Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 459 [Mistress]

Sikong Chixing patted Sikong Changfeng's back lightly, and said to me calmly:

"Zhong Yuan, after all, Sikong Changfeng is the elder of our Sikong family, and we are all ghost hunters. Do you have to do something to kill him? Not only cut off his arm, but also took away the real blue fire cauldron. The matter of his arm Even if the elder's skills are not as good as others, we won't take too much care, but this true blue fire cauldron is one of the three treasures of our Sikong family, it is very important, you should hand it over."

"This matter, you are the most ashamed to say, you still have the nerve to appear here? You should be lucky when sister Yue'er showed mercy to you. The true blue fire cauldron is one of the three treasures of your Sikong family? What are the other two treasures? ?”

I looked at the woman with a grin.

Sikong Chixing's eyes flashed, showing killing intent, then staring at the woman next to him, he said: "He should be delaying time on purpose, mistress, do it, if you don't teach this kid a lesson, he won't hand over Zhenlan Hot!"

The woman nodded, and then stretched out her hand to wipe her hair. There was a white hairpin in her hand. This hairpin was very simple, but it contained powerful ice power. When she held it in her hand, At that time, the surrounding changes began to change powerfully.

Because it is a hot summer now, but because of this hairpin, a cold wind came out around at some time, and the cold wind blew by, and white frost condensed on the surrounding grass and trees, and I felt this piercing pain even more. the cold.

The woman stretched out her hand and threw it, the hairpin flew out and kept spinning in the air, and crystal clear ice flowers fell from the air and came straight to me.

These ice flowers look beautiful, but they contain powerful lethality, but this level is like dealing with me, it is simply delusional.

I drew out the Demon Subduing Sword, stretched out my hand, and several golden sword lights slashed out. These ice flowers were immediately chopped into powder by me. Seeing that these ice flowers were destroyed by me so easily, I was a little proud, but the next moment, the surrounding temperature unexpectedly It is a bit stronger than before, and it makes my soul feel cold.

Taking a closer look, these shattered ice flowers have turned into countless ice crystals, and the surroundings have become a world of ice and snow. My physical body is now strong, and logically these severe colds cannot pose a threat to me, but it is strange that the power of these ice It doesn't just target the physical body, it even affects the soul.

This hairpin is a powerful magic weapon. I raised my eyes and stared at the woman. At some point, the woman had already held a white jade umbrella. At least the paratrooper seemed to be supported by white jade, so the surface of the umbrella was clear. She was holding the umbrella. She looked at me with a smile, while Sikong Changfeng and Sikong Chixing stayed under the umbrella just like her.

This weird umbrella can resist this severe cold, so it should be a magic weapon for defense.

I raised the demon-subduing sword and said lightly: "The fifth rune circle is activated, and all ten directions will be destroyed!"

With a wave of his hand, several golden threads shot out from the Demon-Subduing Sword surrounded by golden sword light. This golden thread can even be split into two by the devil envoy. Let's see how they can resist it.

Seeing the sword energy I swung, the woman snorted coldly, lowered her wrist, and the umbrella surface was already pointed in my direction, and those golden sword threads were chopped on it one after another, but countless silver runes suddenly overflowed from the umbrella surface , These runes were jumping and rolling, and the golden thread cut was bounced off, but I shot back backwards. I was startled, and immediately used a few more sword qi to destroy these sword threads.

Not good, the soul is starting to become dull, unable to control one's own body well, if this continues, I'm afraid I will be caught by the opponent, I have to deal with this ice hairpin now, only when the ice hairpin disappears, I will deal with it again It will be much easier for them.

"Huoyuan armor, gather!"

A trace of crimson fire spirit patterns began to appear on the skin, and a set of flame armor was condensed on the body. At this time, my frozen soul began to recover, and my whole body was warm.

Raising the demon-subduing sword in his hand, he slashed fiercely at the ice hairpin above, and the golden crescent moon sword light slashed out.

The woman's complexion changed slightly, she muttered something, she lit the ice hairpin with one hand, and the ice hairpin turned into hundreds of identical hairpins, I cut on one of the hairpins, and the hairpin shattered like a phantom.

Oops, the aura contained on the ice hairpin is almost exactly the same, and I'm not practicing the ice technique, so it's hard to tell.

At this moment, a light shout came from the sky, and a pale yellow figure flew from afar, almost in the blink of an eye, it was in the sky above me, it was Houtu, who was relieved to see that I was safe and sound, Then with a smile, he reached out and grabbed one of the ice hairpins.

All the hundreds of ice hairpins around disappeared, and the woman spat out a mouthful of blood. She looked at Houtu in disbelief, and said with an incredulous expression: "Ice Art! Are you from the Luo family?!"

Houtu dropped the ice hairpin from the sky, and said calmly, "You guys are quite courageous, and you actually rushed to act under the eyes of the leader Ruyi. Zhong Yuan, what do you think we should do with this ice hairpin?"

I grinned and said, "Since you like it, then take it. What do you think of the white jade umbrella? Do you like it? If so, I will grab it for you."

"Well, I like it. When I go back and tie my hair, you can help me put it on."

She turned sideways, looked at me with reddish cheeks, her lips were so delicate that she couldn't help but want to take a bite.

"Even if it's from the Luo family, so what?"

The woman panted heavily, and with a shake of the white jade umbrella in her hand, countless ice lights suddenly appeared, and dense ice blades covered the sky and covered us.

At the same time, Sikong Changfeng also made a move, grabbing the void with one arm, chanting words, a white light ball appeared in the palm of his hand, the light ball was surrounded by wind and snow, and it grew a little bit, while Sikong Chixing pinched his hands Fa Jue, the blue ice flames danced on his fingertips, which was very strange, and in front of him was a magical talisman formed by ice and fire.

"Be careful yourself!"

I pulled Houtu behind me, strode forward, opened my mouth to spray, the real clock of Heigang was suspended above my head, a silver-white light curtain poured down, all nine shields were opened, their The strength is simply not comparable to that of the leader Ruyi, and these ice blades only cut through three of my defenses, and the fourth is still supporting.

I can't even break through my defenses, and I don't know what it means to even want to take revenge. Is this here to give away treasures?

I walked on the seven-star step, avoided most of the ice blades, and arrived in front of the woman. This woman was the biggest threat. I raised my sword and stabbed at her without hesitation. She blocked it with a white jade umbrella, and made a clear buzzing sound , The Fumo Sword actually rebounded and opened, my tiger's mouth numb slightly, and I almost got out of my hand.

"Tongmo Fist!"

I put away the Fumo Sword, and the dense fist shadows bombarded the umbrella, and the silver runes on it quickly melted away.

The black fist shadow bombarded upwards, and the sound of explosions continued. Sikong Changfeng threw one arm hard on my head. The ice puck had already turned into substance, and he punched it. Although the snowball had already burst, my The arms are also covered with a layer of frost.

"court death!"

With a flick of my wrist, flames swirled around, and I punched Sikong Changfeng on the chest again, and my punch flew out.

At this time, the flaming talisman in front of Sikong Chixing had already transformed into an illusion, and it came to suppress me fiercely. I was about to be defeated, but the talisman disappeared strangely. The next moment, my body began to slow down. Sticking behind me, the Huoyuan Battle Armor can't resist, and can penetrate this defense.

Sikong Chixing drew this talisman, his face was pale, he collapsed on the ground, and then shouted at the woman: "Mistress, kill him quickly!"

The woman nodded, her eyes instantly turned into pitch black, her whole body was filled with demon energy, her mouth opened, revealing a mouth full of fangs.


The power of the flames on my body has already begun to melt the ice talisman, and I will be able to recover in a short time, but is the mistress of the Sikong family a devil?

It should be the devil's body. If she is practicing magic, at least her eyes will not change. At this moment, she has completely changed.

I saw the woman opened her mouth and sprayed out a thick magic flame. A small black knife flashed out of the magic flame and stabbed straight at my neck.

This magic knife should be a high-grade magic weapon, and the protective shields on my body began to disintegrate layer by layer. These shields were all eroded by the strange breath on the magic knife.

Houtu was more than ten feet away from me. Seeing Sikong Changfeng and Sikong Chixing falling down one after another, a smile appeared on his face, and then he took out the ice hairpin and began to look at it, but after a while, he raised his head, and the beautiful eyes There was a hint of anger in his heart, and when he tiptoed, it turned into a burst of yellow light and shot out.

There was already a pile of snow below us, but when the back soil passed by, there was not a single footprint.

"Zhong Yuan, hold on."

Hou Tu went straight to the woman, his long hair flying, his whole body full of evil spirits, and he slapped the woman's chest fiercely with his palm.

This magic knife is commanded by the woman. If the woman loses her mobility, the magic knife will not attack me. The woman stared at Houtu expressionlessly, facing this palm, she did not even evade it. .

Houtu's palm was printed on it, and a crisp sound sounded, "Crack!"

Cobweb-like cracks began to appear on the woman's face, and began to expand little by little. Finally, the whole body was covered with cracks. When Hou Tu closed his hand, the body shattered into countless pieces, but no blood flowed out, and there was no magic. Qi escapes from the body.


Hou Tu was slightly taken aback, and just as she opened her mouth, I saw the woman's body emerging out of nowhere, about to sneak attack her.

I was furious in my heart, surrounded by flames, and the ice talisman on my back would melt at any time. Looking at the magic knife in front of me, the magic energy in my dantian was rolling, and the palm of my hand was covered with purple-gold magic fire. I grabbed the magic knife fiercely, Then he threw it fiercely at the place where the woman was.

With a sharp whistling sound, the magic knife went straight to the woman. The woman turned her head stiffly and stared at me with a strange smile. When he got in front of her, he stopped motionless, then turned around and shot straight behind Houtu.

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