Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 462 [36 Tiangang Subdue Demon Formation]

"Have you ever seen the face of this true demon?"

After thinking about it for a while, I asked, if we knew who this real demon was, it would give us a little more chance of winning, because when we set off, Jiusha told me some introductions about the real demon. The old man who attacked us in the forest is called He Lao, and the woman in the white dress is an immortal. The strength of these two true demons ranks fifth and sixth among the top ten true demons. is ranked third.

Yun Qingying shook her head in confusion and said: "At the beginning, that demon was extremely vicious, and we lost an elder with the Six Paths of Faith in one encounter. Although there was a surprise attack, the other elders are really here. The devil didn't hold on for long, and before he could even use his own ability, his neck was broken, and when the leader rushed over, the real devil slipped away very cunningly."

"The nature of your Ghost Hunter Alliance has not changed at all. Although it has given us a lot of benefits, it is also extremely deadly. It is simply a double-edged sword."

The cousin said in a cold voice, there is really no pie in the sky this day.

Hearing this, Yun Qingying chuckled, and said: "The relationship between the leader of the alliance and the master of the Zhongyuan Pavilion is very important. Letting him guard the center of the formation this time is actually to hone him, or in other words, to hone the strength of your Huangtian Pavilion. Although this true demon is not suppressed by this world, if the lord personally sits in charge, there is no way for this demon to escape."

"The relationship with me is very important? How come I don't know her? Does she have a deep connection with someone I know?"

I frowned and stared at Yun Qingying.

"I can't reveal this. You will know it when the time comes. Otherwise, do you really think that Huangtian Pavilion is so easy to gain a foothold in Jiuhuang City? The secular world will not interfere? These are all orders secretly issued by the leader, and those who are hidden in the city The monsters in Jiuhuang City have also reached some kind of agreement with the lord, so they are so peaceful, otherwise there would have been a mess, well, look, we have arrived at Panlong Mountain."

Yun Qingying paused, pointed to the front, and spoke.

Although I left the imperial capital, the outside is still shrouded in smog, and this Panlong Mountain is also looming in the smog, but I can't feel the power of the dragon veins at all now, but I can't see through this Panlong Mountain. There was a very strange force, majestic, but if you feel it carefully, it seems that this mountain disappeared out of thin air again, as if it didn't exist at all.

This phenomenon can only happen if it is covered by the magic circle. When we flew forward for a while, the haze below suddenly split into two, and several men in silver robes blocked our way.

"So it's Elder Yun, who are these?"

One of the middle-aged men who looked very capable saw Yun Qingying, arched his hands and saluted.

Yun Qingying smiled slightly, and said: "This is the owner of the Huangtian Pavilion. Now they are the guests of our headquarters, Captain Qiu. You will be responsible for their lives in the future. I will take them to the place where the formation is located first." familiar."

"OK, all right."

Captain Qiu nodded and smiled kindly at us.

Yun Qingying drove Baiyun to fly forward again, took out a token in his hand at the same time, and then swung the token in his hand into the air, and the haze receded one after another. After a few minutes, the fog in front rolled up one after another. It moved, revealing a wide Daping, the Daping seemed to be cut horizontally by someone, it was very smooth, it was a seemingly independent place, because the surrounding fog was rolling, so it was impossible to see the surrounding scene, but this Daping, some like a circle.

After we landed on it, we immediately felt a faint smell of blood spreading around us. The ground under our feet was very hard. Most of the ground was bright yellow in color, but there were dark red in many places. These bloodstains should be from the previous elders. blood.

In addition to these bloody smells, I also felt a strong force of heaven and earth. This force is very powerful, beyond my imagination. There is a trace of coercion in this force, and there seems to be a pair of eyes staring at it Standing on it like us, the power of heaven and earth poured in continuously, Li Nianbai let out a comfortable "hmm", his face was full of intoxication, as if he was enjoying something, I coughed lightly, and he opened his eyes , staring at us with a flushed face.

"Okay, here is where the eye of the formation is. There is a formation disk, and I will give it to you. This formation is called the 36 Tiangang Fumo Formation. Therefore, there are also 36 large flats similar to this one. You can drive the 36 A big flat to launch an attack on foreign enemies, you should familiarize yourself with it first."

After finishing speaking, Yun Qingying handed me a palm-sized disc, which seemed to be made of white jade, with runes dotted on it, and I began to think about it.

At this time, the white mist was billowing, and the Captain Qiu we met before walked in, cupped his hands at me, and said, "I was ordered to bring some things here."

I nodded, Captain Qiu arrived at the center of the Daping, the sleeves were shaking, four slender yellow woods stared at the center, showing a square shape, and then I stretched out my hand and threw it, a jet of black cloth flew out, seeing his I realized that he was building a tent, and the speed was very fast, and it was completed in a short while. This tent can only cover the top, but it is not covered by cloth in all directions, and then there are a few more futons in the shed.

Li Nianbai sat cross-legged on the futon very happily, and began to pinch the Fajue to practice.

"Chairman Zhong Yuan, we will deliver the things on time, so you don't have to worry, I won't bother you now."

After Captain Qiu finished speaking, he left the Daping and quickly disappeared into the thick fog.

Houtu also entered the tent and sat cross-legged on it to practice. After all, the power of the dragon veins here is no small matter, gathering the aura of the mountains in the world.

After I got back into the tent, I started to ponder over the array, and after spending half a day, I got a clearer picture. I immediately grabbed the jade plate and threw it forward. The jade plate turned into a light curtain in front of us. The light curtain flickered slightly, blurring like a mirror, and the surrounding scene of Panlong Mountain emerged inside. If there is any abnormality, I will immediately notice it.

In addition to this light curtain, there are 36 white light groups motionless in the lower left corner, and one of them is shining with red light. Judging from the position, it should be where we are. After looking at it for a while, it is not far from us. There was also a group of light in the place, but this part of the light was bright yellow, and after a slight flash, a layer of almost transparent yellowish light wave began to spread out, covering the 36 groups of light spots.

I glanced at the void above our heads, and a light yellow curtain of light appeared in the sky. It seems that another main defensive eye has been activated.

Now that the defensive array has been activated, it protects Panlong Mountain so that if the devil attacks, we will be able to detect it in time.

So, now I want to use the power of this dragon vein to attack the realm of the earth fairy.

Consciousness sank into my mind, and I was shocked to see the appearance of the source of faith. There were originally eight rings of faith, but now there is nothing, and the source of faith has turned into a pale golden crystal , every minute of rotation, a golden wave of light rushes out.

The mind is actually the realm of consciousness, which can also be called the Zifu Consciousness Sea. Originally, the Consciousness Sea was nothingness, but inside it was the tumbling purple mist, and the Xia Rui was faint.

The power of hunting ghosts contained in the source of faith is still there, but it is much stronger. Three thousand ways lead to the same goal. In the end, they will return to the original. No matter what you practice, as long as you cultivate to the extreme, you can turn into the way.

According to my current situation, I should be about to reach the peak state of the human world, the realm of the earth fairy, turning my hands into clouds and covering my hands with rain. So powerful, if she wanted to kill me, I would have died long ago.

After carefully observing the golden source of faith, I discovered that it was not that it itself turned into gold, but that these golden colors were actually densely packed Dao patterns, and these Dao patterns had no rules at all. There are as many as 49 ways.

Seeing these dao patterns, I suddenly realized that with my current strength, I can cast 49 dao patterns. If I reach the realm of the earth fairy, I can display 81 81 dao patterns, and ninety-nine return to one. What kind of power is even I dare not imagine. At that time, my physical body probably couldn't bear it.

After all, in the last life, I also had the five-element holy body, and my body couldn't bear the collapse at that time.

One day later, the Dao pattern on the Source of Faith increased by a full three, which shocked me. At this rate, it is only a matter of time before I become an Earth Immortal.

Around Li Nianbai, blue lotus flowers were already suspended, with a strange fragrance, and the lotus flowers were slowly turning. He was completely enveloped by a layer of blue light, and his handsome face became blurred.

Houtu didn't change too much, with a serene expression, sitting cross-legged beside me, with snowflakes flying around her body, but she couldn't feel a trace of cold. In addition, traces of bright yellow witch patterns appeared on her skin, These witch patterns are very mysterious, as if the whole person is integrated with the mountain, regardless of each other.

I slowly opened my eyes. Now there are as many as 52 spirit patterns, but there is still a gap from 81. Looking at the 36 light spots in the light curtain, there is no abnormality, so I feel relieved. And not much has changed around.

On the contrary, my cousin stood outside the tent, holding an ancient scroll in his hand, and stood there for more than half a day, chanting words all the time.

Suddenly, his business came to an abrupt end, and my cousin stretched out his hand full of sweat and threw the scroll into the air. The light in the scroll flickered and turned into a round of Tai Chi gossip on top of our heads. Seeing this scene, Tang Brother's face was overjoyed, and Su Ri'an was sweating profusely, but he couldn't wait to get down a bit.

The Tai Chi Eight Diagrams fell down and disappeared into the Daping where we are.

My cousin rubbed his sweat, smiled and said to me: "Hey, this is the most precious Taiji diagram passed down to me by my master. It used to be the most precious treasure of the Demon Catch Sect to suppress luck. With its protection, I think the real devil is coming. There is nothing we can do about it.”

(If today's Chapter 2 Wu Ti didn't get closer before twelve o'clock, then there wouldn't be any. Wu Ti is too tired these days.)

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