Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 443 [Wumeng]

"She went to retrieve her own things and was injured by your cooperation?! It seems that today I really can't let you go back and hurt her. I will make you Wuzu pay the price!"

Taking a deep breath, the anger in my heart could no longer be restrained. These witches were too courageous, even daring to attack their own ancestors!

"I knew she couldn't come alone, but the rest of the elders still didn't believe it. She is now a reincarnated body and lost the physical body that our witch clan relies on most. How could she dare to come alone to snatch the five-color mud? Since you are an accomplice, Let's stay here today, although you also have the aura of the Wu clan, but how can you really fight with our Wu clan? Wu Lian, go and capture him, maybe you can lead the Houtu."

Wu Meng was very confident, he didn't take me seriously at all, and ordered his clansmen to arrest me.

"Well, that's good, I'll take the shot."

Wu Lian laughed loudly, raised his foot and stepped forward, his huge body turned into an afterimage, raised his arm, and a big fist hit my face. The gang wind was coming towards me, I turned slightly to one side, and dodged the punch.Wu Lian chuckled, turned his fist into a palm, and slapped my chest.

His fingers were thick and long, with a trace of gray mist floating on them. Although the fingertips were not sharp, they were thick, like iron sheets.

After I slid away, I directly blasted out with a Tongmo Fist. Compared with the original Tongmo Fist, the current Tongmo Fist is much stronger. Furthermore, the bone of the real demon has turned into a demon appearance, and the strength of the demon energy is nothing compared to The real devil is equal, the opponent is not even a great witch, even if he relies on brute force, he should not be able to pass the magic fist.

Sure enough, when the fist hit, Wu Lian retreated a few feet, retracted his arms, and said with horror on his face: "Demon energy?! This kid is a devil!"

"In this case, Huo Fang, you too."

Wu Meng snorted coldly, and stood there all the time, motionless.

The body of this man named Huo Fang swayed, crackling sounded in his bones, his body was raised a lot again, traces of red witch patterns appeared on his arms, at the same time, Wu Meng also began to change, his body was covered with The gray witch pattern has also become extremely powerful, and when he runs, footprints of different sizes are stepped on the ground.

Relying on the strength of my physical body, I fought with these two Wu clansmen and managed to draw evenly, but the surrounding ground was smashed into big holes, mud, rocks, ice and snow splashed.

Wu Meng's face became more and more solemn, and from the beginning to the beginning of the fight, I didn't use the Demon Subduing Sword, relying on my own magic power to fight evenly with the two Wu clansmen.

"Tu Liu, you can come out now, I'm not in the mood to play with them here!"

After roaring somewhere in the snow, I shot back the two tribesmen and went straight to Wumeng.

Wu Meng took out a black lacquered bag from his waist, the bag looked about a foot long and bulging, and then he untied the bag expressionlessly, a black wind rolled out inside, and turned to It was the sound of humming.

Strange insects the size of a fist flapped their wings and flew from inside. These strange insects were similar to the holy insects of Heimiao, but they were much weaker. Hundreds of these strange insects flew out, and then Wumeng issued a A shrill cry echoed the cry of strange insects in the air.

The wings of these strange insects are trembling, and they have four legs. The front feet are a pair of large pincers, which are extremely sharp, and the pincers are constantly clamping together.

If you let these strange insects get close, no matter how thick your skin is, you can't stand it.

"Hey, these iron beetle pliers are extremely powerful. Even if a normal Wu tribe is approached by an iron beetle, their whole body will be cut off!"

The corners of Wu Meng's mouth curled up slightly, very pleased with himself.

"I don't know how your iron beetle's defense is!"

Of course, I wouldn't be foolish enough to let these beetles get close. I glanced at the densely packed iron beetles in front of me, opened my mouth and sprayed, and the purple-gold magic fire spewed out from my mouth.

Seeing these flames, Wu Meng was taken aback. This flame is by no means comparable to ordinary magic fire. It is the fire of real magic mixed with my natal flame. As soon as it spewed out, the surrounding snow melted again, and the original coldness disappeared. It swept away and became extremely hot.

But Tuli, it has successfully pinned down the other two Wu people, and the battle circle is far away from us.

Seeing the flame approaching, these iron beetles suddenly retracted their wings and fell to the ground, but the flame missed, Wu Meng smiled coldly, and neighed again.

These iron beetles disappeared into the soft soil one after another. The next moment I felt that the soil under my feet became abnormally soft. I immediately tapped my toes and flew into the air. At this moment, an iron beetle crawled out. The wings trembled and flew to my calf.

The next second, my calf hurt, and the iron beetle clamped my calf tightly with its jaws, and pulled it hard, tearing out my flesh.

Blood splattered everywhere, and under the severe pain, I stretched out my hand and grabbed the bug without hesitation. I squeezed it hard with my five fingers, and a raging purple-gold magic fire burned in my palm. Within a few breaths, the iron beetle was pinched by me into pieces.

There were iron beetles fluttering towards me in the soil below, and I immediately used the technique of soaring the clouds to fly away into the air, but these iron beetles were very good at flying and fleeing, so they chased me relentlessly.

After reaching mid-air, I stopped flying and looked coldly at the iron beetles below. From Wu Meng's expression and my experiment just now, it can be seen that although these iron beetles are very powerful, they always I'm afraid, now that I'm flying in mid-air, if I use the magic fire again, it's impossible for them to escape!

As if aware of my intentions, Wu Meng's expression darkened, and his chirping became a little louder. After hearing this, the iron beetles stopped chasing me, and instead flew downward in a swarm.

I have already prepared, how can I let these guys escape?Immediately stretched out his hand and slapped down fiercely. This palm contained magic fire. A huge hand several feet in size slapped down fiercely from the sky. The palm was completely transformed from flames, and the speed was much faster. , I slapped these iron beetles directly with my palm, and then imprinted on the ground, the ground was directly smashed into the ground by my palm for several feet, and these iron beetles were burned to ashes long ago.

Wu Meng glanced at the five-finger crater in front of him, and frowned deeply, feeling quite distressed.

Soon, Wu Meng gritted his teeth, took out something similar to a bull's horn, and started playing.

After a while, there was a roar from the foot of Yuzhu Mountain, and the whole Yuzhu Mountain seemed to start to tremble. I set up a white cloud and looked down. Looking from the top down, although they are small, there is a large group, and the number is extremely large, tens of thousands.

All these strange beasts rushed up from the bottom of the mountain, and Yuzhu Mountain began to tremble violently.

"Haha, maybe you don't know yet. In our Wushen Mountain, there are tens of thousands of strange beasts that we can drive. You will die today. These strange beasts only obey the orders of our ten great witches. You today Just wait to be trampled into meat paste!"

There should be several thousand of these strange beasts he recruited, and they are still very large, almost reaching the halfway up the mountain.

At this time, Tulu had escaped from the other two tribesmen, came to me, and said, "It's bad, these iron-horned cows have rough skin and thick flesh, and they are impenetrable by water and fire. Now thousands of them come up, and we will suffer."

"Then what's your plan?"

I looked down at Tuliu and said.

"No, the ancestral witch of Houtu is practicing on it. At this time, these strange beasts cannot be allowed to rush to the top of the mountain no matter what. Although the magic circle laid down by the ancestral witch of Houtu is wonderful, but with so many iron horned oxen all rushing up, it is estimated that also destroyed."

Tuli raised his head and glanced down the mountain. These iron-horned oxen were about to reach halfway up the mountain, and I could already see the appearance of these oxen clearly.

The iron horn ox is a relatively common herd animal in the mountains and seas. It is twice the size of an ordinary buffalo. It has no hair on its body, but layers of black iron armor. The tail of the ox is very long and coiled. They all have only one sharp horns.

The iron-horned ox wrapped in iron armor is solid, no wonder it is said to be invulnerable to water and fire.

I fell down and looked at Wu Meng coldly, Wu Lian and Huo Fang also returned to his side, grinning and full of complacency.

What will come will always come, relying on my own strength to resist these thousands of iron horned bulls, then I have to use even more powerful means.

"These iron-horned oxen are about to come up. This time, so many iron-horned oxen are recruited. In addition to dealing with you, they also have to deal with Houtu."

Wu Meng glanced at the top of Yuzhu Mountain, and a loud voice came out.

"Kill you, and see if these strange beasts can disperse!"

I raised the Subduing Demon Sword and slashed down fiercely, a golden thread disappeared into the void, while I swooped down and slapped down fiercely with the other palm.

"As a great witch, am I afraid that you will fail?"

Wu Meng snorted coldly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes turned into light blue in an instant, and his body stepped back at an incredible angle. A gully more than ten feet deep was drawn on the ground.

As soon as he dodged the golden thread, the palm transformed by the magic flame pressed down on the void, Wu Meng grinned, bent his knees slightly, jumped up suddenly, and slammed his fist hard on the palm of his hand, breaking the magic fire The giant hand came straight to me.

I raised my sword to kill him. His speed was so fast that it was unbelievable. If the demon hadn't condensed before, and the ring of faith hadn't reached the eighth path, I probably wouldn't be able to detect his movement. After fighting him for a few moves, The blood in his chest was rolling, and this guy's fleshy palms were able to withstand the might of the Demon-Destroying Sword.

However, as the moves became more and more frequent, I had already begun to figure out his path. Just as I was about to kill the killer, the mountain shook for a while, and the iron horned cattle that had reached the halfway up the mountain suddenly let out a frightened neighing sound.

The entire Yuzhu Mountain is actually covered with cracks of different sizes, these cracks are getting bigger and bigger, the ice and snow are shaking, and huge boulders are mixed with ice and snow rolling down. panic.

The boulder rolled down from the top of the mountain, getting bigger and bigger, and its power is not easy to underestimate.

The iron-horned ox backed away in horror and wanted to evacuate. So many iron-horned oxen began to stampede. Before they could attack me, several iron-horned oxen were trampled to death by their companions. I was feeling confused. The voice of Tuli sounded next to me:

"Too bad, the ice crystals supporting Yuzhu Mountain have been exhausted, so Yuzhu Mountain is about to collapse, Mr. Zhong Yuan, what should we do now?"

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