two guards have no intelligence, but only contain the breath of earth in their bodies, and are responsible for guarding Stonehenge, so I am not worried whether they can understand me.

"All things are born in nature, with a clear eye for the universe, they run smoothly, and they are determined!"

The cousin's eyes trembled suddenly, and his eyes widened a little. Two black and white rays of light shot out from the eyes, respectively submerged under the feet of the two giant stone guards, and two Tai Chi patterns suddenly appeared. The boulder guard who was originally in an attacking state froze there motionless at this moment.


With a loud shout, I stepped forward on my toes, and passed through the two giant stone guards with lightness. Li Nianbai grabbed the ebony sword in his hand, turned into an afterimage, and left the area as well. , not long after we left, the two giant stone guards suddenly held their spears and slammed the Taiji diagram under their feet fiercely, destroying the Taiji diagram forcefully. They immediately chased us, but when they reached the entrance, they stopped. He took a step forward and turned back into a motionless stone sculpture.

"It finally came out. This giant stone guard with the power of resting earth is too powerful. Although we can deal with it with all our strength, it will cost a lot of money."

I finally breathed a sigh of relief and began to look around.

Now we are on a sandy beach, with the blue sea on one side and the lush forest on the other side, the surroundings are desolate, but there are many huge white seagulls on the sea surface, and these huge seagulls swooped down. Going forward, he plunged headlong into the sea, and within a few seconds, he caught a fat sea fish.

Just as we were concentrating on watching, the waves of the sea not far away rolled, and a huge fish tail jumped out of the water and hit a seagull. Sea.

"See, this fish is huge, and it has a blue tail!"

The cousin lost his usual calmness, and his normal eyes fixed on the sea surface, and soon the fish tail sank into the sea again.

"There are many creatures in the sea, even in our world, they are the same."

Li Nianbai glanced at his cousin and grinned.

When we were about to leave, the waves on the sea seemed to be a little bigger than before, and layers of waves mixed with salty sea breeze came oncoming.

"The sea water is rising, let's get out of here!"

Li Nianbai put away his smile, looked at the sea, and suddenly frowned and spoke.

But as soon as he said that, the original wind and waves became more than ten times stronger in an instant, and the huge waves rolled towards us. I immediately pinched the Fajue, and a layer of white clouds appeared under my feet, supporting the three of us, and flew up and escaped. go.

Seeing us flying up, the sea receded like a tide, and a strange singing sounded, which seemed to come from the depths of the sea.

The singing is getting louder, but it's not harsh, it seems to be lingering in our ears.

My hands can't help but hang down naturally, I withdraw the spell, lost the support of my spell, the white clouds under my feet began to disperse, and went around, our feet stepped on the air, and fell into the sea.

As soon as the sea water soaked my body, I immediately reacted, and immediately reached out and grabbed my cousin next to me. My cousin's eyes were dull, and I screamed a few times, but I couldn't wake up.

When I was amazed, a blond girl suddenly appeared on the sea several feet away. This girl had a high nose bridge, a beautiful face, and a sweet smile. Just when I was wondering, she suddenly swam towards me.

When did this woman appear?Why am I not clear?Back then there were only the three of us on the beach. Could it be that this girl was lurking in the sea?

I didn't feel the evil spirit on her body, although it gave people a very different feeling, even her breasts were covered by silver and white shells, full of exotic charm, so after she swam over, I didn't want her to attack.

Her skin was as thick as fat, and I couldn't help but look under her. The sea water was very clear, and I saw a blue fish tail below her waist.

This fish tail is clearly the same as the fish tail that beat the seagull before, with a mermaid body and no evil spirit, what the hell is this?Could it really be the legendary mermaid?

I reached out and condensed a cold sword in the sea water, pointed at her, and said coldly, "Who are you?! Where is my other companion!"

Seeing me pointing the sword at her when the girl saw me, a layer of mist suddenly appeared in her big watery eyes, and the big teardrops fell down. The strange thing is that these crystal clear teardrops turned into a single teardrop as soon as they left the eye sockets. A Zizania pearl fell into the sea.

"Merman? Are you from the Merman family?!"

Mermaids will never shed tears and turn them into pearls. Only the tears of the legendary merman race will turn into pearls. I remember that there are indeed merman races in this mountain and sea world.

The girl stopped crying, she was taken aback for a moment, and then Xiushou said lightly: "Well, I am from the Eastern Sea shark clan, called Dongzhu, but because my hair is blond, I was excluded by the clan, so I came here In a remote place, you came from the outside world? You should be human beings."

Her voice is beautiful, ethereal and melodious.

At this moment, the already calm sea was roiled with water again, Li Nianbai opened his mouth and spewed out a stream of seawater, turned his eyes, saw the shark girl Dongzhu, raised his ebony sword, and shouted loudly: "Monster, look at the sword!"

Seeing this, Dongzhu was startled, the fish tail flicked and came behind me.

"Nianbai, stop, this is just a shark girl."

I blocked Dongzhu, Dongzhu caused waves to keep us here, there must be her intentions, we must ask clearly.

Li Nianbai rolled his eyes, put away the ebony sword, and said, "Don't forget that you still have Houtu, Wei Xiaoqing!"

"I think her tears are very valuable. Why don't you capture her and bring her back to the original world? She cries several times a day, and there are countless pearls."

The cousin said with a smile.

Shark girl Dongzhu was trembling with fright, and stammered: "You can't catch me, I wouldn't have left you here if I knew it earlier, and let you enter this vast mountain range, where the strange beasts are so vicious that even the witch None of the sorcerers in Shenshan dare to provoke them easily."

"The reason why you keep us here is to prevent us from entering the Cangmang Mountain? I know there are many strange beasts in it, but we must go to Wushen Mountain."

I shook my head. She also had good intentions, but why would she not go to Wushen Mountain because of this matter?

Dongzhu pursed her red lips and said, "You are indeed human, so you don't know about the beast tide in the Cangmang Mountain Range. This beast tide happens once a year, and it can last for half a month. Now is the time for the beast tide. During the season, the witches dare not go down to the Wushen Mountain."

"It's a big deal, let's fly over there."

Li Nianbai said indifferently.

Dongzhu was taken aback, then covered his mouth and laughed lightly, and said, "Fly over? The birds in the sky are extremely ferocious, they are full of troubles, and you still fly over? Maybe you will be dismembered in mid-air .”

"Little girl, what do you think you can do?"

Li Nianbai glared at Dongzhu viciously, and said in a deep voice.

"As long as you are willing to help me, I can escort you to Wushen Mountain. I know that there is a waterway from the East China Sea to Wushen Mountain."

Dongzhu put down her plain arms and said with a slight smile.

"I think you are quite capable. What can we help you with? Mermaids are naturally familiar with water, can survive underwater, and can also manipulate sea water. What else can we help?"

I smiled and looked at this woman. She said that she must have encountered difficulties, but now we have to hurry to Wushen Mountain.

Dongzhu sighed, stretched out his hand to touch his long golden hair, thought for a moment, and then said solemnly: "My clansman hunted me down, if you can protect my safety, I can lead you to the waterway, Although there are also a lot of beasts in the water, they are much safer than those on the shore, and with my ability, there should be very few opponents except for our mermaids."

"Being hunted down by the tribe? Although you are different from the rest of the mermen, it's just that your hair is different. I think blond hair is also good. Why do you want to kill you? At most, it's just expulsion. Don't your parents help you?"

Li Nianbai asked curiously.

When Dongzhu's parents were mentioned, Dongzhu's eyes turned red slightly, and tears fell down again. The cousin quickly swam over, put his hands under her face, and caught a lot of pearls after a while.

Dongzhu touched his tears and said, "My parents were killed too."

"But after we go to Wushen Mountain to finish our business, we will leave here soon. It is impossible to protect you all the time. You can't walk on the shore, and you can't leave the water."

Li Nianbai sighed and said slowly.

"Don't worry about this, I'm free to do it. I left the clan this time, but I brought a lot of treasures with me."

Dongzhu reached out and lifted a snow-white shell. The shell was so small that she could hold it with her hand, but after she reached out and touched it, the shell was a little bigger, and a gap was opened, revealing a little precious light.

Seeing these precious lights, I remembered that Bai Wuchang told me that in order to truly fabricate a human body, besides the five-color clay, there are several important things that need to be obtained. One of them is the glazed water of the East China Sea. Since she It's a merman, and they live on the bottom of the sea, maybe there is or maybe there is, so he immediately said:

"If you have the glazed clear water of the East China Sea, I'd be more than willing to promise you."

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