Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 452 [Prepare to return to Yang]

The monster in the sea of ​​blood has a very strange behavior, even if it breaks through the seal, it will not escape, which is weird.

Although their abilities have greatly increased in the sea of ​​blood, staying here will not end well. After all, our strength is now able to completely crush them. If they are sealed, how much strength is left?

Those who can think normally, I think the first choice will leave here.

After condensing dozens of refining talismans, the power of hunting ghosts has been consumed a lot, but absorbing the vitality of the world now is not the same as before. Although there is very little power of the world in this sea of ​​blood, there is still a trace of.

Looking at the surrounding battle situation, most of the demons who broke the seal were wiped out, but there are still a small number of them rushing to the temple of Jizang.

When the dharma image leaves the body, it is generally separated from one's own body, so that it can benefit the development of the dharma image's ability. Because the dharma image absorbs the power of heaven and earth, the body cannot bear it, so the two will be separated.

What I cultivate is the demon form, which is not much different from the dharma form in essence, but there are still some subtle differences. Moreover, I have successfully cultivated the five-element holy body, so naturally I will not be afraid of the power of heaven and earth.

The Ksitigarbha Temple was originally blessed by the Buddha's light, and the attack was not strong. As long as these monsters did not take the initiative to attack, the Buddha's light would not hurt them at all.

But these monsters are all vicious and vicious, as if they were driven by something, even if these Buddha lights attacked them, they still relentlessly attacked the dizang temple, and even let them approach within a hundred meters, there are more than ten of these monsters, The whole body is bloody.

I was hesitating whether to rush over, but the next moment, the gate of the temple was pushed open, Houtu walked out from the gate, and stood outside the gate, a demon who wanted to approach saw Houtu appearing, but hadn't reacted yet , Houtu's palm was pressed on his chest, the bloody light on the monster's body began to dissipate, the palm was printed on the chest, a thick layer of ice began to condense on the pressed place, and soon It soon turned into an ice sculpture, and the palm of the hand was exerted again, and the ice sculpture transformed by the monster immediately shattered into countless pieces.

Seeing this scene, I was relieved, they should be very safe with Houtu guarding them.

At this moment, the dozen or so monsters below me who had cast the refining talisman before began to change, and clusters of blood-colored light flew out of the sea of ​​blood. The power of Jingyuan greatly increased my demon energy.

The suffocation inside has been washed away, leaving only pure essence, which can increase one's own strength.

This kind of method is very extreme, and it seems to be very consistent with the method of the magic way. I don't have too many worries. Right now, it is time to increase my ability.

A certain Dharma Aspect of Qinglian came straight to me, came to my side, and said: "Although these monsters have been refined into energy by you, they are after all monsters of the sea of ​​blood, so it is better to eat less."

Feeling the essence swallowed by me, although it greatly increased my demon energy, but there was always an indescribable boredom and violence in my heart, which seemed to affect even my temperament. If Li Mubai hadn't reminded me, I'm afraid I would continue .

Slightly shocked in my heart, I immediately stopped devouring.

"Senior Li, what happened to this sea of ​​blood? Why did these monsters break through the seal all of a sudden?"

Asked, this is really weird.

"I don't know, I was practicing in the sect before, because one day, I was restless, so I used the Qinglian method to go to the primitive world, and then I came down to the underworld and rushed over. Speaking of which, you are still ahead of me. Come on, by the way, why isn't Nian Bai with you?"

Faxiang Qinglian smiled slightly and said.

"He has returned to the Huangtian Pavilion in Jiuhuang City. I have already obtained the five-color mud, and I may need to use the soul-calling lamp."

In order for the soul to completely merge with the new body, it is necessary to use the soul-calling lamp to heal it.

"Well, I have almost prepared the rest of the materials. The rest should be available in the hands of Senior Wuchang. Let's do it after solving the problem of the sea of ​​blood."

Qinglian Faxiang's sleeve robe shook, and her body disappeared again. When she reappeared, she was already more than a hundred feet away, and while the sleeve robe was rolling, she once again used the water of the blood sea to turn into blood swords and shot at these monsters.

Only later did I know that this Nether Blood Sea suppressed him in the same way. In order to reduce the power he consumed, he would use the power of the Blood Sea to counter these monsters.

It took us two full days to kill or refine all the troublesome monsters in Nether Blood Sea.

The lower part of the sea of ​​blood has calmed down. What's strange is that the color of the sea of ​​blood has also faded a lot, becoming clearer and not as sticky as before. In addition, the blood water below has become less.

At this time, the Dharma Aspects of the stars and the Dharma of Earth Store came back to the orifice one after another, and the three green lotus Dharma Aspects gathered in the middle and landed on the shore, even their body shape turned into a normal human body, and the whole body was agitated in Taoist robes, while I returned to a normal person beside me look, waiting for them to come out.

After a while, the door slowly opened, Bai Wuchang was holding a big apple in his hand, biting it, and walked out, but his face was not very good, as if he had consumed too much energy, Qingming was still the same as before, Their footsteps were steady, and during these few days of fighting, their Dharma images never returned to their physical bodies, which shows that Qing Ming's Taoism is stronger than Bai Wuchang.

"Thank you two, if you didn't take action, we probably don't know when we will be able to wipe out these things, these are good."

Bai Wuchang said with a smile while eating the apple.

"Whether this happened, is it related to the devil who sneaked into the underworld?"

I froze for a moment, and asked.

"A devil came in? Why didn't the underworld report to me? Logically, Zhong Kui should take this opportunity to come."

Qing Ming showed a hint of surprise, and his voice was a little bit colder.

"Qingming, what's going on, these monsters broke the seal, is it the devil's doing? Impossible, Di Ting patrols the blood sea day and night, plus us, they can't take advantage of it, and how can these devils let These monsters broke through the seal? This is not in line with common sense."

Bai Wuchang shook his head.

"Is this a coincidence?"

Li Mubai touched his chin, and said to himself.

"It shouldn't be a coincidence. This time I came to the underworld, I was ambushed in the secluded forest, and these demons killed many evil spirits. I fought with one of the real demons and let him escape."

I remembered what happened back then. I couldn't even see the face of the real demon so I let him run away. When I started fighting, I really didn't know who would win and who would lose.

"It seems that Styx has broken the seal. We must be ready to fight. The demons of the Great World of Maha cannot easily reach the original world anyway. They can only rely on the power of Styx."

Qingming's face was gloomy, she stared at the sea of ​​blood that had calmed down a lot, and spoke quietly.

"Senior White, I have already obtained the five-color clay, and I hope you can give me the remaining materials."

From the Vulcan ring, I took out a jade box, which was still imprinted with ancient witch patterns, but the jade box seemed extremely heavy, with my current strength, I needed both hands to hold it. I reached out to touch the jade box, and the witch pattern on it suddenly lit up.

"No! It has the prohibitive power of the witch clan that I placed on it!"

Seeing this scene, Houtu's face changed slightly, and he immediately reached out and grabbed the jade box, snatching it from my hand, and my whole arm became numb, even my fingertips were burned, I shook my hand, The numbness slowly disappeared.

She held up the jade box with one hand, murmured something, and lightly brushed the jade hand over the box, the witch patterns on it disappeared, then gently opened the box, and a faint light of five colors radiated from it.

"It really is five-color clay. It's been a long time since I saw it, but this amount is a bit small, and it should only be able to create the physical bodies of two people."

Bai Wuchang glanced at the five-color mud and said with a smile.

I nodded, and the Vulcan ring in my hand showed a red vortex, several rays of light flew out from it, and fell beside me, Zhu Rong, Xiao Guitou, and Hei Shan.

The first two looked calm, the same as before, but when Heishan saw the five-color mud, his face was slightly expectant, but when he saw me staring at him coldly, he immediately lowered his head.

"Three? This seems a bit troublesome."

Li Mubai was slightly taken aback.

"Zhong Yuan, you promised me back then that you would make me return to Yang successfully, and that's what Hou Tu girl said."

After Zhu Rong came out, he held the real blue cauldron with one hand, stroked his snow-white beard with the other hand, and said.

Hou Tu smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to grab it, and half of the soil was grabbed out, and he swung it in the direction of Zhu Rong, and the five-colored light flickered, saying: "Visualize the physical form by yourself."

After finishing speaking, he stared at me again and said, "Zhong Yuan, with the rest of the weight, you can fabricate a normal person, but it's not impossible to fabricate two people. Half of your brother's current state is enough. As for The same is true for Montenegro."

Hearing this sentence, after Heishan's eyes burned with fierce hope again, he looked at the little devil pitifully. He knew very well that he had promised at the beginning that he was now in the body of a ghost, and he could also practice magic skills, but after all Can't be real.

The little ghost glanced at Heishan, and said: "My current state, after returning to Yang, will still maintain this state, but you want to use the current weight to fabricate a body that is the same as mine, have you thought about it? What if If we succeed in restoring our yang, we will continue to grow with our current bodies.”

Heishan nodded ecstatically, and said: "Of course I am willing. If you agree to give me half of the five-color mud, I, Heishan, will be your follower from now on for your use."

The little ghost smiled slightly, then nodded to Houtu, Houtu stretched out his hand to grab the jade box, the five-color mud in his palm gleamed with dazzling light, and suddenly fell in two in front of them.

Zhu Rong couldn't wait to start visualizing his own physical form, pursuing perfection with power, and he modified it many times.

And the little ghost head and Black Mountain also started. At this time, Bai Wuchang and Li Mubai got rid of their own things, and I took out the glass water. Next, as long as there is a soul-evocation lamp, the three of them can successfully return to the sun.

Li Mubai is the soul-calling lamp that he carries with him. This soul-calling lamp can already transform into a human form, and he is still the slightly evil monk in white clothes. He picked up the material, threw it with both hands, and spit out a golden flame from his mouth, and began to calcine these materials. , to fuse them.

But looking at the situation, it is impossible to complete it in a short time.

Li Mubai looked away, walked to my side, smiled slightly, and said, "Tell me about Nian Bai, I haven't seen him for a long time."

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