Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 475 [False True Demon Puppet]

After resting in place for a day, all these bad injuries have recovered, and even Fan Yi has recovered seven or eight levels.

After the hunting team was killed by us, no other teams came, which made us worry a lot. I glanced around. None of the fourth-rank, one third-rank, second-rank or first-rank was found, and Qingluo was sitting a little further away from Fan Yi. Qingluo leaned on his shoulder, not knowing what to say.

Houtu's complexion looked much better, but the spiritual core of the six realms of reincarnation is closely related to her, so it will be affected to some extent.

I don't know how the Six Paths of Samsara are damaged now, let's see if it can be repaired. Thinking of this, I said to Fan Yi not far away: "Fan Yi, your valley should not be occupied by the devil yet. "

Fan Yi got up, led Qingluo to my side, and said: "That's not true. Many magic circles have been set up in my valley, and it's not so easy for a real devil to break in, let alone the unique magic circle. geographic location."

"Since this is the case, that's fine. Qingluo and your yin servants should be able to communicate with each other. In this way, Houtu and I will go to the Nether Blood Sea to ask for reinforcements. The two of you will be responsible for gathering the yin servants scattered in the secluded forest." Get up, when the time comes, we will go directly to Fan Yi's valley to find you, and at that time, it is time for us to take back Fengdu Ghost City and rescue Yan Jun and the others."

After shaking hands, my voice was a little louder. In fact, I also have a selfish intention. Recapturing the ghost city of Fengdu and checking the six reincarnations is the most important thing. After all, the status of Houtu in my heart is far higher than that of Fengdu. ghost town.

"Well, then you should be careful, do you need to bring some errands with you?"

Fan Yi nodded, then glanced at the dozen or so errands not far away, and said to me.

"No need, we have found the weakness of these false and true demons. They are very afraid of the power of ice, and Houtu now has the power of ice power which is not weaker than that of the God of Ice. It is enough to resist the power of these magma. Transformed into a false and true demon."

I gently held Houtu's palm, feeling her faint body temperature.

"Well, okay, no problem."

Fan Yi nodded, and then led these errants out of here, while I and Houtu went to the Nether Blood Sea. I pinched the Fajue and summoned a cloud of white clouds to pull Houtu up.

"In this way, won't it be too ostentatious? Are you planning to ride the clouds directly?"

Houtu looked at me with some surprise, and asked in a deep voice.

"Of course, there are as many as [-] of these fake and real devil puppets, and they are all melted, which is very harmful to these ghosts in the underworld. Just because of the aura on their body, the ghosts can't get close easily. It’s very difficult to deal with, if you can eliminate it, let’s eliminate it all.”

I opened my mouth to clarify my real reasons, only in this way can I draw out these false demons.

Hou Tu nodded, looked at the Demon-subduing Sword in my hand, and said thoughtfully: "Let me bless your Demon-subduing sword, it can emit cold sword energy, so that you can cut If they lose their heads, they will be directly frozen, and they will not be able to resurrect again with the power of magma."

I was taken aback for a moment, then handed her the Demon Subduing Sword, and said with a smile: "It's because you have a good brain, but I forgot, with the blessing of your icy power, which is equivalent to the level of the Ice God, these fake and real demon puppets Just like chopping melons and vegetables, there is no threat at all."

I am very confident in my swordsmanship and the method of using the Demon-Slaying Sword. I have already used this sword with ease, and from time to time I will use my ghost-hunting power to cultivate this sword. It is also an instant to open the rune magic circle inside. More importantly, this sword will contain a weapon spirit in a short time.

Hou Tu took the Demon-subduing Sword, stared at it with a smile on the corner of his mouth, did not move in time, but stroked the sword lightly, and finally said: "Now I use my power of ice on your Demon-subduing sword. A rune array is printed on the upper tattoo, don't worry, I know that the Fumo Sword can withstand the rune array almost to the limit, the rune array derived from my ice power is different, the impact will not be great, don't worry, Maybe there will be a lot of benefits."

After she finished speaking, she slightly opened her red lips, and a flash of blue light spewed out from her mouth, immediately filled with coldness, this blue glow wrapped around the Demon Demon Sword, suspended in mid-air, then she raised her arm, and moved her fingers quickly Pinch the law, constantly changing, a series of mysterious runes shimmering in blue light are hidden in the Fumo sword, and I drive the white cloud to fly away to the Nether Blood Sea. There is a certain distance.

When I flew to half the distance, a sudden chill came from behind me. With my current body, I can basically resist the severe cold automatically, but I still feel this chill. I turned my head and saw the blue blanket. There are many light blue marks on the blade of Fumojian wrapped in the cold light. It is the icy feeling emanating from these marks, and this is not just the aura emanating from the rune circle.

Hou Tu's tender body was already trembling, and fine beads of sweat were dripping from his forehead, but these beads of sweat did not roll off, but seemed to form ice beads.

The next moment, her tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and the eyes instantly turned into sapphires, and a faint blue trace appeared on the center of her eyebrows.

The blue ice light around the Demon Demon Sword began to subside, bit by bit it sank into the sword body, and the blue marks on the sword body also began to sink into the Demon Demon Sword, and finally the Demon Demon Sword returned to normal. I handed the Fumo Sword to me, while I sat on the clouds and closed my eyes to meditate.

I took the Fumo Sword and felt it. Compared with before, this sword has not changed much, but it is more cold, and the power of hunting ghosts is submerged in it. Blue light patterns flashed on the sword immediately. , the power of ice increased greatly.

Just as I was shaking the Fumo Sword, there was a whistling sound from below, huge boulders shot out from the secluded forest, there were dozens of them, and each one was as big as a water tank, and The whole body was surrounded by flames, and the white clouds below almost evaporated.

Glancing at the front, there is already a scarlet area not far ahead, which is the Nether Blood Sea area. It seems that these boulders are cast by these false and true demons.

In this case, let's fight and see how powerful the Demon Demon Sword is.

I sprayed out the black gang real clock again to protect the back soil, and I jumped down, pulling a few sword flowers and rushing down.

These swords were blue and faint, solid as ice, and flew out at an unusually fast speed. The boulders near me were all split in two, and the scorching high temperature disappeared, turning into a pitch-black Stones fell.

After a while, all these flaming boulders were wiped out, and I also fell to the ground.

On the opposite side are six fake and real demon puppets and more than a dozen demon heads. The strength of these demon heads is not as good as the demon emissary.

Seeing me come down, these fake and real demon puppets roared one after another, and their bodies swelled instantly, turning into flame giants several feet high, and then opened their mouths one after another, rolling out one after another of flames, and six flames joined together , It turned into a sea of ​​flames and rolled towards me. The surrounding ghost trees and ghost grass immediately turned into countless black dust in this flame, and then disappeared.

The astonishingly high temperature approached me, and the color of the flames almost turned into pure gold, and the waves of fire rolled so fast that I hardly had time to think, and they were about to be submerged in an instant.

"Five-element holy body, the power of sunflower water! Water-element battle armor!"

With a low shout, waves of light appeared on my body, and layers of black water waves turned into battle armor to protect my whole body. The power of sunflower water turned out to be black, which surprised me, but I couldn't feel it at all when I was submerged by the flames. The high temperature, but the surroundings are covered by sight, and it is impossible to see too far.

At this moment, six extremely huge black shadows suddenly appeared around me, and their densely packed fists smashed towards me with the power of flames. When the surrounding air tightened, these flames seemed to turn into substance.

"The ice rune array is activated, the ice field!"

I activated the formation, and the power of hunting ghosts passed away extremely fast. It was already saturated, and almost half of it had passed. Now I am infinitely close to the realm of the earth fairy. With so much ghost-hunting power, it simply surpasses the highest rune circle that I can use to activate the Fumo Sword.

Lifting the Demon-Destroying Sword in his hand, the blue spirit pattern on the sword body actually started to swim. The next moment, the light burst out, and one after another cold lights shot out from the sword body, respectively submerging into the surrounding flames. middle.

A diamond-shaped light curtain instantly condensed and formed, and the surrounding flames disappeared strangely, revealing the true shapes of these big fake and real demon puppets, and their movements became extremely slow, and the fists were also slowed down. With the last swipe, dodging, the power of flames on the bodies of these fake and real demons also disappeared, turning them into black giants.

Looking at the surroundings again, although the ice field is not big, it is extremely cold. These false and true demon puppets are soon covered with layers of frost, and the surrounding ground is covered with thick ice.

This field was created by me, so it will naturally not be affected.

I glanced outside, Houtu had already jumped down from the clouds, those ordinary demons were hit by a palm, and turned into ice sculptures in various shapes, she stood there with her mouth pursed and looked at I.

Just as I was about to deal with these six fake and real demons, their bodies were suddenly covered with spider web-like cracks, which spread quickly, and finally all fell to the ground in pieces. I was a little confused, these scattered Suddenly, six fist-sized beads emerged from the row of stones.

Seeing these beads, I was slightly startled, they were able to resist the cold ice, although the breath of the beads was very weak.

The next moment, these six beads suddenly gathered in the middle and turned into a whole. This condensed fire bead seemed to contain some kind of power. It fell to the ground, shattered, and turned into a golden lava , and then changed rapidly, a figure stepped out from the golden molten liquid, and the facial features gradually became clear.

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