Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 474 [Find out the situation]

The golden sword thread sank into the void, and went straight to the false and true demon, almost in the blink of an eye, the sword thread reached the sky above the false and true devil's head.

I still ignore the fighting instincts of the false and true demons. Although they only obey some basic instructions, their fighting skills are quite strong.

As soon as the golden sword thread appeared above his head, he was noticed. Without hesitation, he stretched out his fist and slammed it upwards, intending to use brute force to defeat the sword thread.

However, the sword silk formed by the compression of the sword energy looks slender, but it is definitely not so easy to be destroyed, and the power of this strong sword silk is enough to cut a mountain in the middle.

The big fist was covered with strange magic lines, just hitting the sword thread, this fist couldn't resist the sword thread at all, it was cut off by the sword thread directly, and the magma surged out of the broken place, and soon, a The brand-new palms were condensed again to form. The fake and real demon raised his head, stared at me blankly, and smashed his fists in the air, and the dense shadows of the fists swept towards me with scorching power.

When I was fighting, Houtu and Fan Yi Ghost King also participated in the battle at the same time, and it was the first time I saw Fan Yi Ghost King make a move, and he didn't have any ghost weapon in his hand. After chanting, in a short while, a long sword was added in his hand. This long sword turned out to be like the illusion of starlight.

Fan Yi's green robe swayed slightly, and the long sword in his hand went straight to the white-haired witch. The cold and calm face of the witch could no longer be calm, and then the white hair flew up from the back of her head, turning into silver strands straight Go to Fan Yi.

On the contrary, Houtu seemed extremely calm, and the strength of these ordinary demons was not worth mentioning compared to the white-haired female devil and the fake and real demons. Therefore, Houtu basically killed the demon with one palm.

With a flick of my wrist, dense sword lights rolled out again. These fist shadows were scattered by the sword lights one by one, and many sword lights chopped on the body of this false and real demon, and immediately cut out wounds of different sizes. The puppet real devil doesn't have a trace of flesh and blood at all, as if it was really cast from molten lava, and no matter how I attack him, he is still intact.

For example, if I cut off his arm, the dropped arm will turn into molten liquid and merge into his body, and then re-emerge.

This scene is a bit tricky. The opponent is not afraid of my attack, and he has already begun to show his terrifying strength, affecting the surroundings.

The feet of the false puppet have begun to melt, turning into an abnormally high temperature lava. This layer of lava spreads from the ground to the surrounding area, and the range becomes wider and wider. The surrounding trees are ignited by the high temperature of the lava. Formed into wisps of black mist, most of the mist dissipated.

Houtu has already successfully dealt with those ordinary demons, but the white-haired witch fled to the sky above the false and real demon puppet. With a flick of her head, dense silver threads pierced into the void in front of her, as if the space had been pierced out. There are small holes, and the hair keeps passing through these holes, but it disappears strangely.

Just when I was feeling strange, I suddenly felt my body tightened, and the body was covered with dense white hair, and these hairs seemed to have spirituality, and they began to tighten me a little bit.

After struggling a few times, these strands of hair are very resilient, but this white-haired witch has some skills, and she has such a weird and hard-to-defend attack method.

At this time, the fake and real devil puppet that I chopped into pieces below began to condense again. This time, it completely turned into a living person. With a flick of the arm, dense magma was thrown towards me.

However, just as the magma flew into the air, a large cloud of smoke suddenly appeared, and an unusually cold breath was blown in. The magma condensed into ice in an instant, and fell from the sky one after another.

I turned my head and saw that Houtu was already standing on this magma area, and a huge ice flower was blooming under her feet. , Dissolve immediately, but at the same time, the magma in this area will also change accordingly, becoming extremely cold.

Although I stretched out my hands and got entangled by these white hairs, I was still able to drive the purple gold magic fire in my dantian. With a thought, the next moment, the surface of my body was surrounded by flames, and these white hairs immediately ignited, and soon resumed their activities , the next second, the white-haired witch screamed, and the white hair on her head began to burn.

She made a decisive decision, all the white hairs on her head fell off by herself, her head became bald all of a sudden, her body twisted, and she actually left this so-called No.

Fan Yi decisively stretched out his hand and threw it, the long sword in his hand turned into a gleaming rope and flew out, firmly trapping the demon, no matter how hard she struggled, she could no longer escape.

The power of ice possessed by Houtu completely restrained the lava. In the end, No. [-]'s puppet turned into a stone sculpture, and then cut it with the demon-subduing sword, and it was broken into powder and scattered in the air.

"Zhong Yuan, it's you guys, that's great."

A crisp voice came from the woods behind me, Qingluo came out with many errands, they all looked very tired, but Fan Yi, with a wave of his blue sleeve robe, densely packed ghosts The incense shot out from the cuffs and submerged into the land in front of these Yinmen. They were not polite, and began to desperately absorb the incense that nourished the Yin body.

I came to this white-haired female devil, looked her up, and asked:

"How is the situation in Fengdu Ghost City now?"

The white-haired female devil snorted coldly, and stared at me through gritted teeth, as if she wanted to swallow me alive.

"Don't talk? Qingluo, you come to interrogate her."

Seeing Qingluo approaching, I opened my mouth. Qingluo has a ghost weapon in her hand, which can do great damage to these demons, and she is also good at this kind of method. There will be many wandering ghosts here.

Qingluo held a black whip in her hand, and with a shake in the air, it hit the body of the white-haired witch fiercely. The witch let out a scream, and her whole body was filled with devilish energy, as if it would collapse at any moment.

"I... I said, don't beat me again. If I say so, can you agree to let me go? I can swear that I will never fight against the underworld when I leave here, and I will not leak the news about you here of."

The white-haired female devil had a painful and grim face, and immediately began to beg for mercy.

After she finished taking the oath, I continued to ask: "Is Styx in Fengdu Ghost City now? What's the situation in Fengdu Ghost City now? Which three of the ten true demons in the Maha Great World are the demons?"

The white-haired witch thought for a while, as if she had made up her mind, she glanced at the sky, then turned her head and said softly to me:

"Master Styx's whereabouts are really beyond the reach of us small characters, but he should not be in Fengdu Ghost City now. He disappeared after the capture of Fengdu Ghost City last time, and I don't know where he went.

The ghost city is now completely occupied by us, but the Wangxiangtai outside the city has no time to manage those errants. All of them are locked up in the endless hell, but our people will interrogate these errants every day and ask them to explain. The secret of the whole underworld, if you don't obey, you will be tortured.

Those powerful characters were imprisoned alone in the Fiery Hell, including Yan Jun, Lu Pan, Zhong Kui and other big figures at the level of ghost kings, as well as several first-rank powerful ghosts were all imprisoned here.

As for the last three true devil masters, they are Helao and Xianxian. I don’t know the specific origin of the other true devil master. The two real demon adults must obey her orders. "

"A new true demon?"

I frowned, I have never been to the Great World of Maha, but as far as I know, the demon envoys under the hands of the real demons are all likely to advance to the top ten real demons, but I don’t know which one, but they can I was sure it was a Jurchen demon. Thinking of this, I asked again:

"Then you should know what magic skills they are good at. Let's talk about them one by one. If there is a half-truth, you will know the consequences."

The white-haired female demon saw the Soul Beating Whip in the Qingluo search, her face changed again, she shook her head again and again and said: "I must know everything, the high-grade magic weapon owned by He Lao is the yellow wooden walking stick in his hand. The spirit of the evil dragon was sealed in this yellow wooden crutch, and then sacrificed and practiced for many years, it is very powerful, and his true magic can be integrated with this yellow wooden crutch, greatly increasing his strength.

Master Xianxian Zhenmo is good at dark swordsmanship, and the swordsmanship she cultivates is dark. If she is injured by her sword energy, her whole body will turn into a puddle of blood mist, and her swordsmanship is very powerful, piercing gold and cracking stones, It is extremely difficult for outsiders to get close, but compared to this, she usually only uses swordsmanship supernatural powers from a distance, and never makes people attack me close. She is probably very weak physically. She is a real demon transformed from a bird with nine heads, so she has Nine lives, as long as nine heads are cut off, all of them will die.

I don't know the other real demon very well. I only know that her magic weapon is two red steel needles, which come and go without a trace. These monsters were instantly killed by these scarlet steel needles, and they didn't even have time to make a move. "

I nodded, and asked about the deployment of the devil's troops, and some branches of the forces. Among them, what worried me the most was the guards leading to the ghost blood sea and guarding the blood sea, but let me What is very frustrating is that these guards often change, which is very troublesome. Even if we now know that there are six fake and real demon puppets guarding there, maybe they will change again when we rush over there.

After learning all the news I wanted, I completely abolished the magic power of this demon and let her fend for herself.

And now the final thing I want is to invite the two seniors Qingming and Wuchang in the Ksitigarbha Temple. With them, I can take back Fengdu Ghost City without any chance of failure.

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