Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 455 [The Alliance's Plan]

"Stop making trouble, go to sleep, good boy."

Ning Qingyuan's voice sounded a little tired, and then he walked out of the room, gently grabbed Lianxiang's hand, and brought her in without even looking at us, or not noticing us.

According to the previous situation, how could he not find us if he was so vigilant?

In a short period of time, he had become physically and mentally exhausted. Jiang He came to my side again, sighed, and said: "You have seen the situation, Lianxiang's brain has been damaged, and now he only has the IQ of a three-year-old. It was only with the cooperation of Linglong and Linglong that she was saved, but fortunately she started again, if someone taught her, it would not take long before she should still be able to get better."

"How is Liansheng?"

I took a deep breath and asked.

"Liansheng used to be a bit introverted, but now he is even more introverted, but we are all trying to enlighten him, don't worry, go and rest first."

Jiang He patted my shoulder and spoke calmly.

When I went back to my bed, my mind was full of the two brothers and sisters. In the final analysis, the root cause of this disaster originated from our village, and now it has spread to them. When the matter is over, I must go to the Hei Miao people , and to destroy those harmful Gu poison.

These days, I have been wandering outside, and I have not slept peacefully. Although I have a lot of troubles, I lie on the bed and fall asleep not long after.

When he got up early the next morning, Xiao Guitou and Heishan had already left, and the warm sunlight shone in.

The wooden door was ajar, and a pair of eyes kept looking in at the door, but they didn't dare to really come in.

"Hui Yang, you've been hiding outside for so long, and you still haven't come in?!"

After getting up from the bed, I stared at the door and opened my mouth.

"Haha, Brother Zhong Yuan, how do you know it's me? Brother Jiang He said you were tired and told me not to disturb you, but I want to see Brother Zhong Yuan. What fun did you bring me when you went to the world of mountains and seas? Brother Zhongli But I brought two strings of pearl necklaces to my two sisters, which are very beautiful."

Huiyang heard my voice and rushed in immediately, grabbing my clothes and not letting go.

I haven't seen him for a long time, but he has grown a lot taller, even a little taller than the little devil now.

Speaking of gifts, I really have nothing to prepare, but Dongzhu is from the world of mountains and seas, so I can entrust this task to her. I patted Huiyang on the shoulder and said, "All the gifts are with Brother Nianbai. Sister Dongzhu who came back together, you can ask her for it, are you all up?"

Huiyang nodded, and said: "Everyone got up and had breakfast, hurry up, everyone is waiting for you, I heard that there is something important today, but the brother still wants me to go to school, you are back , I can decide, I don’t want to go.”

"How can you not go to school? And today's big event, you children can't participate in it."

I patted his head and spoke earnestly.

"I don't listen, Brother Haotian, they are the same age as me, why don't they have to go to school."

Huiyang pursed her lips, looking sullen.

Hearing this, I laughed, the little ghost is bigger than me, although the physical body is only about six or seven years old, I said again: "They are different, the little ghost is bigger than Brother Zhong Yuan, Well, be obedient and go to school, Brother Zhong Yuan won't leave here for a short time."

After washing up, I ate breakfast. At this time, the hall was full of familiar people, even Chen Shaoyang and Mandrill appeared here, but Wu Tianxing's appearance here was somewhat unexpected to me.

"Zhong Yuan, you are finally back. I heard that your five-element holy body has condensed and formed, not bad!"

Chen Shaoya grinned and took off his sunglasses.

"Zhong Yuan, let me first talk about what happened during this period of time. The rest are still trivial, but a major event that should not be underestimated has really happened in the past few days. Let Wu Tianxing tell you what exactly happened. Tell me."

Zhong Li stretched out his hand to grab an apple, and pointed at Wu Tianxing.

Wu Tianxing lost a lot of weight compared to before, and his chubby cheeks became sharp and thin. At this moment, he looked a little more handsome than before. When he was mentioned, he looked a little embarrassed, and said: "Really I'm sorry, I encountered this situation as soon as we met, if it wasn't for Zhong Yuan's help and Wei Xiaoqing's help, how could I have escaped?"

"You'd better be honest, there is no need to say these clichés anymore, make tea with flowers."

I sat down and looked at Wu Tianxing quietly. After hearing the words, Kong Huahua who was standing next to me ran into the kitchen obediently.

Wu Tianxing nodded, cleared his throat, and said:

"This incident actually happened very early. It's just that I have been trying my best to conceal it and persuade it. It wasn't until a major change happened in the imperial capital recently that they sped up the progress, and my master and the others came here in person. I think you should be very happy." Get to know Elder Li Fei, that is, the master who is good at it, and their two masters and apprentices also died."

"A big change happened in the imperial capital. Did some devil enter the imperial capital and kill your elders? You are also dead?"

I was slightly taken aback, recalling the reckless elder back then, and the goodness who helped us.

Wu Tianxing took the tea made by Kong Huahua, took a sip, and said:

"Yes, besides them, several elders were killed, and even my master Yun Qingying and Master Jiang Luo were also injured. They are all strong people who are close to the seventh ring. The sneak attack seemed to have been scheduled long ago, and the headquarter's vitality was seriously injured. The leader had no choice but to recall the elders of all the alliance branches in the country. Few, but this time, the lord wants to combine your powers to expand the sphere of influence of the ghost hunter alliance and protect the dragon veins of the imperial capital."

"Emperor Capital Dragon Vein? Why did they attack Imperial Capital Dragon Vein? If this is the reason, then we really have nothing to refuse, but it is absolutely impossible to annex the Emperor Heaven Pavilion."

I snorted coldly and said angrily.

The dragon veins of the imperial capital are related to our country. If the dragon veins are destroyed, then the luck will drop, and the country will be deserted.

Wu Tianxing smiled wryly, and said: "I also know that it is not easy to build this Huangtian Pavilion, but this time the lord is here in person, I am only in charge of correspondence, and I cannot be the lord. This afternoon, I will trouble you to come to Jiuhuang City once. Let’s go to the ghost hunter branch, that’s all I have to say.”

The cousin frowned slightly when he heard the words, and said, "Who are the people who came to the headquarters this time? Such strength?"

"Apart from the presence of the lord in person, and the guardians of the left and right, the lord has never shown up in front of us. Not only have I arranged to return to the opponent's strength, but I don't even know whether the lord is a man or a woman. The one who can really see the lord There are very few places, because the leader seldom shows up, but I know a thing or two about the left and right protectors. These two characters are the left and right hands of the leader, the strong of the Seven Rings of Faith, but these only happened when I was very young As for the matter, I don’t know what the state is like now, but this time they arrived at the branch of the Ghost Hunter Alliance in Jiuhuang City, and as the person in charge, I can only see my master and Uncle Jiang Luo.”

Wu Tianxing didn't hide anything, he just spoke.

"Left and right protectors have already been strong in the ring of seven beliefs many years ago? Then how is the leader? Could it be a strong person in the ring of eight beliefs?"

Thinking of this, I was slightly startled, this alliance is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there are such masters, when I first saw the powerhouse of the Six Paths of Faith, I thought it was the leader of this alliance, but now that I think about it, I can’t believe it. Not really.

"I don't know. In short, you should be careful when you come to us this afternoon. As the saying goes, the person who comes is not good. Since you are the leader, then there must be something special about the leader. I have finished conveying what I want to convey. I I'm leaving."

After finishing speaking, Wu Tianxing put down the teacup in his hand and planned to leave here.

"Well, okay, I'll be on time for my appointment this afternoon."

I grinned, and I already had a plan in mind.

What about the strong?My Huangtian Pavilion has never lacked strong people. Thinking of this, my eyes fell on everyone.

Next to him, Jiu Sha laughed, and said: "Hey, the leader of the Ghost Hunter Alliance has come forward in person. I heard that many weird things in the country are handled by the alliance. This leader is no small matter. Although I am not as good as the main body, I can It won't be much weaker."

"Lord Jiu Sha has indeed improved a lot in his magic skills during this time."

Jin Mo smiled at the side and spoke.

"But the lord is also a leader among ghost hunters. Maybe he is the same as Zhong Yuan, a strong man with eight rings. Now we only have eight rings. Zhong Yuan, there are quite a few strong men with seven rings. , including me, Nianbai, Ning Qingyang, Ning Qingyuan, Huang'er and Yue'er, etc., but I have a very bad hunch, I guess the other party should not only be the strong of the eighth ring, but also the ninth ring. For those who are strong in the Earth Immortal Realm, you should all know that the Earth Immortal Realm is the peak powerhouse in the human world. If their strength grows, they will not be able to stay in the human world. .”

The cousin pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, with a trace of confusion in his eyes, he stared at Houtu and said with a smile.

I know very well that in places like the human world, the realm of the immortals is the strongest, which is equivalent to the true demons in the Maha world. Now the strength of the real demons in the underworld is greatly suppressed. Even so, when I met that The real demon didn't even see the other party's trace, so he let him escape. If he fought in the primitive world, it would probably be a tie, but if he attacked these demons in the great world of Maha, maybe he would have to use the power of the palm of his hand. Only then can the pattern win.

Houtu?Houtu stayed by my side for a while, and made several shots, but each time was extremely easy, and he didn't show his true strength.

Hearing what her cousin said, she just smiled.

"This time, I don't need to go to the Ghost Hunters Alliance branch. It's enough for me and my cousin to go."

I thought for a while, and said.

Hearing this, Li Nianbai quit immediately, and said loudly: "Why can't I? I am a strong man at the level of Dharma Aspect, and I can be considered a peak powerhouse in your human world. I am not afraid of any leader. As long as I dispatch Qinglian Dharma Aspect, Guaranteed that the lord can't eat it, so he walked around, right, Dongzhu."

Dongzhu next to him immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

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