Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 464 [True Nine Demons]

Longyuan is formed by the dragon vein itself absorbing the aura of the mountains and the earth, which is equivalent to the power of our essence, and it is very important to him.

This kind of thing is a spiritual thing between heaven and earth, no matter what kind of creature it is, it is of great benefit.

Now that the dragon veins spit out so much dragon energy, we are a little flattered. He is obviously able to transform into form, and possesses a lot of spiritual wisdom. He has never met us. If he is willing to donate so much dragon energy?Is this just to protect him?

However, with the power of Longyuan, the source of faith in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the Dao pattern began to condense, and the speed was very fast. When you opened your mouth and inhaled, these pure Dragon Yuan poured into your mouth and merged into your body. In the middle of the night, the dragon element on the Daping became extremely thin. The original 52 lines on the crystal had now increased to 64. The purple mist in the sea of ​​consciousness had turned golden, and it was all dragon elements. , The whole body is full of strength.

And just as I continued to absorb the dragon yuan, the light curtain transformed from the jade plate in front of me suddenly buzzed, and I suddenly opened my eyes, and the light clusters in the light curtain began to flicker violently, becoming very unstable.

The outermost part of the 36 groups of white light became very weak at the beginning, and gradually progressed inward.

I know that this white light is actually similar to our Daping, and there are also ghost hunters on duty. If the light group is completely wiped out, it proves that all the ghost hunters on our side are wiped out. Except for me, Houtu and Zhongli are all there. Opening his eyes, he stared at the light curtain in front of him solemnly.

Immediately afterwards, I stretched out my hand and grabbed it in front of me. The light curtain shrank and turned into a jade plate and fell in front of me.

Originally these clusters of light were covered by yellow lights, but when I stretched out my hand to touch them, the white light around them suddenly emitted a dazzling radiance, surrounded by golden sword lights, and lightsabers appeared on top of the white clusters of light. , and began to slash around wildly.

Soon, these light clusters returned to normal, and I was relieved.

Li Nianbai was still cultivating with his eyes closed, and his cousin had already stood up, with a very special aura on his body, feeling a bit mysterious, he had already condensed the eighth ring of faith.

The real gap is between the eighth and ninth rings of faith. As long as one has stepped into the ninth ring of faith, one can become a real strong in the human world.


"These damned devils actually used such vicious methods. Fortunately, those people in the Huangtian Pavilion activated the attack circle in time and used the Tiangang sword to attack the devils. Only this Tiangang sword can break through the Tiangang shield. We only need to help Elder Jiang Luo and the others just need to protect the shield of Tiangang!"

In a certain Daping, there were a few young men. In front of each of these men was a bright yellow flag that was as high as a person. These flags were engraved with densely packed mysterious runes. Most of the flagpoles were buried in the soil. Most of these men were five The strong man of the Dao Faith Ring kept pinching the Fa Jue with his hands, and the runes on these banners flickered, and the flames shot up into the sky, blending with the surrounding Tiangang shield.

It was a thin man who spoke. This man was a little pale and his body was unstable, but he happened to be the strongest among them.

This large flat is naturally much smaller than the flats at the eyes of the two main formations, and the surrounding white mist has dissipated a lot, but at this moment there are many people around, judging from the clothes on these people, they are all from the imperial capital of the people.

The eyes of these people have been covered by the demon energy, and they look like zombies, bleeding from seven holes, but their hands are constantly grabbing at the shield, their fingernails are extremely black, and their mouths are roaring like beasts.

"Oops, Captain Ma Yuan, I didn't expect these demon corpses to be so powerful, I can no longer hold on!"

Another boy who was younger, about seventeen or eighteen years old, suddenly stopped holding the spell in his hand, opened his mouth to spurt a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground dejectedly. The flame disappeared.

And at the moment when the flames of the flags and flags in front of him disappeared, the power of the surrounding bright yellow sky shields weakened a bit, and the demon corpses outside worked even harder, grabbing forward with both hands, causing the light curtain to shake violently.

Ma Yuan gritted his teeth, pointing at the dim flag in his hand, and began to pinch Fa Jue quickly, the banner once again spewed out a ray of light and sank into the surrounding shield, and the shield just started gradually stabilized.

It's just that Ma Yuan's face was much paler than before, and his body was shaking violently, as if he couldn't bear it at any time and fell to the ground unconscious.

A light saber with a size of Zhang Xu is suspended above the light curtain. Every once in a while, the lightsaber will turn into 36 sword lights and slash at the surrounding demon corpses, but there are too many demon corpses. It falls, but it emerges endlessly, like a tide.

And the same scene was happening on the other Daping, the night was getting dark, but the moon was covered by dark clouds.

When these demon corpses attacked Panlong Mountain, a few miles away from Panlong Mountain, there was a huge black cloud of blood, and there was a throne made of human skeletons on it. There was a wild will-o'-the-wisp in the hole, did he open his mouth and let out a weird laugh.

But the man on the skeleton throne is extremely coquettish. He sits slumped on the skeleton throne, with long black hair spread out, red phoenix eyes, red lips, eyes sparkling, thin lips slightly raised, Showing a strange color.

There was also a tall black figure standing beside him. The black figure was shrouded in magic mist, making it impossible to see the figure clearly, but his eyes were indeed red, as if flames were beating.

"Jiu Sha, what are you waiting for?"

The black shadow spoke coldly.

Jiu Sha glanced at the man, the smile on his face disappeared, and said: "Wei Wuya, don't forget who raised you to the realm of true demons, for this, how many people have we slaughtered? Even if you Even if you become a real devil, you can't talk to me in this tone!"

The demonic energy around the black shadow receded, and the glaring hair was Wei Wuya, but most of Wei Wuya's face was covered with strange magic lines, and there was a strange light in his eyes, but the light disappeared soon. Then he became very sincere and said:

"Master Jiusha, didn't you realize that the dragon veins of the imperial capital have spewed out dragon energy, and it is more than the sum of the previous two times. Why don't you do it now?"

Jiu Sha stretched out his slender fingers, tapped his knees, and said with a smile:

"Hehe, these people all died for you. In order to become a true demon, you slaughtered so many people. You can't waste it. Moreover, the 36 Tiangang array is already in operation. We have to break it to get it." Those dragon essences even captured the dragon veins, so we are not in a hurry now, these ghost hunters want to refine the dragon essence and use it for themselves, it is simply wishful thinking, even if it is refined into the body, I will swallow theirs Flesh and soul, what happened to you?"

Wei Wuya arched his hands, and suddenly took out a small black leather bag from his waist. The leather bag was bulging. He stretched out his hand to untie the rope on the leather bag, and when he shook it, a white light came from inside. Rolling out, the light shrank slightly, and a girl in a white dress with a guqin in her hand fell out. As soon as she came out, she looked at Wei Wuya warily.

"Hmph, Xin'er, you still want to fight me now? Come and see who this is!"

Wei Wuya shouted in a deep voice!

Xin'er turned her head slightly, and when she saw Jiu Sha, her expression changed drastically, she immediately knelt down, and said in a trembling voice: "Xin'er's demon envoy sees Lord Jiu Sha."

"Why didn't you run away? Back then, you were in the same spirit as Zhong Yuan. You were able to kill Zhong Yuan and control Jiuhuang City. You said, what should we do now?"

Wei Wuya didn't feel any pity, walked up to Xiner, stretched out his big hand, grabbed Xiner's neck fiercely, lifted it up, and spoke fiercely.

Xin'er didn't dare to resist, but Jiu Sha didn't say a word, and after a while, he opened his mouth and said, "Let her go, Xin'er, tell me, why did you do this?"

Hearing this, Wei Wuya put down his hands unwillingly, Xin'er coughed a few times, her face recovered after a while, and said with a complicated expression: "Xin'er has no other intentions, I just don't want to stay in Maha University anymore. World, I don’t want to do this kind of killing, Lord Jiusha, break up Xin’er’s primordial spirit, Xin’er is at your disposal.”

After speaking, he slowly closed his eyes.

"Okay, let me do it!"

Wei Wuya grinned grimly, and was about to slap Xin'er's head with his big hand.

Jiu Sha snorted coldly, and said: "Hmph! You are getting more and more courageous, and you have become a real devil, so you don't take me seriously? Xin'er, get up, from now on, you will stay by my side, do whatever you want, Do whatever you want, after all, you have been with me for many years."

Xin'er opened her eyes in disbelief, but she obediently walked to his side.

Wei Wuya was furious, but he didn't dare to really attack it, because the time for him to become a true demon is still young, and he can't compete with Jiusha, even though he is injured now.

"It's almost time now, Wei Wuya, it's time for you to act. As long as you help me win the dragon vein, I will definitely say a few words to you in front of Master Minghe. Even if you become a true devil, but you can get his rewards, it is someone else. If you can't ask for it, you will become a true demon in this world, and you will not be suppressed by force. If the strong Earth Immortal makes a move, you can hold her back, as long as I get the dragon's veins, we will leave."

Jiu Sha raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with deep eyes.

"it is good."

Wei Wuya cupped his hands, turned into billowing magic mist and fled towards the place where Panlong Mountain was located, and soon disappeared.

And Jiusha is still sitting on the skeleton throne, stretching out his hand to support his chin, staring at the direction of Panlong Mountain, and said to himself: "Ruyi, Ruyi, I haven't seen you for so many years, you really haven't changed at all, even It really surprised me that he became the pinnacle of the world."

(Wu Ti's sleeping state is particularly bad these days. This chapter is for today, and tomorrow will see the situation.)

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