Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 435 [Identity and Chasing Soldiers]

"Glass purified water from the East China Sea? There is, but this is the treasure of our mermaid clan. Even if there are springs, there are only a few drops a year, and they are all taken away. When I left, I felt that this thing was very important to me It’s not very useful, so I didn’t bring it out.”

Dongzhu gently stroked the snow-white shell in his hand, and said with a smile.

"Then what's in your shell?"

I was slightly taken aback, and said.

"Of course it's a special product of the mermaid race. There are also treasures, such as thousand-year-old corals and century-old pearls. If you don't believe me, you can try them."

Dongzhu's big watery eyes stared at me, the shell in his hand opened a little more, and then he stretched out his hand to grab it, and a delicate jade plate was grabbed out of the shell.

There are clusters of colorful meatballs on the jade plate. These meatballs are big eggs, smooth and full of fragrance.

"Let me taste it, smell the aroma, it's quite delicious."

Li Nianbai was not polite, as soon as he saw something to eat, he immediately went forward, grabbed one of the dumpling and stuffed it into his mouth, he just took a bite, his eyes widened, and he stretched his hand inside again.

"How far is your shark clan from here? How is the distance compared to Wushen Mountain?"

I asked.

Dongzhu directly handed the jade plate in his hand to Li Nianbai, put away his own shells, his cherry lips frowned slightly, and said: "Our mermaid clan is in the depths of the sea, Wushen Mountain is in the middle of the mountain and sea boundary, from here to Wushen Mountain It’s much closer than going to the Merman Clan, and I can’t go to the Merman Clan right now, but since you need the glazed clear water of the Eastern Sea, I can take you there, but you have to guarantee my safety.”

"In this case, let's go to Wushen Mountain, let's take the waterway."

I nodded. Right now, I can only get the five-color mud first, and then go to the Merman Clan with Dongzhu. Although this may confront the entire Merman Clan, we don’t live in this world. We need to get clean water and leave the mountains and seas sooner. The world is.

"Although you can go by water, you can't get there in a short time to Wushen Mountain, so you have to build rafts. There are giant trees on the shore, and you can use local materials."

Dongzhu blinked, pointed to the lush green forest on the bank and said.

The trees here are very different from the trees in our primitive world, and even taller than the trees in the spirit world. The smallest trees here are 50 meters high, and the tallest are towering giant trees over [-] meters high.

After landing on the shore, in addition to these giant trees, there are also green vines as thick as arms. These green vines are attached to the giant trees and grow upward. After having these green vines, they can be used as rafts.

For us, cutting down trees is a breeze. Five giant logs can be used to make a huge raft. We don't need to make oars, because Dongzhu promised us, but to drive the fish to make the raft move.

After half a day's work, the huge raft was cast and successfully thrown into the sea.

Dongzhu sat at the stern of the raft, half of his body was sitting on it, and the other half of his body was submerged in the water. He flicked the tail of the fish lightly, and the raft moved quickly.

"I will soon enter the Cangmang River. It is also the first time I have followed this river to enter this territory. There are also many unknown dangers, and there may be pursuers."

She spoke very easily, besides wiggling the blue fishtail, she also took out a delicate comb and gently combed her blonde hair.

"Soldiers are coming to cover you with water and soil. What are you afraid of? Come on, quickly take out your delicious food. We haven't eaten. Now we can visit the scenery of the mountains and seas along the way."

Li Nianbai lay on the raft, pouted his mouth, turned over and looked at Dongzhu, and still remembered the delicacies in her shells.

Dongzhu turned her head and glanced at Li Nianbai, then reached out and took out the white jade-like shell again. After a while, there were a lot of exquisite food on the raft. Of course, there were also many delicacies in my Vulcan ring space. out a lot.

After eating, those who practiced began to practice, and those who watched began to watch.

The vitality of heaven and earth here is very abundant, and cultivation can get twice the result with half the effort, and the sky is very blue, with white clouds floating above, and the Cangmang River is quite wide, with lush greenery on both sides of the river, and the river is so clear that you can even see fish swimming in the river.

Soon it was night, and the moon in this mountain and sea realm was several times that of the original world, even a bit larger than that in the spirit world. The sky was full of stars, and the night was beautiful.

The stream was very peaceful, and there were many colorful fish swimming in the water. Dongzhu was in a good mood and began to sing that gentle and melodious song.

And now that Wushen Mountain can be reached through the Cangmang River, there is no need to use Zhu Rong's map.

I naturally asked before doing this, and Zhu Rong also said that the Cangmang River can go directly to Wushen Mountain. Half of the peaks of Wushen Mountain are covered with ice and snow. , this Wushen Mountain is the source of the Cangmang River.

The ethereal singing stopped abruptly, and the splashing of the water also stopped. I opened my eyes, and saw Dongzhu looking into the distance with a panicked face, which was the direction of the East China Sea.

We are far away from Donghai now, why is she still staring in that direction?

No, there is something strange, there seems to be something approaching in the distant water, very fast.

"They're coming, you said you'd help me, damn it, just wait a few days and I'll have legs and walk on land, so they'll never be able to Follow me."

Dongzhu looked at me with a face full of panic, a little unwilling.

"Is it the people of the Merman clan who came after them? Didn't you all get expelled by them? Why did you want to kill you? Or are you hiding something from me?"

I stood up from the bamboo raft, approached Dong Zhu, and asked.

Dongzhu gritted his silver teeth, a look of dodge flashed across his eyes, and he said vigilantly: "You guys clearly agreed, I will take you to Wushen Mountain, and I can also help you get glazed water. But you also have to help me resist the pursuers."

"Okay, wait until they stop them, and then settle accounts with you."

I took a cold look at this woman, reached the tail of the raft, stretched out my hand into the river, and the water spirit pattern emerged in the palm of my hand.

"The power of water element, condense water and melt ice!"

The water splashes in the distance rolled, and an unusually cold breath radiated out. The water splashes in the distance fell again, and a thick layer of ice began to spread on the surface of the river. With a splash, many handsome black-haired men appeared in the extreme distance.

However, these men were all kept out of the ice layer. Their upper bodies were very strong, and they held black steel forks in their hands, constantly chiseling the ice surface. Every time they swung the steel forks, large pieces of ice would splash and fall to the ground. Come out, the scene is also spectacular.

Li Nianbai and his cousin also woke up from their sleep, staring into the distance at the same time, their faces full of surprise.

"Okay, it will take a lot of time for them to break through the ice. I have completely frozen from the bottom of the river to the surface of the river, which is already 50 meters away. With the current level of ice breaking by them, it may take one night. Break open."

I put away my palms and looked at Dong Zhu who was stunned again. Dong Zhu blinked, stretched out his hand and poked me, and said, "Are you really just a human? Are you sure you're not a witch? I remember that only witches have it." It's so magical."

"Can't human beings have it? Don't give me detours. Why are these people chasing and killing you, and why you can walk on land after three days? You don't want to tell us. Are you trying to kill me? What treasure was stolen from the human family? Your shell contains the supernatural power of Sumeru, don't think I don't know."

I looked at her coldly. The reason why I didn't expose her was because she didn't harm us temporarily, but it didn't mean that she wouldn't harm us in the future.

There was a lot of mist in Dongzhu's eyes again, she still looked worriedly at the merman tribe in the distance, and said to me: "I'll talk about it later, I'll tell you when I'm sure I'm safe, now that you guys wake up, then I have to speed up the schedule, at least one day away from them, so I can rest assured."

After finishing speaking, Dongzhu submerged half of her body in the water, grabbed the tail of the raft with both hands, and her blue eyes suddenly lit up with a faint blue glow, and there was a faint golden halo in them.

Before I could take a closer look, the speed of the raft suddenly increased, Dongzhu's blue fish tail kept swinging, and a large splash of water rolled up behind the raft.

Every half an hour, Dongzhu would take out a crystal-like horn from her shell and play it. The sound of the horn was dull. With a white belly, Dongzhu sat on the raft with wet long hair, sighed, and said slowly:

"Actually, I was not expelled by them as a foreign race. The treasure in this shell was not stolen. It was originally my father's property. It was just that the second emperor took advantage of my father's development with the shark race in another sea area, and I usurped my father's throne when I set off in person, and slaughtered many royal mermaids. My blond hair is a symbol of the royal family, and only the royal family has the ability to transform their fishtails when they are adults.

In order to protect my life, my father sent me away from the depths of the sea, and gave me many important treasures, including Liuli Jingshui, but I didn't know you very well at the time. I thought you were the killer sent by my Second Emperor Uncle, so I kept it a secret. I saw you helping me fend off those merman soldiers last night, so I planned to tell you all this. As for me, now I don't expect to return to the depths of the sea, I just want to leave the sea. "

Hearing her words, the surroundings fell silent, none of the three of us spoke easily, but Li Nianbai, after holding back for a long time, finally opened his mouth and said:

"I can't see that you are still the princess of the Shark Race. Since you have glass water in your hand, hand it over."

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