Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 467 [War on Panlong Mountain]

Xin'er took the heavy black leather bag in her hand, her expression was a little dazed.

"What are you still doing? You don't even listen to my words? Don't forget, you are my magic envoy, and your natal magic card is still in my hand. Don't you remember the pain? "

Seeing the hesitation on the face of Xin'er Demon Envoy, Jiu Sha immediately snorted coldly, had an extra token in his hand, and pointed at the token without hesitation.

Xin'er suddenly let out a scream, the black leather bag in her hand fell on the clouds, her hands held her head, and she rolled over in pain.

Jiusha's face had become expressionless. Seeing Xin'er in extreme pain, he didn't react at all. He muttered something, and the magic card in his hand shone brightly. Xin'er sweated profusely and screamed in pain. Said: "I don't dare, please... please spare my life!"

"This time, I'm just teaching you a little lesson. Next time, I will disobey the deity's order and directly crush your natal magic card!"

After hearing the begging for mercy, Jiu Sha finally stopped chanting the mantra, and took advantage of the situation to put away Xiner's natal magic card.

Xin'er stood up, not daring to hesitate anymore, the black leather bag in her hand shook down, and black lights fell down, turning into a tall monster in the forest below, surrounded by black mist. Heads, these demon heads had red eyes, and roared like beasts from their mouths. As the black leather bag shriveled, the dense forest below was already filled with countless demon heads.

After releasing all the monsters, Xin'er put away the black leather bag, then took the tokens in her hand, and controlled these monsters to attack the headquarters of the Ghost Hunter Alliance, while Jiusha flew away to the 36 Tiangang formation , quickly disappeared into the formation.


There are many buildings at the foot of Panlong Mountain, and these buildings are all built with evil spirits such as glutinous rice and dog blood. In addition to being indestructible, they also have a strong power to ward off evil.

The outermost perimeters of these buildings are surrounded by walls several feet high. These walls are dark and made of steel, and every ten meters on the walls, there will be an arrow tower-like building with lights on inside, and there are faint figures. .

"Yuan Jiang, do you think the Tiangang formation can withstand these demons this time? I heard that this dragon vein is Panlong Mountain invited by the leader Ruyi. Although we have the protection of this formation, we still lost many elders. I heard that A lot of strong people have come to Huangtian Pavilion."

A boy in the building stared at the girl opposite and asked.

The girl was wearing a long light blue dress, with long black hair, and she stared at the dark woods outside with big smart eyes, as if she didn't listen to what the boy in front of her said. After recovering, he glanced at the young man with some embarrassment, showing a questioning expression.

The young man sighed, and said what he had said before, then put his hands on his cheeks, and looked at Yuan Jiang with fascination.

"Even if the Tiangang formation can't resist these demons, the reason why the leader and the others go out to invite the people from the Huangtian Pavilion back is to be sure. Their strength does not necessarily rely on our formation. If they have nothing With this ability, the lord will not take great risks to invite them."

Yuan Jiang spoke with a calm smile.

The young man nodded and continued: "By the way, last time it was lucky that you found those monsters in time, otherwise the leader would not be able to come back so quickly, Yuan Jiang, although you are not yet an elder of our guild, but your real strength , better than ordinary elders, you are still here as a guard with me, don’t you think you are overqualified, do you think I..."

Having said this, the boy blushed slightly, and lowered his head in embarrassment. -

Yuan Jiang ignored the young man, but stared into the distance, his face hardened, and the next second, he stood up immediately, and hurried out of the building. When he reached the fence, the young man was a little puzzled, and followed him out.

The surrounding area was extremely quiet, not a single bird chirping or cricket sounding, it was extremely weird.

"Achen, go and report to the patrol team, there is danger! I will open the city wall restriction."

After Yuan Jiang finished speaking, she turned around and returned to the building again. There was a stone table in the middle of the small house, with many runes engraved on it, and a recessed stone groove in the middle. He took out a white jade stone from his small bag, and then inserted it into the stone groove.


There was a slight noise, and the white jade slowly sank down, while the dark city wall outside was still covered with dense silver runes.

Ah Chen's boy had already notified the patrol team, and after a while, the police blared loudly, and many ghost hunters came out one after another.


"No, someone came straight to us through the rest of the formation."

My cousin's yin and yang Dharma eyes were running, and he stared at someone not far away.

Houtu, who was originally sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes slightly, smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's a real demon coming, and it's Jiusha. Let's guard this formation, so he won't be able to go behind us and snatch the dragon's veins."

"What? Jiusha? Is it the true demon Jiusha's body? Houtu, why are you so confident? I never imagined that I could rely on the Tai Chi array to resist an opponent at the level of a true demon."

The cousin was taken aback and could no longer calm down.

Houtu raised his lips and said calmly, "Did you forget that I know the art of divination? I have calculated that we will have powerful reinforcements coming, so I am very relieved."

As soon as she finished speaking, a strange laughter came over the heads of the two of them, Jiusha had already appeared on it, opened his big hand and slapped down fiercely, a bloody magic hand directly scratched through the hole of the Tiangang shield The magic hand tried to come down again, but was blocked by a huge Yin-Yang Bagua formation.

Jiu Sha was slightly startled, glanced down, his face was a little gloomy, but his hands kept bombarding downwards, the huge Yin-Yang Bagua array began to shake, and the rotation became faster and faster, the cousin's eyes, nose, mouth corners Even the ears began to flow a trace of blood.

Houtu gritted his silver teeth, and said to his cousin, "Zhongli, let me go out to deal with him. The power of a real demon can communicate with the power of heaven and earth. Although the suppressed power is weaker than our earth immortal powerhouse, but This Nine Demons has been famous for a long time, and they are cruel and ruthless. If you insist on it, you will be unable to bear it, and your body will collapse. At that time, your soul will be severely injured. In this world, there is no five-color mud, and you will not be able to help you return to Yang. You are Zhong Yuan My cousin, I can't let you die, let me do it."

The cousin could no longer say anything, and he was fully controlling the Taiji diagram. The pupils of the eyes could no longer be distinguished, and a dazzling brilliance had burst out.

Houtu glanced at Li Nianbai next to him, took a deep breath, his body blurred, turned into a light yellow rainbow light and jumped into the air, at this time the gossip was broken by Jiusha, Pang Ran's bloody hands pressed down, Houtu He raised his hand expressionlessly, and stood in the void. A huge, crystal-clear, cold ice crystal hand flew out and slammed into the bloody hand.

The two collided, but did not make a violent explosion sound in time, and seemed to be in a stalemate.

And this time, the cousin has driven the Taiji diagram again to restore the defense, and at the same time muttered to himself: "Am I still too weak..."

"Are you the new generation of Ice God?"

Jiu Sha frowned, and instead of taking action in time, he questioned him in a cold voice, but did Hou Tu ignore him? Each path is several feet long, like a giant blood-colored dragon, rushing towards the ground and biting.

Hou Tuxiu frowned slightly, without further ado, with a wave of one hand, hundreds of zhang long ice crystal blades emerged, after the ice crystal blades emerged, it seemed that even the surrounding air was frozen After she raised it, the ice blades pierced through the air, and she herself walked calmly among these ice blades, heading straight for Jiusha.

Jiu Sha was slightly taken aback, and began to look carefully at Houtu, and there was a familiar feeling in his memory.

Just when the ice blade collided with the blood thunder, Jiu Sha felt the danger. Looking carefully, the light yellow figure was already two feet away from him, and the jade hand like ice crystal was imprinted on his chest. All this seemed so strange , he actually let her attack me in close quarters.

Nine evil spirits, frightened and angry in their hearts, snorted coldly, a set of blood-colored battle armor appeared on the body, and they also slapped out with a palm. In just a few breaths, they fought for more than ten rounds, and in these more than ten In the next round, the two were tied, no, Houtu seemed to have the slightest upper hand.

Jiu Sha's chest was a little stuffy, and his blood was surging. Apart from the icy supernatural powers of this woman, which was comparable to the icy god, she was so strong that even her own real demon body was injured. How terrifying is this?


The grimaces released from Wei Wuya's strange treasure mirror were powerful, as if they were endless. In addition to the Zijin Demon Fire attacking, several elders in the defensive formation also launched an attack on Wei Wuya. Clearly, now Wei Wuya's demonic form has come out of his body, and his main energy is still on controlling the demonic form.

And I don't have to worry, there are quite a few grimaces jumping over the Zijin Demon Fire and attacking me, but all of them were blown away by the breath of the green dragon transformed by Otoki's power.

But this demon is quite difficult to deal with. I have cut off one of the opponent's arms, but the opponent seems to be fine. With a shake of the shoulder, another arm was born again.

Time can't be delayed any longer, after all, my cousin and the others are still in that formation, if something happens, it's not very good, I immediately cut out hundreds of sword lights and turned them into a sword network all over the sky towards him. Falling, and then his demon form flickered, and returned to his fleshly body.

"The universe in the palm, the evolution of Dao patterns, and the ancient demon-killing talisman, condense!"

Stretching out my palm, it seemed that my palm was about to be torn apart, and a series of golden streaks sprang out and began to condense on my palm. The cracked scars spread from my palm to my arm, and didn't stop until my chest. It took me seven to seven 49 dao patterns to condense the ancient demon-killing talisman.

Now the golden talisman on my palm felt unusually heavy. I glanced at the direction of the demonic figure, stretched out my hand and tossed it vigorously, and the golden talisman immediately turned into a golden giant blade, as if it had opened up the world. The real devil will be cut off.

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