Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 470 [Junior Sister]

In this battle, although our side did not lose any soldiers or generals, almost everyone was injured, of course, except for Longhu Kongkonger.

It was almost early in the morning that these demons were strangled. The ghost hunters of the Ghost Hunter Alliance were busy cleaning up the battlefield. The forest in this area was completely destroyed, and the corpses of the demons had to be incinerated with flames.

From the end of the battle to the end, it was a little strange that the leader of Ruyi had never even met face to face.

I flew into the air on a cloud, intending to enter the 36 Tiangang formation to see their situation, when my heart skipped a beat, I immediately turned around and looked behind me.

In the extreme distance, two escaping lights flew toward my direction. Of these two escaping lights, one was bloody, and the other was a hazy purple light, tumbling with devilish energy.

Not good, could it be that two more true demons have appeared in the Maha Great World?

Why is the aura in this purple light so familiar?Stretching out my hand to hold the Fumo Sword, I waited quietly on the clouds. After a while, I finally saw the figure inside, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

That purple shadow is my mother Zi Luo, but in the bloody light is a handsome man with a cold face. It is not difficult to guess that this man should be Bai Han, who has been guarding the demon sect for so many years. In the Great Hall of Good Demons.

Zi Luo smiled slightly when she saw me, and landed on top of my clouds, while Bai Han looked down.

"Son, I didn't expect you to be here. Have you ever seen my junior sister?"

She gave me a big hug, her body was fragrant and pleasant, but I could smell a bloody smell.

"Junior sister? You still have junior sister? Who is it?"

I was slightly stunned, a little puzzled, as if there was something punctured vaguely, just as I was speculating and trying to find out the answer, my mother patted my head and said: "She is as strong as me." , came to the headquarters of the Ghost Hunter Alliance many years ago, I think the status should not be low, her name is Ruyi."

"Earth Immortal powerhouse, wishful leader?! No wonder!"

I took a deep breath in my heart, no wonder I felt strange, the other party also practiced the secret technique of reincarnation, and every time he was reincarnated, his skill increased. Of course, this reincarnation is not the traditional reincarnation, but a practice.

"The devilish energy here is gradually dissipating, huh? I seem to smell Uncle Little Fox's breath."

Bai Han next to him sniffed his nose, his cold eyes lit up, and he stared not far away.

The next moment, the mist-rolling 36 Tiangang array gradually revealed its original shape, and Kong Konger burst out of the mist, flew over with a smile, landed on the white clouds, stretched out his hands and rubbed Bai Han's head, and said with a smile: " You are finally here, your Uncle Bai misses you very much."

Bai Han didn't dodge, but instead said: "He has someone to accompany him, and he still cares about me, but why didn't Brother Huo Er stay with you?"

Kong Kong'er withdrew his hand and said, "There are too many people coming out of the spirit world, but someone must guard them. Huo'er and Wu Yu stayed in the spirit world, but Mu Bai and his wife came out."

"Mubai is here too? I think the two of them are worried about Nian Bai."

When Bai Han mentioned Li Nianbai, he rarely showed a smile.

"Yuan'er, where is your father? Why can't I detect his breath?"

Zi Luo put her hands on my shoulders and asked, with an anxious expression on her face.

"Auntie, uncle and my father, as well as Man Ye and the rest of the village, have all been killed by the Black Miao people, and their souls have been devoured by the holy insects of the Black Miao people, so you can't sense Uncle."

The cousin stood on top of Li Nianbai's ebony sword, and Houtu, Gu An'an, flew out from the clouds with one.

"Zhongli, since when did you like joking with your aunt?"

Mother let go of my shoulders, stared at Zhongli, and said with a smile, but her face was very stiff, with a look of disbelief.

My cousin jumped down from the ebony sword, staggered to my side, stared at my mother, and said, "That's true, because the people from the Black Miao nationality attacked Huangtian Pavilion back then, and almost caused Huangtian Pavilion to lose money." For the two ghost hunters, that holy insect is very powerful, this matter is also very clear in Nianbai."

"That's right, this holy insect of the Black Miao tribe is a strange beast inherited from the Wu tribe. It is indestructible and good at hiding. If Zhongli hadn't used his magic eye to make this insect appear, I couldn't really hurt it with my swordsmanship. Or Zhong Yuan used the bone of the real devil to devour the scarab bit by bit, and then it was wiped out."

Li Nianbai also came over and spoke, but his eyes kept on Bai Han.

When my mother heard this, although she was unwilling, she still reluctantly accepted the reality. She slowly closed her eyes, her body trembled slightly, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth. I hurriedly supported her.

She slowly opened her eyes, reached out and pinched my face, and said in a weak voice: "Fortunately, you are fine, if something happens to you, I will definitely not survive."

"Senior sister, I think you are living well."

A familiar voice came from the direction of Panlong Mountain. After listening carefully, it was the voice of Leader Ruyi. Although it was slightly different from the girl's voice before, the timbre did not change.

When she reappeared, she looked like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy with long hair draped over her shoulders, looking at her mother with a smile.

"Junior Sister Ruyi, long time no see, your technique of reincarnation has reached the last level."

The mother opened her body, standing upright, a huge breath leaked from her body, and the previous weakness was swept away and disappeared.

"Senior sister, aren't you the same? Judging from the aura on your body, it is also the same. Although we are all practicing the art of reincarnation, there are always some differences. Every time I reincarnate, my physical body will change. Senior sister this time Come on, what's the matter?"

Ruyi landed on the clouds, her beautiful eyes rolled, and she spoke quietly.

"I just wanted to seek the protection of my junior sister. Bai Han and I destroyed the Demon Transformation Pond in the Great World of Maha. Styx was furious because of this. He spared no effort to spend his own blood to create a real demon puppet to hunt and kill us. Along the way A few demon heads were beheaded by us, but the number is still quite a lot.”

The mother didn't hide it, and said so.

"A few puppets at the level of real demons?! Sister, don't you want to throw this mess to me? Take a look at my situation here. It's not much better than you imagined, and this time it's against the Nine Demons! Both Wei Wuya and your son were invited to solve this disaster."

Ruyi was taken aback when she heard that there were puppets at the level of real demons, and she no longer had the calmness she had before.

"The intelligence of these puppets at the level of true demons is not high, and they are still worse than real demons."

Bai Han explained beside him.

"Even so, our alliance headquarters is now losing troops and losing generals, and we can't stand too much turmoil at all. Senior sister, you should go back to the Huangtian Pavilion with your son. The dragon veins have spewed out dragon yuan. This is their biggest gift for helping us this time. Maybe Zhong Yuan will advance to the realm of the earth fairy because of these Longyuan. If the senior sister comes to visit and come to play, Ruyi must be very happy, but because of this matter, Ruyi absolutely cannot agree. Now the alliance is full of vitality It is damaged, and it cannot be recovered for a while."

Ruyi sighed, this time the real devil sneak attack killed a lot of powerful elders, now only a few elders are left, and the remaining ghost hunters were killed or injured countless times.

"Auntie, don't worry, Huangtian Pavilion will not be much weaker than the Ghost Hunters Alliance now."

The cousin explained next to him.

"Well, okay, but I still have something to tell my junior sister, junior sister, find a quiet place."

The mother nodded in relief, and then spoke to Ruyi.

"That's exactly what I mean, Senior Sister, please come with me."

Ruyi grinned and glanced at my mother, then at me, then turned and flew away. My mother patted my shoulder and followed me.

At this time, Li Nianbai had already started chatting with Bai Han and Kong Kong'er. Kong Kong'er and Bai Han kept pinching him, and even patted his head. It was the elders who were greeting a child. .

"What? My parents are here? Oops, Wuchang and Qingming are not here. If my parents really want to do something to me, who can stop me? This time, I don't want to go back to the Huangtian Pavilion."

Li Nianbai suddenly screamed loudly, like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

"What are you afraid of, can't I protect you?"

Bai Han smiled slightly, patted him on the shoulder and said, there was an unquestionable feeling in his tone, speaking of it, Bai Han was still Li Nianbai's master, and for a while when he was a child, he personally taught him some spells.

At any rate, they were also brothers in need who broke through together back then, for his own sake, Mu Bai would not embarrass his son.

"What did you do wrong, kid? Are you so scared?"

Kong Kong'er's peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, and he began to look at Li Nianbai, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"Nianbai, I think they are talking to Dongzhu now."

I walked over and said with a smile.

"Then let's go back first, Zhong Yuan, are you staying here or going back?"

Kong Konger, with a pair of sleeve robes, stared at me and said.

"You go back first. You are all injured at this stop. Go back to recuperate early. I have to wait for my mother before going down to the underworld. It seems that something big has happened in the underworld. I don't feel at ease if I don't go down."

Thinking of the imprint of the Mingyin pendant before, it collapsed for no reason. This jade pendant is inextricably related to Zhong Kui. Only if something happened to Zhong Kui, the jade pendant will be like this. Zhong Kui is an extremely powerful ghost king. They are all extremely powerful ghost weapons.

"I'll stay."

Houtu stood behind me and said.

"You look very bad, go with them first, I should be able to handle it alone, as long as I refine the dragon essence in my body, I should be able to reach the realm of the earth fairy."

Seeing her pale face, I didn't want her to run around with me anymore, so I said immediately.

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