Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 463 [Dragon Vein of the Imperial Capital]

"I have never seen you use this treasure before."

I reached out and touched the ground, feeling this strange power, which can become a magic weapon for a sect to suppress luck, which is definitely beyond the existence of a top-grade magic weapon.

My cousin wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at me with contempt, and said: "This Taiji diagram is just a gift from my master to protect me. I haven't refined it, and it takes a long time to display it. It consumes a lot of my ability, and I won't use it unless it is absolutely necessary, so don't you worry about the 36 Tiangang Demon Subduing Formation?"

"Of course I don't feel at ease, but now we can rest assured that with the suppression of Tai Chi Diagram, we can practice with peace of mind."

I nodded and watched as my cousin sat down, I directly used the Dao pattern in my palm to derive a spirit-gathering talisman. Compared with the rest of us, my cousin's ability is much weaker.

The emerald runes shone with a faint green light, and the aura of the surrounding world swarmed here.

In the mountainside not far from us, there is a secret room, surrounded by purple mist, sitting cross-legged in the middle is a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy with red lips and white teeth, wearing a light golden robe, his eyes slightly closed .

Although this young man looks like an ordinary person, there are fleshy whiskers on the corner of his mouth, and these fleshy whiskers flutter around his mouth.

There is also a girl sitting opposite the boy. This girl is naturally the leader of Ruyi, but the leader of Ruyi is not seven or eight years old now, but a girl in her teens. There are mysterious runes around her body. It seems to be changing and growing all the time.

Suddenly, the young man opened his eyes, and said in a dull tone: "What happened outside? The vitality of the surrounding world has gone somewhere? The power of the dragon veins in my body is passing away uncontrollably."

Ruyi opened her eyes and said with a slight smile, "It's Zhong Yuan. It is estimated that he used the dao pattern in his palm to condense the ancient spirit-gathering talisman, gathering the aura of heaven and earth to increase his own dao."

The young man's face was a bit ugly, he stared at Ruyi and said, "If this goes on, my body will be weakened a lot, how can I fight against a strong enemy then? You invited Zhong Yuan to guard the formation? Can he do it? If I don't If you guess wrong, those elders who guarded the eye of the formation all died tragically at the hands of the devil."

Ruyi said with a smile: "Senior Long, don't worry, Zhong Yuan is my senior sister's child. In addition to being a ghost hunter, he has also practiced my senior sister's magic skills, and has already condensed a demon appearance. His strength is absolutely not to be tolerated." Xiao Wang, and I just observed with my eyes, there is another person on the other side who actually has a treasure, this treasure covers their formation eyes, it is absolutely safe, as long as their formation eyes are not broken, you will be safe and sound."

The boy surnamed Long's tightly frowning brows stretched out, and there was a hint of thought on his face. After thinking for a moment, his face changed slightly: "This is the Taiji diagram, how can this kid have such a treasure as the Taiji diagram? This is not a monster catcher." Is it a treasure that suppresses luck?"

Ruyi put away her playful look, and said, "Senior Long, you don't know that this Huangtian Pavilion is inextricably related to the Demon Catch Sect in the spirit world, and one of its members is the son of Li Mubai, the master of the Demon Catch Sect. The person who displayed the Tai Chi Diagram is a closed disciple of their Supreme Elder Bai Wuchang, and this Tai Chi Diagram belongs to Bai Wuchang, so it is reasonable to pass it on to him as a closed disciple."

The boy surnamed Long nodded, stretched out his hand to touch his dragon beard, and said:

"Hey, did you know that there were originally two dragon veins on our continent, but none of us can transform into a human form. This kind of existence is not allowed in a world, although the Kunlun dragon vein is much stronger than me, But no one can break this law. Later, Bai Wuchang and the others used their great supernatural powers to peel off an interface called the spirit world. The Kunlun dragon veins are not in this world, so I can transform into a human form now. With the help of those who can, I will never be able to transform into a human form in my life, so strictly speaking, they are still my benefactors, since the few people who come here are inextricably related to them, then..."

Speaking of this, the young man surnamed Long smiled calmly, but he was still quite majestic.

He is the young man transformed by the dragon veins of the imperial capital. He does not know how long he has lived. That's why leader Ruyi calls him senior and respects him very much.

Hearing Longmai's words, Ruyi was slightly taken aback, and said, "Senior, do you want to?"

"Of course it's to help them. They're not just guarding me this time. Why, you don't want to? Back then, the elders of your alliance guarded here. Don't you want me to give them some benefits? It's a pity that those guys are qualified. It's too bad, I wasted my dragon yuan, and I was killed by the devil in the end. This devil was also smart, and he even sucked all the blood from them. Not only my pure dragon yuan was taken away, but even these The little guy's energy and soul were swallowed together."

Having said this, the boy surnamed Long stood up, swung his sleeves, and spoke sullenly.

Ruyi looked a little embarrassed, and said, "Senior, didn't Jiang Luo advance to the Seven Rings of Faith?"

"What's the use? Even if he reaches the ring of seven beliefs, who can he compare with the four people in the Huangtian Pavilion now? What do you mean, I'm not allowed to use Longyuan?"

Longmai Jian said with a frown.

Ruyi shook her head and said with a smile: "How is that possible? I was afraid that the seniors would not give Long Yuan to them. Zhong Yuan is my senior sister's child, so how could I not take care of it? It's a pity that my senior sister is gone now. Moreover, great changes have taken place in the great world of Maha, I simply cannot leave here now, otherwise I would have been looking for her a long time ago."

"Since this is the case, don't bother me and stay by my side. Don't forget that you can achieve the realm of an earth immortal because of my Longyuan."

After the boy surnamed Long finished speaking, his body shook slightly, and he disappeared from the cave.


"Zhong Yuan, something is approaching us!"

My cousin suddenly opened his eyes, and the pupils of his eyes turned into a cloud of yin and yang. He did not hesitate to touch the Fa Jue, and a series of Tai Chi Eight Trigrams formations appeared around our Daping, with a halo of light and righteousness.

"Don't worry, it won't be the devil. If it is the devil, there will be a reaction on the light curtain formed by the array. Let's see what it is."

I opened my eyes and spoke.

At this time Li Nianbai and Houtu also opened their eyes, this is not an ordinary time, no matter who will be alert, they are no exception.

At this moment, a loud and clear dragon chant sounded from far away, golden light shone in the sky, gossip flowed, and a huge bridle came down from the clouds in the sky above, scaring me to stand up.

The bridle was several feet in size, with golden horns on its head, a few feet long beard, and huge eyes staring at us with shining golden light.

"Junior, don't open the restriction yet, don't you want my dragon yuan?"

The huge faucet opened its mouth, and the sound was full of majesty.

Before we could react, the figure of leader Ruyi appeared next to the huge dragon head. Compared with the last time we met, the height of leader Ruyi has grown a lot. He was originally only as tall as Huiyang, but now he is as tall as Zhong Xiao Man is as tall.

"Zhong Yuan, open the Tai Chi array diagram, this is the senior dragon vein that you guard, he wants to give you dragon yuan, so that you can improve your own strength."

Ruyi spoke with a smile.

I nodded at my cousin, who walked out of the tent and stared at the huge Tai Chi Eight Diagrams in the void, the light in his eyes surged, and soon, he stretched out his hand towards the void, and the huge Eight Diagrams disappeared.

Losing the protection of gossip, we immediately felt the boundless coercion, which almost made us breathless. Although this is not a real dragon, it is also transformed by the dragon veins. The pure power is gathered, and the spiritual energy of the mountains and rivers is gathered and compressed.

At this time, the huge faucet suddenly opened its mouth, and a stream of golden and viscous glow spewed out from the mouth.

The golden glow immediately turned into a huge ball of light and landed in the Daping. After spitting out the mouthful of dragon yuan, the dragon head turned into a handsome young man with a pale face and some unsteady standing. Ruyi supported the young man in surprise, and said : "I vomited so much dragon yuan this time, you have to rest well and don't come out again."

The boy didn't even have the strength to speak, so he just nodded obediently.

"Zhong Yuan, haven't you sealed off this space of yours? If the power of the Dragon Yuan dissipates, you will be the ones to lose."

After the leader Ruyi finished speaking, he took the young man surnamed Long into the white mist and disappeared.

My cousin hastily stretched out his hand towards the void, and the void was once again covered by the huge Taiji gossip, and then we came to the side of this huge golden ball, feeling our power, the golden ball transformed by the dragon yuan suddenly burst open, and turned into a As the pure power of Longyuan rolled in all directions, it was originally scattered in all directions, but when it encountered these Tai Chi gossips, it forced it back.

"What pure power!"

As soon as I took a sip, there was another Dao pattern on the Source of Faith, which surprised me.

And Li Nianbai also discovered the benefits, the green lotus around him became extremely solid, and there was a very special wave of mana contained in the lotus.

"Everyone quickly absorb this dragon element, it can increase our strength a lot compared to after refining."

Houtu remembered with a silver bell-like voice, and then slightly opened Cherry's small mouth, and the dragon yuan sank into the mouth.


On a certain mountain far away from Panlong Mountain, the mountain is surrounded by blood mist, and there is a pungent bloody smell, but there are many corpses piled up on the mountain. Most of these corpses are ordinary people in the imperial capital. , there is a huge altar on the mountain, there is a pool of blood in the altar, and there is a handsome man inside.

The man suddenly opened his eyes, stared in the direction of Panlong Mountain, and said with a wicked smile:

"Haha, this time the dragon veins spit out dragon yuan again, and it is much more than last time. If I swallow it, I will be able to completely recover my strength. This time, I can't miss it no matter what."

After speaking, his arm stretched out from the pool of blood, and he took out a blood-colored flag in his hand, waving it in the air.

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