Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 457 [Acceptance]

Except for us, the rest of the people all looked extremely shocked. After all, the matter of the dragon veins of the imperial capital is not small.

At this time, all the onlookers in the hall quieted down and listened quietly to Ruyi's account of this important event.

Ruyi cleared her throat, looked around with satisfaction, and continued: "The dragon vein of the imperial capital is the great dragon vein of Huaxia Kingdom, and it is also an important dragon vein of our world. I am now in the realm of the earth fairy. Is it that easy to be in the realm of the earth fairy? Let me tell you that I was able to advance successfully with the help of the power of the dragon veins. Now the power of the dragon veins has been spied on by those demons in the Maha World and killed many of our elders. Temporarily repelled by me, but it will definitely come back, so I want to tell everyone, as long as who is willing to guard the dragon veins, I will allow everyone to go here to practice."

After finishing speaking, he gave me a meaningful look, with a maturity that did not match his age.

If you can really rely on the power of the dragon veins, you can cultivate the realm of the Taoist Immortal, I think not only for me, but everyone is also eager for it. I heard that after reaching the realm of the Earth Immortal, you can enjoy the incense of the world, and your lifespan will increase greatly. The realm dreamed of by ghost hunters and monks.

As soon as her words fell, the ghost hunters around immediately made joyful voices, all of them were eager to try, the leader Ruyi glanced at them, and said with a smile: "But I have a request, the devil who came to attack the dragon's veins is not a weak person You don’t need to consider those below the Seven Rings of Faith, lest I have to collect the corpses for everyone at that time, Zhong Yuan, there are many strong people in your Huangtian Pavilion, and the overall strength has surpassed the alliance headquarters. If you agree to my conditions, I can let you seven-ring experts practice there, how about it?"

"My lord, our Mu family has three strong men with five rings of faith. We are good at the technique of combined attacks. Together, we are not afraid of the strong men with six rings of faith. Can we go?"

An old man with a goatee came out, arched his hands, and asked in a trembling voice.

Ruyi glanced at her eyes, closed her eyes, shook her head and said, "No, the elders in our headquarters are six-ring powerhouses, but they still fall, and I won't let you die in vain. After the order is restored, if you intend to enter the alliance headquarters, I can consider letting you practice."

"Later, what do you think?"

I turned around, stared at Houtu, and asked for her opinion.

Hou Tu rolled his eyes, thought for a while, and said: "This opportunity right now is a good opportunity to improve our strength. You are already a strong man in the ring of eight beliefs, and you are only one step away from the realm of the earth fairy, but Huangtian Pavilion cannot truly Integrating into the alliance headquarters, it's almost like being a guest."

"I also think what Ke Qing said is fine, but it can't go on forever. I think the ten-year agreement is not bad, and with the help of these ten years of effort, we can definitely gain a firm foothold on this land."

My cousin came close to my ear and said softly.

I nodded, raised my head and said to Ruyi leader: "Our Huangtian Pavilion can be the guest secretary of the alliance headquarters. In addition to enjoying all the preferential treatment conditions, of course, we will also rescue the alliance when it is in great danger, but We can only sign a ten-year contract, and within these ten years, as long as the headquarters encounters something that you cannot solve, we will take action, how about it?"

Ruyi narrowed her eyes slightly, and the cold light flickered in her eyes. After taking a deep breath, a smile appeared on her face again, and said: "You are playing wishful thinking. I heard that you also have the strength of the eight rings of faith. How about this, if you can take my three moves, I will promise you, how about it?"

"Three tricks?!"

There was a burst of sighing all around, and most of them stared at me watching the show.

Houtu put his hand on my shoulder worriedly, and said, "Zhong Yuan, the other party is a strong Earth Immortal, are you sure?"

I nodded and looked straight ahead. Since the other party intends to test me, I will also try how powerful the legendary Earth Immortal is.

The hall gave way to a passage, and I walked out. The leader Ruyi was running around, following her with a harmless face, and the two guardians on the left and right stood by her side.

"Leader, didn't you say that after reaching the realm of the Earth Immortal, there will be a watershed from before. To deal with a strong man with eight rings of faith, you still need to make three moves?"

The man with the scar on his face spoke in a very humble tone, and whispered with doubts on his face.

Ruyi shook her head and said: "Although you are in the same realm as him, the other party is not just a simple ghost hunter, he has also practiced magic skills, and my discerning eyes can see it."

"Magic skills? It seems that the rumors are true. Zhong Yuan's mother is the real devil of the Maha Great World. Isn't that the same as you..."

When the man with the scar said this, he looked at Ruyi in a daze, with an incredulous expression on his face.

"Shh, this matter must not be leaked, let's see how far Zi Luo's son has grown."

Ruyi grinned, walked to the Daping, waved her arm, a gust of wind blew past, and many ghost hunters stepped back again and again, giving way to a large area.

In our group, besides Hou Tu and I who stood firmly, Li Nianbai took two steps back, and my cousin retreated more than two meters before stopping with a red face. This casual hand exudes supreme power , my cousin is also a strong man of the Seven Rings, and he was forced two meters away by this casual wave. Although he was defenseless, it was too...

Li Nianbai looked at me with a pale face, and stared at the leader Ruyi again. The disrespect on his face disappeared completely, and the ghost hunters around him were even more unbearable. The ghost hunter stared at Leader Ruyi in astonishment.

"Okay, I'm going to get ready to do it. Are you two going to take my moves together?"

Leader Ruyi grinned and said, she didn't mean anything malicious, but it still seemed a little strange to say such words from such a small body.

"Hou'er, step back and trust me."

I turned around and spoke to Houtu, Houtu held my hand tightly, nodded, and then left my side, and the other two left and right protectors also left here at the same time.

"At our level, if we make a move, it will inevitably affect others. I will arrange a barrier first."

After Ruyi finished speaking, she swiped her tender fingers towards the void, and a crack appeared, and then she stretched out her small hand to grab it, and there was a stack of alternating red and yellow formation flags in her hand. With a wave of her small hand, these The array flags flew out, and then sank into the land around us. The next moment, these array flags shot out various colors of light, and merged into a large light curtain in the air, covering it like a big bowl.

"Okay, I'm going to make a move."

Ruyi smiled and looked at me, her white and tender little hand stuck out, and slapped down on the void.

Suddenly there was no sign, my body was unable to move, as if locked by an invisible energy, it was extremely difficult to move even a little, and the void in front of me suddenly fluctuated, a big glazed hand It pressed on my chest, so fast that I couldn't react. This is what the other party reminded me in advance.

Without thinking too much, I immediately opened my mouth and sprayed, a silver light suddenly appeared, the real clock of Heigang was suspended above my head, and the nine defenses were fully deployed.

"Tongmo Fist!"

I took a deep breath, the demonic energy in my dantian rolled, and thick layers of magical energy appeared on my arm, and I punched the giant glazed hand in front of me.


There was a loud noise, and I felt that my powerful punch seemed to hit the cotton, which completely dissipated my strength, and a counter-shock force made my arm bounce back, and the giant glazed hand pressed against the defensive light. On the screen, the black steel's real defense was like paper, annihilated layer by layer, and I was terrified to see it.

At the last two layers of defense, the palm turned into a light blue color, and the speed slowed down a lot. I could feel the powerful power of water in this palm.

I breathed a sigh of relief, earth-yellow spirit patterns appeared all over my body, and when I stepped on the ground, an endless stream of earth energy gathered on my body, and when the last line of defense was broken, I struck again with my palm. As soon as he came out, the earth element spirit pattern on his arm radiated so much light that it actually resisted the light blue palm for a while.

"Hee hee, explode!"

Ruyi let out a chuckle, and I instinctively felt a sense of extreme danger, so I immediately let go of my hands, pinched both hands, and shouted in a low voice: "Tuyuan Battle Armor!"

As soon as the battle armor was condensed, the big hand that had become a little muddy suddenly exploded, and the body seemed to be hit hard, and even the condensed earth element battle armor became dilapidated.

Although I resisted this trick, I also became very ugly.

The opponent seemed to strike casually, but actually broke the defense of Heigang Zhenzhong, and I successively used Tongmo Fist and Earth Element Battle Armor to weaken the opponent.

Seeing my embarrassed face, Ruyi smiled and said: "I'm going to prepare the second move now, are you going to take it, the second move is not as easy as the first move, my first move is just my random blow , only used my three layers of power, now in the second season, I will use five layers of power."

There was an uproar around, although the power was blocked by the enchantment, but my black gang real clock has five defenses, which is already a very great defensive magic weapon, which was easily broken by the opponent, and the earth element armor was almost destroyed, which is wishful It turned out that only three layers of power were used to force me into such a mess.

It seems that this Earth Immortal is vastly different from the previous realm, and this is definitely not a cross-talk.

"Okay, I'm ready for your second blow!"

In order to prepare for her second move, I took a deep breath, took out the Demon Subduing Sword, and at the same time started to cast the Five Elements Eucharist.

Demon Phase is going to take the opponent's third move, so I can't use it now, and Dao Run in the Palm is my secret box-pressing technique, I don't want to show my true ability in front of many ghost hunters, lest some people have bad intentions.

Since condensing the Five Elements Holy Body, I have never really used it. The power of the Five Elements is endless, which is a means to fight against the real devil.

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