Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 471 [Great Changes in Hell]

"Don't worry, I'm free."

Houtu smiled slightly, and some blood returned to his pale face, everything seemed so calm and calm.

I know her character, once she decides something, it is difficult to change, so she simply stopped talking, even if she listens to me, if she has her own ideas, she will not change easily.

"Zhong Yuan, no matter what happens in the underworld, I hope you will come back. You know that my mother likes you very much. She will be very happy when you come back. Then you will intercede for me, and Dongzhu is a good friend." Girl, you understand."

Li Nianbai grinned, and looked at me heartlessly, I knew he was just worried about me, and with his godmother's temperament, he would like Dongzhu very much.

I also didn't tell them about the collapse of the seal of Mingyin Pei. This matter is too important. What happened in this underworld?It's really unbelievable that this Mingyin pendant would collapse.

When they left, Hou Tu and I fell down, and the surrounding blood was scattered, and a raging fire was burning, but the fire was well controlled and would not spread to the outside of the forest, and it was covered by some shallow magic circles, so outsiders It was undetectable, and these fires couldn't hurt me and Houtu at all. I led her through the fire, and arrived at the gate of the ghost hunter's headquarters.

"Zhong Yuan! This time, thanks to your Huangtian Pavilion, otherwise, our ghost hunter alliance will be destroyed."

A familiar voice came from another place, and in the sea of ​​flames, a rather burly figure jumped out, it was Wu Tianxing, he was smiling, his face was rosy, his steps were vigorous, and he didn't look injured at all.

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful figure followed. This woman is like a lotus emerging from water, with a clear face, wearing a light blue dress, and walking through the fire, the flames on both sides will automatically separate, as if the long dress on her body is different from the fire protection. Average clothes.

"Even if the alliance is destroyed, you still have a way to escape. Don't think I don't know. Wuhuang'er is your half-sister, and your father gave you some secret treasures for self-defense. The Supreme Elder of Yuan Daozong, how can he have less treasures?"

I spoke to him angrily, this kid is glib.

"Hey, I can't hide anything from you. Let me introduce you. This is Yuan Jiang, the closed disciple of leader Ruyi. His strength is not weaker than any elder. He will take over the position of leader in the future. Of course, he is also my girlfriend now. .”

Wu Tianxing laughed, and then stretched out his hand to pull the girl over. The girl's small hand was held by Wu Tianxing, and a blush immediately appeared on her cheek. Seeing us staring at her, she immediately said:

"Thank you, Huangtian Pavilion, for coming here in person. There are more than [-] devils, and they also rely on the Lord Zhongyuan's Earth Snake. Otherwise, how could we have eliminated it so easily?"

"The strength of these devils is not even as good as the devil's emissary, and they are not even there. They are like puppets. The alliance relies on the geographical advantage and takes some time, so it can always be dealt with."

I shook my head, with the strength of the alliance, to deal with these more than ten thousand demons, as long as they are found in time and then activate the magic circle, they can still be dealt with. , these monsters are simply scum, not worth mentioning at all.

The biggest reason is probably that Ruyi wants to train the ghost hunters under her sect. Only through actual combat can she exert her strongest combat effectiveness.

"Don't stand here, go in and sit down."

Yuan Jiang smiled slightly and spoke.

Anyway, the matter between mother and leader Ruyi has not been resolved yet, and Houtu also needs to rest now, so he let them go to the reception living room.

The layout here is also luxurious, not at all like what should be found in the deep mountains. There are many kinds of fruits served, as well as the fragrant tea.

Here, I chatted with Wu Tianxing and Yuan Jiang about a lot of issues, most of which were related to the cooperation between the Huangtian Pavilion and the alliance headquarters in the future. Wu Tianxing revealed from Wu Tianxing that the leader of the Ruyi League will not take long to retreat behind the scenes. Take over, this is also the result of why you came to me to discuss.

At noon, Leader Ruyi arrived here with his mother. His mother was rather haggard and said coldly, "Yuan'er, I can't go back to the Huangtian Pavilion with you. I have more important things to do."

I was slightly taken aback, thought for a moment, and asked softly, "Could it be that mother wants to seek revenge from Heimiao's lineage?"

She nodded, clenched her fists, said in a hoarse voice with a hint of desolation: "Yes, don't worry, I will be careful, and I will investigate this matter thoroughly. What will happen to the Huangtian Pavilion in the future?" For the matter, Junior Sister Ruyi will do her best to help, so you can call her Senior Uncle."

"Hello, Master Ruyi."

I gave a salute to Leader Ruyi, she looks younger than me, so I feel a little uncomfortable calling her Shishu at this moment.

"We're all a family. You're welcome. Yuan Jiang should have told you a lot. In the future, the alliance headquarters will hand over to her."

The leader Ruyi said with a slight smile.

We had lunch at the alliance headquarters at noon, and then we left. My mother went in the direction of the Hei Miao people, and we went to the underworld.

It is not easy to find the underworld because there is no guide from the underworld. I tried to communicate with the ancestor Zhong Kui with the secret technique of the Zhong family, but there was no news. Then I tried to communicate with Grandpa and You Yue. , nothing happens.

It seems that we have to rely on our own memory to find the underworld. We have found a secluded place and are trying to find a way to enter the underworld.

"Zhong Yuan, let me come. The breath of Chuan Po is still there, and I can feel it."

Houtu smiled slightly, let go of my hand, then walked to the open space in front of me, stretched out his hand towards the ground, and began to mutter something, after a while, a crack opened in the ground, and a black wind rolled out from it , the crack was bottomless, Hou Tu grabbed my hand and jumped into it.

The next moment, we landed on Huangquan Road, but as soon as we landed, I was a little stunned by the surrounding situation.

This place was originally Huangquan Road, and there should be those fiery Bianhua flowers beside it, but I didn't see them now. When I walked to the side of the road, I found that these Bianhua flowers had all withered and died.

For the first time, I felt that this underworld was shrouded in an ominous atmosphere. This underworld was originally gloomy, but now it gave me another strange feeling.

Quiet, empty, not a single ghost!

Yes, I was not mistaken, here is empty, there is no ghost, and there is no ghost, here is gray, dark, and dead.

What happened in the underworld?There is not a single ghost on this road to Huangquan. We walked a certain distance on the road, but we never saw any ghosts or ghosts, as if they disappeared out of thin air.

At this time, Houtu stopped suddenly, and spewed out a stream of blood from her mouth, feeling dizzy, I immediately supported her, the power of hunting ghosts in her body penetrated into her body, she opened her eyes slightly, very Weakly replied: "It's not good, something big happened!"

"Did you predict something again?"

My face darkened, and I asked.

"Something went wrong, Six Paths... something happened to Six Paths of Reincarnation."

She pursed her lips and tried her best to stand up, her eyes looked ashen.

"Can you use the Dao pattern in my palm to repair it?"

I know her relationship with the six realms of reincarnation. She was the incarnation of reincarnation at the beginning, and now she is reincarnated, and has returned to the mystery of the womb. She must have a lot of understanding of the six realms of reincarnation.

Hou Tu suddenly leaned towards me, put his head on my chest, and didn't speak for a long time.

I stretched out my arms to hug her, her body was very soft, exuding a faint fragrance, but her body was a bit cold, I hugged her, and said beside her delicate ears, "Why don't you talk?"

Her delicate body trembled slightly, she hugged me with both hands, and said:

"Zhong Yuan, in fact, your feelings for Xiaoqing are also very good. If, if one day I am gone, I hope you can treat Xiaoqing well."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Where are you going?"

I frowned and said.

As long as I reach the fairyland, I think no one can do anything to me except the Jade Emperor, and now this primitive world is almost isolated from the fairyland, and the power of thunder and punishment is just formed by the condensed power of heaven. In this way, immortal soldiers cannot come from the lower realm.

Hou Tu said so, what is he worried about?Am I incapable of protecting her now?

"I just said that if, if one day I leave completely, I hope that someone will take good care of you. I have chatted with Xiaoqing in private. She loves you crazily, but her identity is not ordinary. You pose a threat, but for the people around you, maybe, she promised me."

Houtu's voice was very small, very weak, faint, with a hint of sadness.


A sigh resounded, as if it had passed through thousands of years, it was heavy, helpless, and reluctant.

"Is there something I can't solve right now?"

I hugged her tightly, and my voice sank a bit. I already had a very bad premonition in my heart. Houtu seemed to be leaving me. This time, it was really leaving me, not reincarnation. .

"Well, yes, the reincarnation of the six realms is definitely not something that can be repaired by the dao pattern in the palm. Even if it can be repaired, it can only repair the outside. The inner core of the soul cannot be repaired at all. I have already decided, Zhong... Huangtian, I'm sorry."

Houtu struggled to raise his head from my arms, his eyes were red, he bit his lips tightly, and a trace of blood flowed out.

"No, you and I have been separated for so many years. This time, we finally solved the mystery of the womb. I can't give up on you. I will find a way to repair this core of the soul."

I cupped her face in my hands and said through gritted teeth.

Although I can't think of a way now, I will definitely find it in the future.

Houtu smiled sadly, tears welled up in his eyes, I opened my mouth, and wiped them hard.

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