Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 451 [Blood Sea Mutation]

"Old He, why did you come back suddenly? Aren't you in charge of lurking in the secluded forest to hunt down those passers-by? How dare you disobey Styx's order?"

A slender figure walked down the stairs, her face still covered with a veil, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at the white-haired old man, and said in a grim tone.

He Lao originally had a gloomy expression on his face, but after seeing Xian Xian, he immediately smiled. Hearing what she said, he immediately snorted and said: "You think I want to go back? I have no choice but to, that kid Zhong Yuan is no longer strong enough. Weaker than our true demons, and has a very powerful helper, if I guessed correctly, it should be the reincarnation of Houtu, and they joined forces again, so I rushed back."

"What?! He teamed up with the reincarnation of Houtu?! These are big troubles. Thanks to you coming back in time, they didn't find out."

A gleam of fear flashed in Xianxian's beautiful eyes, and he stepped forward a little, and in an instant he reached Elder He's side.

He Lao shook his head, pondered for a while, and said:

"No, with my current strength, if I want to escape, where can they track them? Damn, there is a powerful ghost king in the forest, whose strength is not inferior to mine, and he didn't even take action when I sniped and killed those bad guys before." Who would have thought that he would be a hindrance this time? The magic guards under me are probably damaged, and there is another errant who is reincarnated with Huang Tian, ​​who should be the errant who was besieged by a few demon envoys under me. Now they are gone. We went to Fengdu ghost town, we can't stay here, we have to change the place, this ghost will definitely send Zhong Kui and the others to hunt us down when we go back."

Hearing the words, the fairy raised her eyebrows slightly, calmed down, and said, "Don't worry, they won't find us in a short time, Mr. He, you have to be clear about our mission, we are just slowly eliminating these evils, now There are not many demons we have brought out, so we must be more careful. Now the Jiusha is sorting out the Maha World, and the ancestor Minghe is still practicing in seclusion. When the Jiusha comes to help us, we have to take care of ourselves. Having said that, I'll go clean up first, and then I'll see where I can hide."

"I've already figured out where to hide. It's in the depths of the secluded forest. If that ghost officer dares to attack me, I'll make him disappear. You can do it with me."

He Lao's sinister face suddenly smiled, a bit strange, and his hand like a dead tree reached for the fairy's chest.

Immortal stared at He Lao with disgust, and then went upstairs. A quarter of an hour later, two true demons came out of it, and the western-style building was suddenly enveloped in a layer of flames. trace.


"Okay, we've arrived at Fengdu ghost town, we're going to Nether Blood Sea now, I hope you will do a good job of defense, as you have seen, there are already real demons entering the underworld, so when you patrol, be extra careful, the focus is to search and see Near the Xiangtai, but this real demon escaped, so we should have taken precautions."

Falling from the sky, we have reached the entrance of Fengdu Ghost City and saw two Yaksha statues.

You Yue nodded, and said: "Well, you should be careful too."

Then I turned around and left, and quickly disappeared into the ghost city of Fengdu. After discussing with Houtu, I set up a white cloud and rushed over to the Nether Blood Sea.

The Nether Blood Sea was the same as before, and the scarlet land looked extremely gloomy, unable to feel a trace of heat.

After we entered this area, we flew directly to the Ksitigarbha Temple. This place is very desolate, at least there are no evil spirits, but the area is also very wide.

After arriving near the Nether Blood Sea, Yin Si's voice suddenly came from the Vulcan ring space. I stretched out my hand, and a crimson vortex emerged.

This guy, after entering the mountain and sea world, has been staying in the Vulcan ring space, but he can stay for such a long time. Doesn't he need to breathe? There is no air in the Vulcan ring space.

After Yin Si came out, he grinned and stared at the sea of ​​blood in the distance, his face suddenly changed, and the next moment his body rolled in the void, and in mid-air, he turned into a beast of listening to God, with four hooves generating wind, he rushed towards the sea of ​​blood.

"This guy."

I shook my head with a smile, shook the Fa Jue again, and went straight to the Ksitigarbha Temple.

The Ksitigarbha Temple is close to the sea of ​​blood, and it is almost built around the sea of ​​blood, and it is only a hundred meters away from the sea of ​​blood.

Just when we were about to arrive, roars came from a distance, and a wave of blood more than a hundred feet high suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​blood, rolling towards the Ksitigarbha Temple.

In addition, in the huge Nether Blood Sea, blood waves more than a hundred feet high shot out one after another, densely packed, it is amazing.

"No, these monsters suppressed in the sea of ​​blood are about to break through the seal!"

Seeing this scene, I felt a chill in my heart. These monsters were all under Styx in the past, and now they broke through the seal one after another. Are they demonstrating against us!

At this moment, the golden light in the Ksitigarbha Temple, the void was dyed with a layer of light gold, and a giant Buddha several tens of feet high emerged from the void, and the huge palm slapped forward, attacking The Scarlet Spray was sent directly back to the Blood Sea.

Next, stars swirled in the sky, and electric arcs swam, and another dharma figure emerged beside the Buddha, which was Bai Wuchang's star dharma figure. Surrounded by stars and electric arcs, this star dharma figure looked extremely mysterious.

Just when I was dumbfounded, there was a burst of strange fragrance in the air, a very familiar smell.

I looked to the other side, and three lotus flowers suddenly appeared in the void far away. These three green lotuses instantly turned into three handsome men in blue Taoist robes, with exactly the same appearance.

Li Mubai!All in one go!

This is clearly Qinglian Dharma Aspect, the aura on her body is much stronger than Li Nianbai's, it is not at the same level at all, Li Nianbai's Dharma Aspect is simply a copycat compared to it!

The dharma image in the middle raised his head and smiled at me, and turned into three blue lights and went into the sea of ​​blood.

They all went to the sea of ​​blood to suppress these monsters. Suddenly, I felt a rush of blood in my heart. I lowered a white cloud in front of the Ksitigarbha Temple and pushed the door away.

Fighting, they're all starting to fight.

There are two handsome figures sitting cross-legged in the hall of the temple. Bai Wuchang is wearing casual clothes, with his hands clasped together, motionless, and Qing Ming next to him is the same. body, I will go out and help!"

Houtu nodded and said, "Well, don't worry, with me here, even if a real demon comes over, he won't be able to get close."

Because this Ksitigarbha temple has a strong Buddhist power, I had to leave the temple. After reaching a certain distance, I summoned the demonic possession, and the strength of the demonic possession was greatly enhanced. Fly away to the sea of ​​blood.

At this time, many monsters have broken the seal and fought with several great methods. Besides, there are also Yin Si's mother and son. As soon as the mouth was bitten, many demons were bitten in half, which looked extremely bloody.

The sea of ​​blood boiled completely, and as soon as I reached the sky, a bloody monster attacked me, and countless dense blood swords shot upwards from the sea of ​​blood.

I didn't pay much attention to the sharp swords transformed by the blood. My body was filled with demon energy, and I stretched out my hand to slap down, and the sharp blades collapsed one after another.

I took a deep breath, stretched out my palm, and the golden Dao pattern began to condense.

"The universe in the palm of your hand, the evolution of the dao pattern, the refining of the talisman, the condensation, the edict!"

The dao pattern in the palm floated up, and he slapped down with his backhand. The magic talisman fell on the bloody devil's head. The bloody light on his body dissipated instantly, and the talisman exploded on his body, turning into a golden light Wrapped, blood scattered, and a low and hoarse roar came from inside, excruciatingly painful.

This refining talisman can refine these monsters and turn them into the purest power in the world, but it can't be done in a short time, at least it took a lot of time to refine Li Nianbai's resentment on swallowing the demon pill Kung fu, it is estimated that it will take longer to refine the monster. The reason why I do this is to make the monster have no power to fight back. In addition to trapping the enemy, it can also refine the enemy. Kill two birds with one stone, He Le Instead of?

Although Bai Wuchang's star dharma looks mysterious, when he strikes, he is unambiguous. He raises his palm, and his whole arm is surrounded by thick starlight and electric arcs, and he slashes down fiercely. It slashed down with a bang, the momentum was astonishing, a monster below had no time to hide, most of its body was cut in half by the star arc, and even the blood sea below was cut into a deep ditch of more than a hundred feet, but in a blink of an eye it was smashed by the blood drown up.

Originally, this monster could recover its shape with the help of the blood sea, but the mysterious light of these stars, coupled with the arc from the sun to the sun, made it very difficult to heal the severed body. , a thunder ball blasted out, and before the monster could scream, it was bombarded into pieces.

Originally, I thought that Li Mubai would use the supreme secret technique of Taiqing, but I never expected that the other party just used the sword light to fend off the enemy, and it was completely relying on the bloody atmosphere around. The three Taoists raised their hands respectively, many The bloody water was caught, and the bloody water began to split in mid-air, turning into blood beads the size of fists, and the three masters pinched together, these blood beads started to tremble by chance, and turned into a handle The slender long sword suddenly shot downwards.

These blood-colored long swords are very different from the blood blades that the monster attacked me before. These blood-colored long swords have been completely solidified, and the buzzing sound is loud, and the sword lights flicker, turning into streamers and falling down. Many monsters on the ground were pierced by these sword lights, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Ksitigarbha Faxiang had three parts of compassion and seven parts of indifference on his face. He kept going down with one hand, and golden seals with swastikas floated out, and then fell into the sea of ​​blood. Imprinting a monster, the monster sank into the sea without a sound, and could no longer turn over the waves. It is not known whether it was suppressed or wiped out by the golden seal.

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