Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 468 [Destroying Demons]


There was an earth-shattering loud noise, and the golden knife transformed by the demon-killing talisman slashed from the void, with the potential to open up the world. Last drag.

The pair of red hammers criss-crossed in front of him, but it didn't have much effect. The giant hammer disintegrated in an instant, and the demon figure let out a scream, and was immediately submerged by the demon-killing talisman, and the gorgeous golden light shot straight into the sky , like a huge pillar of light that reaches the sky, it lasts for a long time, and the demon inside there is still a struggling shadow at first, and then the ghost becomes weaker and weaker, and finally disappears.

Although there were a lot of bloodstains on my arms and shoulders, with my current body state, no blood flowed out, and it was healed as before.

Now the biggest hidden danger has disappeared, and the Dharma Aspect among the true demons is the most powerful. This time Wei Wuya lost his Dharma Aspect, and his strength would at least be reduced by more than half. Now he may have been severely injured.

And at the moment when the demon phase was wiped out, Wei Wuya's main body had opened his eyes, with a mouthful of blood overflowing from his mouth, and stared at me angrily, but he quickly reached out and grabbed it, and the weird mirror arrived. Injured, the aura on his body was already very weak, and these grimaces could no longer resist the purple-gold demon fire that filled the sky.

Wei Wuya gritted his teeth, suddenly grabbed his left arm with his right hand, and pulled it down fiercely, the arm was torn off abruptly, but he just snorted, there was no blood overflowing from the severed wound, but instead It was covered by a layer of black mist. He grabbed his arm and squeezed it hard. The arm burst open and turned into a pungent bloody mist to envelop himself. Then he plunged headlong into the purple-gold magic fire at an unusually fast speed. Fly away to the distance.

I was slightly taken aback, this guy actually used the extremely bloody blood escape technique, although these magic fires can burn the blood escape, but his speed is very fast, he rushed out almost in the blink of an eye.

Just as it was about to escape from my sight, a huge space crack appeared strangely far away, and two figures appeared inside it.

When I took a closer look, I was taken aback. It turned out to be Longhu Kongkonger, and Gu Anan was next to him.

Gu An'an appeared in mid-air, looking expressionlessly at Wei Wuya who was shooting towards him, his long skirt fluttered, his body disappeared into an afterimage, and he was in front of Wei Wuya in the next second. Stretched out with a single pen, directly submerged into the blood-colored light, with five fingers together, pinched Wei Wuya, and said in a cold voice:

"Do you still remember me!"

Wei Wuya's vitality has long been seriously injured, and now Gu An'an's strength is not what it used to be, and the zombies are even more powerful. On the surface, Gu An'an looks calm, but in fact, all five of her fingers are inserted into Wei Wuya's neck.

"You...you are Gu An'an?! Didn't you die back then, why are you still alive? No...you don't have the breath of a living person!"

Wei Wuya twisted his body a few times, and asked with great difficulty.

"Yes, the Gu family's revenge, I said I will avenge it, so, you die today!"

There was a hint of ferocity on Gu An'an's face, endless hatred fainted from her eyes, suddenly she retracted her hand, Wei Wuya was brought in front of her body, Gu An'an opened his mouth, two sharp fangs were exposed, Biting him hard on the neck, Wei Wuya was immediately paralyzed by the unique corpse poison on the zombie's teeth. There was a strange flush on his face, and his eyes were slightly closed. There was no trace of fear, but a little excitement.

But as his own blood was sucked up by Gu An'an, he began to feel extremely painful, but when he really woke up, his whole body could no longer exert any strength, and his consciousness disappeared little by little, and finally turned into a With mummy.

Gu An'an didn't seem to let go of his hatred, he stretched out his hand and threw his body, and slammed it with his palm, Wei Wuya immediately fell apart and fell to the ground.

I put away the green dragon, drove over on the cloud, saluted Kong Kong'er, and said: "Senior, since you are here, the parents of Nianbai should all be here."

When I think of Li Mubai, I feel at ease. He is a super strong man, and this real demon should be able to deal with it.

Kong Konger put on a straight face, and said with some displeasure: "Could it be that I can't do it? I'm a nine-tailed fox, and I also have the blood of a dragon, the real blood of a dragon, not the dragon you summoned with Otoki's power, you know what?"

I wiped the sweat from my forehead and said with a smile: "With seniors around, I can sleep peacefully."

At this time, Kong Konger showed a satisfied smile on his face, and said: "Don't be silly, there are already tens of thousands of demons attacking the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch below, and a very powerful force is on the other side, you Decide quickly."

"It should be another real demon, An An, you and Senior Kong Kong'er went to the formation to help out, and I summoned a ghost to deal with these demons."

After thinking for a while, I spoke.

Although I really want to rush there in time, if the Ghost Hunters Alliance collapses now, it will be an unimaginable disaster.

Gu An'an nodded, and flew away to another place with Kong Kong'er, while I arrived in front of the defensive formation, and said to the ghost hunter inside:

"Several elders, there is no need to use the Tiangang formation on real demons. This formation can only resist some demon envoys. We still need to find a way to deal with those demons at the foot of Panlong Mountain."

"Thank you, Pavilion Master."

Elder Jiang Luo, who is older and has reached the seven rings of faith, cupped his hands at me.

I drove down the clouds, only to find that all these large flats are suspended in the void on the halfway up the mountain of Panlong Mountain, there are as many as 36 of them.

The dense forest not far away is already full of demonic energy, and there are many buildings under the Panlong Mountain, and there are bloody ghost hunters fighting. Various abilities and secret techniques are displayed, and the surroundings are like explosions. Gorgeous fireworks in general.

During this fight, a melodious and melodious zither sound was interspersed, the sound was very small, but it was not wiped out. This zither sound seemed to be able to wash away the killing intent in people's hearts, and it was somewhat familiar.

Following the sound of the zither, I saw a black cloud in mid-air, and when I saw this woman's face clearly, I was a little surprised. This woman turned out to be the demon envoy Xin'er. If it wasn't for him, how could we Can you drive back those monsters occupying Jiuhuang City?It's just that she said at the beginning that she was going to retire, why did she intervene now, and these demons still seem to obey her call?


I yelled at her, Xin'er paused for a while, looked up at me with embarrassment on her face, and said: "Aren't you in the Huangtian Pavilion, why are you here?"

"The lord asked our Huangtian Pavilion to take action. Didn't you say you wanted to go back to hiding, why are you helping the evildoers now? These demons are driven by you, right?"

Seeing the dark token floating above her head, the token shot out countless black threads, and the black threads submerged into the demons below, presumably she used this to control these demons.

Xin'er gave a wry smile, and said:

"Yes, I was originally like this, but how did Wei Wuya find me after he became a true demon, captured me, and brought me here, and the body of Jiusha is my master, and he has me in his hand. My natal magic card, if I don’t obey his orders, I will be out of my wits.”

"Natural magic card? No wonder, how about this, you let me stick a magic talisman, even if Jiusha finds you, you can say that I defeated you, now Wei Wuya has been killed by me, he has enough ability believable."

I rode the cloud to her side and spoke.

There was a trace of horror on Xin'er's face, but she quickly nodded calmly and said, "That's the only way."

I condensed the magic-suppressing talisman to suppress Xin'er, and then stretched out my hand to grab the token, and the token was instantly smashed into pieces by me, turning into countless black mist and dissipating.

Although the token is lost, the demons below seem to have no intention of stopping at all. It seems that it doesn't work. They can only summon the ghosts of the underworld. Compared, at most, it is equivalent to the appearance of a fifth-grade Yin difference.

My chest felt faintly hot, and the imprint of Mingyin Pei began to operate, but this time it was a little different from before. The entire imprint actually floated out of my skin and began to circulate in mid-air. The Mingyin pendant collapsed little by little.

what happened?Why did the Ming Yin Pei dissipate?

I had a bad premonition in my heart. This Mingyin pendant was in the hands of the ancestor Zhong Kui. Even though it has been passed down in our hands for so many generations, it still has a connection with him. Why did it disappear for no reason?Could it be that the land paid for some big change?

But now I can't allow me to think too much, I have lost contact with the underworld, and there was a violent explosion on the mountainside in the distance. It seems that Gu An'an and the others have already had an earth-shattering battle with another true demon, but there is Longhu Kongkonger is here, plus Gu Anan, Houtu, cousin, and Li Nianbai can always handle it. Now I want to assist the ghost hunters at the alliance headquarters to eliminate these tens of thousands of demons.

Driving the clouds to the bottom, the scene in front of me stunned me. Huge beams of light spewed out from the protective wall that was comparable to a city wall. In addition, there are already many powerful ghost hunters fighting outside the wall, and there are also many standing on the wall, using secret techniques to resist.

"Five-element Holy Body, the power of the central five-earth, the snake of the earth, come out!"

Stretching out his hand and pressing on the ground below, the ground below suddenly rolled violently, a huge magic circle began to condense, and the huge power of Wutu escaped, and soon formed a huge khaki giant with a length of more than a hundred feet. The snake, the monsters around the giant snake were swept away.

The Earth Snake has the most basic fighting instinct, but because it is transformed by the power of Wutu, it doesn't have real intelligence, and it still has to be controlled by me.

Stretching out a hand towards the snake, the huge tail of the color of the earth flicked, and more than a dozen demon heads were directly wiped out, while the rest of the affected ones fell into a coma.

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