Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 454 [Retreat]

"Houer, an old acquaintance of mine was killed. He is at the level of the ghost king. He can pose a threat to him. He should be a person of the same level or stronger. I have ruled out the characters in Fengdu ghost town. It is estimated that it is very likely that the real devil shot him. Now, you guard the two of them, and I will help him."

After stopping, I opened my mouth and said to Houtu.

"I don't need your protection. If you're afraid that something will happen to us, I can create a Sumeru Dimension, or let Houtu be with you. If the other party is a real demon, there must be more than one."

The little ghost thought for a while, and then spoke calmly. At the same time, he pinched his hands with his fingertips and pointed his fingertips at the top of his head. A silver light suddenly appeared, and in an instant, a silver light curtain swayed down, covering the entire body. After living with him and Montenegro, I can no longer feel any breath from him.

"Let's go, Xumi Dimension is equivalent to another parallel world, and he can see us, but we can't attack or find them."

Hou Tu patted my shoulder, took the initiative to hold my hand, and galloped forward.

The long hair flutters and the fragrance hits people.


With a loud noise, a figure retreated back, and then a white sword light slashed towards the figure with great power.

With a flick of my wrist, the Fumo Sword in my hand swung out, and the red-golden sword glow slashed out, hitting the white sword light fiercely. The two collided and exploded immediately, and the violent energy made the surrounding area ten feet All the ghost trees were destroyed, and even many potholes were blown out on the ground.

Only then did the black figure take a breath, and came slightly towards my direction, and a pleasantly surprised voice sounded: "Emperor Heaven!"

I took a look, and it really was Fan Yi, the ghost king, but he looked a bit embarrassed now, with a disheveled bun and several missing places in his Taoist robe.

A few tens of feet away, two figures stopped, one in a fluttering white dress, with a veil on his face, holding two white bone swords, the sword light was emitted by this woman, and the other one had white hair The old man, this old man has a sullen face, holding a cane in his hand, and his breath is somewhat familiar.

"What's going on? The breath of these two people is so strong, are they both real demons?"

I trembled slightly in my heart, and said.

Fan Yi nodded, and said angrily: "These two guys are indeed real demons. Although their strength has been suppressed, they still deceived many of my eyes and ears in the secluded forest, and even killed the white-haired ghost monkey. There are also those ghost trees with spiritual wisdom, and launched a sneak attack on me, if I hadn't escaped by relying on immortal skills to meet you, I'm afraid I would have fallen here."

"Xianxian, no, it's the reincarnation of Huangtian. Did you see that? Next to him is the reincarnation of Houtu. Now that the three of them are here at the same time, our chances of winning are very small. Let's go first."

He Lao shook the crutch in his hand, and spoke to Xianxian.

Xianxian nodded, raised his hands slightly, and hundreds of sword lights slashed towards where we were, and the sword lights rolled all over the sky, as if turning into daylight. The Great True Demon has disappeared.

The decision-making ability of these true demons really cannot be underestimated. We didn't give us any time to think, so we made a decision.

"Fan Yi, You Lin, you can't stay any longer, and we're leaving the underworld again. Do you plan to go with us, or stay in the underworld? Now I'll give you two ways out of the underworld. One is the ghost town of Fengdu, You and Yan Jun have known each other, and if you go, you can help them fight against the devil, and second, go to the Nether Blood Sea, and help the two seniors Bai Wuchang and Qing Ming to resist together."

There was no trace of the devil, so I turned around and spoke to Fan Yi next to me.

With the current situation, You Lin can't stay any longer, it's too dangerous.

Fan Yi frowned slightly, pursed his lips and said, "I'd better go to Fengdu Ghost City to help them, with my current ability, it's more than enough to deal with one true devil, and I conclude that there are only two true devils in this underworld for the time being. "

"Well, that's good, I'll take you back to Fengdu Ghost City first."

I nodded, and at this time, Xiaoguitou and Heishan also came out from the Sumeru Dimension, I activated Fajue, and with a large group of people, I headed straight for Fengdu Ghost City.

This time, he flew away with all his strength, and soon arrived near the ghost town of Fengdu.

However, before we got close, there was a gloomy wind blowing down below, and a cloaked servant stood in front of us, and one of the thin-faced servants said with a vigilant face: "Who dares to trespass into the underworld, and is still wandering in Fengdu ghost town?" ! Ignore the laws of the underworld?!"

I was about to speak, when suddenly a familiar voice sounded from the opponent's camp: "Zhong Yuan! Is it you!"

A lively girl with short hair stood up and looked at me with a smile.

I was slightly taken aback, and said, "Qing Luo, why is it you? You've upgraded again?"

This group is fifth-rank ghost messengers. At first, Qing Luo seemed to be seventh-rank ghost messengers, but now it turned out to be fifth-rank ghost messengers.

"Haha, of course, I'm so smart, by the way, I've already expected you to come this time, You Yue told me, go, enter the ghost town."

Qingluo ran towards me with great enthusiasm.

"There's no need for that. I'll send you a powerful battle force. This is the ghost king Fan Yi in the depths of the forest. You will take care of him in the future. Send him to the ghost city now. I want to go back to the human world, so there is no need So much delay here."

I smiled slightly, pointed to Fan Yi next to me, and said.

Qingluo stared at Fan Yi Ghost King dumbfounded, she didn't recover for a long time, she finally nodded and said, "Don't worry, how dare I disobey your orders? Lord Fan, let's go with the little girl."

After finishing speaking, he blinked at Fan Yi with a mischievous look on his face.

Fan Yi gave me a slight smile, and then followed Qingluo away. When these errands asked Qingluo a lot, the former errand turned pale, cupped his hands at me, and said apologetically, "So it's Mr. Zhong Yuan, I really don't know Taishan with my eyes, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, you continue to patrol, I'll go first."

With a pinch of Fajue in his hand, the white clouds rolled and carried us to the direction of Naihe Bridge again.

Finally, with the help of Granny Chuan, we were sent directly to a certain mountain outside Jiuhuang City, where we could see the general situation in Jiuhuang City.

Now Jiuhuang City is already brightly lit. Unexpectedly, in such a short period of time, Jiuhuang City has regained its vitality and changed from a ghost town to a normal city. However, this city is also extremely complicated. Apart from normal humans, there are also There are monsters, ghosts, ghost hunters and so on.

When we returned to Huangtian Pavilion, it was already early morning, Jiang He was the one who opened the door for us, most of the others were asleep, and Jiang He was studying medicine, he happily wanted to wake everyone up, but was caught Soil stopped.

"Let's talk about this matter tomorrow, Zhong Yuan is also tired."

Houtu said with a slight smile.

Jiang He nodded, and then continued: "By the way, there is one more thing. Xiaoqing has already gone to the Maha World, and there is one more troublesome thing."

Having said this, Jiang He stopped and stared at me with a complicated expression.

"Going to the Great World of Maha? What is this girl doing in the Great World of Maha?"

I was slightly taken aback, and asked aloud.

Jiang He glanced at my face, and continued to speak:

"She didn't say anything, but Yuan Qing told me that she is likely to go to the demon pool and become a real demon head. You also know that she has an innate demon body, and there are no real demons in the Maha world. There are not ten, and Xiaoqing once said that because of the special rules in this great world of Maha, there will only be ten true demons. She is very likely to become a real demon, so I guess she should be a demon Chi and Yuan Qing followed suit.

Another thing is that the elders from the headquarters of the Ghost Hunter Alliance will come here tomorrow. I heard that many demons are making trouble in the imperial capital, and the alliance headquarters has damaged several ghost hunters. They want to come over and negotiate with us. We want our Huangtian Pavilion to be integrated into the headquarters of the Ghost Hunters Alliance, and our Huangtian Pavilion should be a branch of the Ghost Hunters Alliance in Jiuhuang City. "

"Joke, are they impatient to live?"

I squeezed my fist and said viciously.

It's funny to think of this, and even send the elders of the headquarters to talk, what do you think we are?

Where did you go when you asked for help?If I hadn't been concerned about Dao Wu Tianxing, Grandma Lan's relationship with the Ghost Hunters Alliance, I would have turned my face a long time ago. Now that Huang Tian is strong, he wants to annex us, and there is no way.

Come on, come on, with our current strength, we may not be afraid of their ghost hunter alliance.

With my current strength, I am not able to match any elder in their ghost hunter alliance, unless the other party has a master in the realm of the earth fairy, but the realm of the earth fairy is the strongest in the human world, how can it be so easy to achieve ?

Moreover, we still have Houtu now, whose strength has completely surpassed that of the great witch. Besides, there is also Li Nianbai, a master of the Faxiang realm, and the brothers of the Ning family, all of whom are thousand-year-old demons, let alone those masters of the spiritual world. We have the support of the spirit world behind us, so we have to see how thick their skins are.

"No way, Zhong Li originally wanted to wait for you to come back before resolving this matter, but it can no longer be delayed, and this time they seem to know that you are not in the Huangtian Pavilion, so they chose this time, but the time is tomorrow In the afternoon, you can go to rest now, your room, Luo... No, Houtu's room has not been moved, but these two... Huh? Is this Haotian?"

When Jiang He saw the little ghost head and Heishan behind me, he was slightly happy and exclaimed.

"Yes, Zhongli, unexpectedly we have met a few times, and you will remember me. Now we have reshaped our bodies with five-color mud. Next to me is Black Mountain."

The little ghost grinned and said.

Jiang He took a careful look at Black Mountain, and then said to me: "Their room is not ready yet, so the two of them can only squeeze together with you temporarily, no problem."

I shook my head, indicating that there is no problem, and then I was about to enter the room, when a familiar voice sounded.

"Fan, rice, I want to eat...hehe, I want to eat..."

I was startled, stopped, and looked into the back living room, only to see a certain door opened, and Lianxiang with long and scattered hair rushed out, opened her hands, saw me, and suddenly grinned stupidly.

(Hehe, is this rhythm going to resume 2 chapters a day?)

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