Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 458 [Ice City Avengers]

There is still a faint smile on Ruyi's face. If it weren't for the great power she exudes in her gestures, I'm afraid I'd be deceived too. This girl's body is Ruyi's original body. The physical body of She, the strong man who can cultivate to the realm of the earth fairy, which one will be young?

My cousin has already used the yin and yang method to spy, and found that the girl's body is actually Ruyi's body, and there is no flaw at all. If this is the case, then the other party must have practiced some kind of magical secret technique, which can make her body produce The secret of change.

The rune array on the Fumo Sword has been fully activated. At this moment, I feel that I am extremely powerful. Now I want to use the power of the earth among the five elements to transform into a snake of the earth.

The body is no longer the Earth Element Battle Armor, but the Five Elements Battle Armor. The five-color light armor emits a faint light. The armor protects the important parts of my body. I pressed the other hand on the ground and muttered :

"Tu De Kun Yuan, Earth Qi gathers, Wu Earth is in the center, the snake of the earth, condenses and forms, imperial order!"

The ground under my feet began to tremble, and I could feel the abundant power of Kunyuan coming from a distance of tens of miles or even more.

Ruyi's pupils shrank slightly, and the expressions of the left and right guardians outside the barrier changed drastically. The man with the scar said in a deep voice: "No, this kid can actually mobilize the power of the central Wutu, and now he is in this mountain again, almost It is an invincible position! Master Ruyi has just come out of seclusion, and the nine-turn reincarnation technique has not been cultivated to the peak. It has already consumed most of the strength to drive away the devil, can you resist it now?"

The hedgehog-headed brain gave an evil laugh and said: "As long as you have cultivated to the ninth reincarnation, you will be a strong person in the realm of the earth fairy. Anyway, Master Ruyi is also an earth fairy. Since Zhong Yuan mobilized the power of the central Wutu, the ability It should be far above the two of us, and we can't provoke it in the future."

"Provoke? Do you dare to say this? Not to mention Zhong Yuan, have you seen the woman in the light yellow dress? We can't defeat each other even if we work together. Master Ruyi told me before that she I have already observed their group with intelligent eyes, and there are two people who are quite a threat to Master Ruyi. One of them, you have also seen it, and the other is the woman in the yellow dress. Did you know that Master Ruyi said that her body There is a powerful power of ice and snow on it, which has never been stronger, but not only that, but there is another point, that is, she is physically strong, and we probably cannot get her palm."

The scarred man stared at Houtu, the ice in his eyes melted a lot, and a smile appeared on his cold face.

The ground began to arch, and the second move, before she made a move, I had already started to prepare, Ruyi's small body was lifted up by a wave of energy, her face became more solemn, ten fingers repeatedly probed the hole, and countless The vigor stirred the void, and the moment she made a move, I felt that my breathing was not smooth enough, and the surrounding air seemed to be squeezed out.

Countless air currents rolled in the air, and the buzzing sound was deafening. When this strange sound came out, many ghost hunters covered their ears and rolled on the ground in pain.

Ruyi stretched out her hand towards me, and my body was locked, as if it would be pierced by these air currents in the next second. I was horrified, and without any hesitation, I sternly shouted: "The snake of the earth!"


The soil in front spread out, and a yellowish giant snake came out. This giant snake was as thick as a bucket, more than ten feet long, and its scales and armor were like gold castings. The surrounding soil became extremely soft. , and immediately opened his mouth fiercely and sprayed forward, a khaki light curtain blocked in front of him, these air streams shot on the light curtain one after another, the light curtain was crazy cave, and it would shatter and open at any time, but it didn't.

The snake of the earth suddenly soared up, its huge tail flicked forward, and there was a loud sound of piercing the air. The light curtain was directly defeated, and the air currents were also shattered. And down.

Seeing this scene, I took a deep breath in my heart. Could this blow kill the lord? I never thought that the snake of the earth would be so powerful, and it was not a real beast, but Wutu The illusion of power is formed.

Ruyi bit her lip, stared at the severed snake tail, swayed her body slightly, and disappeared, and then appeared in front of my body in the next second, pressed her small palm on my chest, and the five-element holy armor shone brightly, There was a faint tendency to collapse, and I immediately swung the demon-subduing sword in my hand and stabbed at it. This sword was extremely powerful. I thought she would dodge it, but unexpectedly, her other small hand grabbed the demon-subduing sword and grinned at me smile.

Is this guy an evildoer? He actually grabbed the extremely powerful Demon Demon Sword with his bare hands? Staying in the Fumojian, but there is an airflow holding the place where it is in contact with the Fumojian. Before I can react, a certain mountainside in the distance suddenly feels like being hit hard, and a huge sword light emerges. , slashed fiercely on the mountainside.

Of course, I don't know, but I feel that the power contained in the demon-subduing sword has been cut by half.

"Zhong Yuan, be careful, her awakened ability is the power of transfer, which transfers your attack to other places."

Houtu's voice sounded faintly behind me.

Ruyi grinned and nodded in agreement.

At this time, her face changed slightly, her little feet were stuck in the mud, and the yellow mud below seemed to come alive, and she climbed up her calf. She had no choice but to let go of her little hand and quickly make seals, and then opened her mouth As soon as she sprayed it, a white glow shot out from her mouth, and the soil under her body returned to normal. Then she twisted her body and was in mid-air again. Just as she left, the huge mouth of the earth snake opened Open, biting where she disappeared.

Gululu stared at me with big eyes, it slowly closed its head and turned to look at the girl.

The enchantment she hastily set up has been destroyed, and those array flags are crumbling, Ruyi raised her hand to grab them, put away the array flags, her eyes closed suddenly, a crack appeared in the middle of her forehead, and a raised eye appeared , this eye stared at a certain void, and after a while, the eyes on the forehead slowly disappeared.

Ruyi's face turned gloomy again, but she still smiled and said, "Don't try again, I have already recognized your strength, and I will send someone to your Huangtian Pavilion to discuss it in detail."

After finishing speaking, she tapped her toes, her body blurred for a while, and she turned into a breeze and went to the distance.

I dismissed the Earth Snake, my body returned to normal, and I felt dizzy all of a sudden. I had exhausted most of my ghost-hunting power by fully opening the Demon Demon Sword before, but I quickly recovered. When I was about to When meeting with Houtu and the others, the light shone brightly under his feet, and the chill swept over him.

I don't know when a snowflake-shaped magic circle appeared under my feet, exuding ice-cold power, and with a flash of light, I went to another place.

This place is surrounded by towering giant trees, and there are many boulders in the place where I am. Looking up to the sky, there are cliffs on both sides. I am now in a canyon, and I am very familiar with it.

This canyon was originally used by cousin Zhongli and Jiang He to jointly drive the Fire Elephant Formation to fight against the Snow Mountain Girl Luo Yueer, why am I here again?

"My lord mistress, I succeeded, and finally got him here, you must be the master for me!"

A familiar voice sounded from one side, I looked up and snorted coldly: "So it was a trick played by you, why did you bring me here?"

There were three people standing on the boulder more than ten feet away. They were Sikong Changfeng among the ghost hunters in the ice city, Sikong Chixing and the smiling woman. The woman chuckled and said, "Trick? Think this is some kind of trick, this is the magic circle of our Sikong family, this place is far away from the alliance branch, if the leader Ruyi left in advance, we might not have the opportunity to invite you to meet alone."

"What's the difference between me and you guys? It must have been you who instigated Baye Sikong to kill Luo Yue'er back then, and Han Xueguo from the Luo family also wanted to take it for himself."

I snorted coldly and replied unceremoniously, although I have consumed too much ghost hunting power now, but with my current state, it only takes a few minutes to recover these powers.

The woman put away her smile, and said with a gloomy face: "When they cooperated with the Luo family, they promised to donate part of the cold snow fruit to our Sikong family. Now that they have repented, can they blame us?"

"Back when the Luo family was attacked by those evil spirits from the kingdom of the undead, you must have made trouble. Only your family has never lost a single soldier. This is a cooperative relationship? If not, why did you give you the cold snow fruit? I think Even if it is given to a dog, it will not be given to your family!"

These few people clearly came to Xingshi to inquire about crimes and take revenge, so naturally I have nothing good to say to them.

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter, the arms of the two elders of our family were cut off by you, and the true blue fire cauldron in my family was also taken away by you, how do you explain this matter? "

The woman looked at me with a sneer.

I rolled my eyes, and said angrily, "What's the explanation? What's there to explain? The winner and the loser, what's there to explain? Besides, I cut off my arm and I don't have the real blue cauldron. If you really want it, Go to the Mountain Sea Realm and ask Zhu Rong, the great witch of the Wu Clan, to ask for it."

"You... sharp-mouthed brat!"

The emaciated Sikong Changfeng immediately trembled all over, his chest heaved violently, and the beard on his chin trembled.

"Hehe, you didn't intend to let us go. If it fell into your hands, wouldn't it be a dead end? The skills are not as good as others, so don't make a fool of yourself here. If I were you, I would have been killed by a headshot!"

I grinned and stared at Sikong Changfeng, when he seriously injured Jiang He, before I settled the score with him, he actually brought the mistress of the Sikong family over.

When Chief Sikong heard the words, he spat out a mouthful of blood, staining the boulder below red.

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