Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 442 [Surrender]

"You... you are not human?!"

Tu Li looked at me extremely angrily, then tried to raise his head to stare at the void above him, and a giant hand with red golden flames patted it down.

"Is it right? It doesn't matter anymore. Don't you want to eat my meat?"

I stretched my hand into the air, and those golden sword lights changed again, becoming incomparably solid. The scimitar made of horns could no longer bear the power of these sword lights, and with a bang, it turned into countless fragments and fell down. At the same time, four pillars of blood spurted out from Tulu's head, he tilted his body, and fell completely on the snowy ground, and it happened that Zijin's big hand caught Tulu at this moment.

"Forgive me... my lord, please forgive me, I will never dare to eat your meat again!"

Tulu was grabbed by the big hand, only four hooves and head were exposed, and the mouth was covered with blood.

"Don't beg me, Tulu is cruel by nature, and you are no exception. If I am weaker than you today, wouldn't I be eaten by you? If you really don't want to die, then swear, you will not be allowed to practice in this Yuzhu Mountain. How about hurting someone?"

The other party is also an earth wisp who has cultivated for more than a thousand years. He possesses spiritual intelligence and can speak human words. Naturally, he dare not underestimate the power of the oath.

"I swear, I will follow your orders. If you disobey, you will die badly. No, your soul will fly away, and you will never be reborn forever!"

Tuli's very weak voice sounded dull.

I put away the demonic form, and the big hand in the air also disappeared when the demonic form returned. Tuli fell heavily on the ground, splashing a large amount of mud, and Tuli's body also turned into a normal size, standing up very hard stand up.

The bleeding on its head had stopped, and after a low cry, the fragments of the scattered horns condensed again, and quickly poured into the top of its head, turning into four horns again, but they were a little smaller than before. look.

I walked over, touched Tuli's head, and asked, "Is there someone practicing here?"

Without any hesitation, Tu Li nodded again and again, with a little panic in his voice, and said: "Yes, there is indeed a person who is cultivating on the top of Yuzhu Mountain, and she is also a woman. This woman is very dangerous. She can not only manipulate the power of ice , the physical body is so powerful that she can even catch my scimitar, and she has set up a magic circle on the top of Yuzhu Mountain, and I can't go up, even those witches can't do anything."

"Witch people? How do these Wu people know?"

I was slightly startled, how did this sorcerer intervene?Could it be that Houtu's secret cultivation was discovered?

"Because these witches will come to Yuzhu Mountain to collect ice crystals every once in a while, but since the human woman came, these ice crystals have been taken away by her alone. The most important thing about Zhushan Mountain is that if the ice crystals disappear, this Yuzhu Mountain will also disappear. The original Yuzhu Mountain will be even bigger, but now it has shrunk by half. If this continues, the entire Yuzhu Mountain will disappear. .”

Tu Hui looked nervous, and said in a deep voice, if this Yuzhu Mountain is destroyed, then it will not be able to continue to survive here.

"Since she needs ice crystals to practice, it must be her intention. Even if the entire Yuzhu Mountain disappears, I will not interfere. If these witches want to come up, then I will stop them. By the way, you and I'll stay here together."

He patted Tuli's forehead, looked up at the top of Yuzhu Mountain, and said with a smile.

"What? My lord told me to guard it together? There are also many powerful people among these witches, and they can drive other powerful beasts. Now that I am seriously injured, how can I resist it?"

Hearing this, Tuli was startled, nodded repeatedly, and even struggled a little, wanting to escape.

"With me here, what are you afraid of? These witches are very powerful. Even if they are great witches, I have the ability to resist them. Well, don't talk nonsense, you should recover from your injuries first."

I sat cross-legged on the ground and began to close my eyes and meditate.

In addition to my being able to sense her, Hou Tu could also sense my existence logically. Since it didn't come out, it should be a critical juncture in cultivation, and I can understand it.

I stayed on the hillside of Yuzhu Mountain for three days, and Tulu was in charge of finding some spiritual fruits for me to satisfy my hunger.

On the fourth day, several tall black shadows appeared at the foot of the mountain. These black shadows moved towards the direction of the mountain at an extremely fast speed.

"Master Zhong Yuan, they have already come, what should we do? There is also a big witch!"

After a while, Tuli's panicked voice came from far and near, I opened my eyes, and Tuli had already arrived in front of me, her green eyes kept rolling.

"Great witch? Didn't the great witch come before? Why are you so panicked this time?"

I stood up and asked aloud, although it is injured now, with its strength, it is not so frightening.

"Because this great witch once wanted to subdue me and seriously injured me. He is one of the top ten witches in Wushen Mountain, Wu Meng! If it wasn't for the advantage of the terrain of Yuzhu Mountain that time, I would have been surrendered long ago, so as long as If he appears, I will hide far away, and this is the second time he went up the mountain, the last time Wu Meng fought with Lord Houtu, he almost captured Lord Houtu, and seemed to have hurt Lord Houtu, but I don’t know For some reason, he retreated, and this time he brought two people with him, if he is not sure, he will not come again."

Tulu began to explain.

"Wumeng? Houtu seriously injured?"

I squeezed my fists, and a wave of anger was born in my heart.

Tu Li took a few steps back, nodded but shook his head again, lowered his voice a little, and continued: "I don't know, maybe the two are evenly matched, anyway, there is nothing to do with Master Tu, otherwise how could we have retreated?" ? I also went to the summit at the beginning, and those magic circles that were originally destroyed were repaired again. This is just my speculation. This is the only way to go up the mountain. Master Zhong Yuan, are we not ready? Except Wumeng Dawu Besides, the other two Wu people are not easy to mess with."

I glared at Tuli, and said coldly: "Do you still need to teach me? I'll give you a choice, deal with those two Wu people, or deal with Wumeng, choose one of the two."

"My... my lord, are you joking? Even if it is very difficult for me to deal with a Wu clan now, how can I deal with..."

"Don't pretend to be in front of me. I don't know your strength yet? When I fight with you, apart from the damage to your goat horns, where else are you injured?"

I tapped its head and said in a deep voice.

Tuli's green eyes flashed, and he said, "Okay, let me restrain these two tribesmen, and you deal with Wumeng, and if you can cultivate a demon appearance, it's enough to be able to compete with this Wumeng, but you'd better think Knowing the way forward, your demonic appearance should be cultivated just now, it would be the best to kill Wu Meng, but once he escapes, the nine witches on Wushen Mountain will never let you go."

"What do you think the chances are that I'll kill him?"

"Relying on the power of the demonic form, my lord should have a three-point chance of killing the other party. These witches are very powerful. If they want to escape, they probably won't be able to stop them."

Tu Li thought about it carefully for a while before slowly saying, seeing my gloomy face, he continued: "Of course, I don't know what powerful means your lord has besides the demonic appearance. It is estimated that there is a five-level chance of killing the opponent, but I will advise you not to do this, because this is the boundary of Wushen Mountain, and there are three forces in the mountain and sea boundary, you should have already figured it out."

I nodded, glanced at the figure below, and said: "I know the three major forces, the Wu clan people in Wushen Mountain are one of the major forces, the second largest force is the sea clan, the third largest force is the alien beasts, and the people of the mountain and sea realm This is the situation where the three legs are at the top of each other, isn't it? Well then, unless it is absolutely necessary, I will not take action against this Wumeng."

"Well, I've already made an oath, so everything will follow your lord's will. If your lord insists on doing something, Tulu will come out and restrain the other two clansmen. Tulu still has this ability."

After Tuli finished speaking, she looked at me proudly.

"Let's not talk about whether to kill or not. After a lesson, there will naturally be no less. You should hide first."

Glancing at the wisp of soil, I spoke.

"Well, my lord, be careful! Apart from being physically strong, this Wu Clan member also has a powerful witch power."

The wisp of soil retreated ten feet away, and the original snow-white body began to gradually melt into the void and disappear, as if it had never existed.

After a while, these three Wu clansmen appeared in front of them. The middle one was two meters tall, wearing an unknown animal skin and full of beards, and the other two clansmen were slightly shorter.

The Wu Clan in the middle is extraordinarily large and should be Wu Meng.

"Huh? Which tribe are you from? Why did you come to Yuzhu Mountain? Why are you dressed so strangely?"

One of the clansmen spoke, his voice hoarse and deep.

He even mistook me for a sorcerer, no wonder, the scarab that the black seedlings had raised for thousands of years was devoured by the real devil's bone, now that the real devil's bone is in my body, it will inevitably be contaminated with this breath .

I settled down and didn't open my mouth. I kept staring at Wu Meng in the middle. After he saw me, he kept looking at me. He waved his hand and said, "Wu Lian, he is not a member of our tribe. He should It’s the same as Houtu, coming from another world.”

"What? Someone from the outside world?! Could it be that he helped the Houtu ancestor witch to seize the five-color mud?!"

The clansman who spoke earlier was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately became vigilant.

"Helping Houtu to capture the five-color mud? Are you ashamed to say this? She originally bought the five-color mud with Xitu and Nuwa back then, and brought it back by herself, but you said it was taken? I think she is practicing here, and she must have been there before. You have refused to go to Wushen Mountain, so she will practice here."

I sneered and looked at the three Wu tribe members. Although many years have passed, it is impossible for the Wu tribe people not to know the origin of the five-color mud.

"Yes, she came to Wushen Mountain before and wanted to take away the five-color mud, but she was injured by ten of our great witches. She is a reincarnated body. When she came, she was only as powerful as the weakest among us. , the last time I came to Yuzhu Mountain, her strength surpassed mine. This time, we will not let her go. If the ancestor witches come here in person, we will not allow them to leave too much!"

Wu Meng squeezed his fist and spoke in a loud voice.

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