Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 481 [Injury Demon]

Before approaching this area, he felt a chill that pierced his soul.

Although I knew that Luo Shui'er had practiced ice-type exercises before, I never expected it to be so powerful. In other words, it was the fusion of memories, and some things I didn't understand were all opened up.

In the middle of the sky, a thin layer of ice appeared strangely, with a light blue glow shining on it, Bai Wuchang and Hou Tu stood on this ice layer, one person was surrounded by snowflakes, while the other was covered in stars , arc throughput.

Opposite them is a fairy, I have seen this girl before, she is really like a fairy, but now her appearance has changed drastically, her eyebrows have been replaced by feathers, her arms have turned into snow-white wings, and her whole body is covered by a layer of black mist Caged, only the upper body is exposed, the hair has turned red, besides the black mist, there are many snow-white sword auras all over the body. These sword auras are as real as they are, and they seem to be more powerful than the silver giant sword a bit.

The sword energy displayed by this immortal actually merged with the attack methods in the Immortal Killing Formation. These hundreds of thousands of sword energy swarmed out, almost turned into afterimages and went straight to the back soil.

Hou Tu was pinching the Jue, and a huge crystal shield appeared in front of him. This shield appeared in the shape of a rhombus, but golden runes appeared strangely on the surface, and a strong earth-attributed aura rushed towards him. Then, these sword qi collided with the crystal shield, and there was a dense burst of cracking sounds, hitting a gorgeous light, and the crystal shield shook violently, as if it would collapse at any time.

But the crystal shield did not shatter because of this, but the golden runes on it shined and maintained.

Not far from Xianxian is the guardian of Mosha. These two demons are extremely large, wearing battle armor, and holding a huge golden ax in both hands. Raising his arm, he slashed hard at the crystal shield.

Four golden axes were thrown out, making explosive noises in the air.


The ax was chopped on the crystal shield, and after the crystal shield became radiant, it shattered into countless pieces, and the four axes shot towards Houtu and Bai Wuchang respectively.

Houtu let out a cold snort, his body swayed, the yellow glow on his body surface shone, his body suddenly rose a few feet, and a set of golden battle skirt appeared on the surface of his body, he let out a coquettish shout, and smashed out his fists fiercely, this The two giant axes were thrown by her directly, and Hou Tu took a few steps back, his face flushed.

Bai Wuchang saw that the two giant axes did not dodge either, and the casual short sleeves on his upper body were shattered. The skin of his strong upper body was as white as milk, and it exuded a crystal luster like beautiful jade, but the next second , There are dense witch patterns appearing on this body.

The breath of the great witch!How can it be?Could it be that he is also a member of the witch clan?

I was a little startled. At this moment, he let out a muffled growl, and punched out with both fists. Stars and electric arcs swirled around his arms, and he placed it on the golden giant ax fiercely, and also knocked the giant ax into the air.

The two Mosha guards stretched out their hands to make a move, and the seemingly huge and heavy ax fell lightly in their hands, and then the two of them flew towards this side stepping on the black clouds under their feet.

"Five Elements Holy Body, Yimu Power, Azure Dragon, come out!"

A huge green dragon appeared in the sky, opened its mouth and sprayed, and the blue dragon's breath spewed out like a raging flame, completely covering the Mosha guards, but the next moment, several golden axes struck the blue dragon's head from the dragon's breath Go, Qinglong flicked its giant tail, and the ax was immediately knocked out.

The body of Mosha Guardian staggered and fell out of the dragon's breath. The armor on his body had become incomplete, and there was still a trace of white mist emerging from his body, and his breath was much weaker.

"I'll take care of these two demon guards!"

I raised the Subduing Demon Sword and opened my mouth towards Houtu. After the two guards came out, I stretched out my hand and shook several golden sword threads, and the next second after I made a move, a voice suddenly came from below. The heating flames made the surrounding space even more condensed, and densely packed silver giant swords shot out.

Looking down, several real demon puppets appeared out of the magic mist at some point, mechanically opened their mouths, and sprayed out flames all over the sky. The temperature of these golden flames was no lower than my red gold magic fire .

"The power of sunflower water!"

Stretching out his hand to pat down, black water splashed out from the palm of his hand. These black rains are sunflower water. Each drop has the power of abundant water element, which is compressed and extremely heavy. Although these flames are powerful, they cannot reach To the extent of Binghuo, the sunflower water is enough to annihilate the flames, and even to injure these false and true demon puppets.

But what is more important to me now is the silver giant swords around me, because these giant swords contain powerful power. If they are cut by one, the consequences will be unimaginable, because these are the Immortal Killing Formation.

After condensing the Wutu battle armor, I started to deal with these silver giant swords. Although I can defeat these silver giant swords, there are too many of them.

Xianxian looked at me coldly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, showing a sneer, and ignored them, focusing on attacking Houtu and the others.


"Unexpectedly, the ability of Ksitigarbha's reincarnation is so powerful, even the power of the Immortal Killing Formation is not afraid at all!"

He Lao was holding a yellow wooden crutch, panting heavily.

Qingming's face was still stern, golden light lingered all over his body, rounds of golden halos appeared behind his head, and a huge Buddha shadow emerged behind him.

The surrounding silver giant swords kept attacking Qingming, but these giant swords pierced the phantom of the Buddha statue and then disappeared strangely, as if melted by the Buddha's light.

"If you use all the means to suppress the box, if you want to deal with me with this ability, it's just a dream!"

Qing Ming looked at He Lao coldly, dismissively, but was attacked by these silver giant swords again, unable to escape, very depressed.

Hearing this, Elder He's face was extremely gloomy, he let out a low drink, and threw the yellow wooden crutch in his hand into the air, there was a dragon's roar from the crutch, and then a yellow light flashed, the crutch twisted slightly It turned out that Huawei was a flood dragon, and it opened its bloody mouth to bite Qingming.

The color of this dragon is yellowish, with bright yellow scales on it. There are two giant tumor-like bumps on its head. It opens its mouth, revealing sharp teeth. Emerald green saliva drips from the mouth, giving off a bad breath. Squirted from the giant mouth.

"Yellow Jiao! The Jiao that is about to transform into a dragon, you are so lucky that you got the spirit of a Jiao, and this yellow wood is not an ordinary yellow wood, it should be Huanglongmu, which was unique to Dragon Island in ancient times. It’s really a pity that the wood you use is used like this!”

With a twist of Qing Ming's mouth, he leaped out and fought fiercely with the dragon, while He Lao was controlling the dragon with all his heart.


"Houtu, can you concentrate on protecting my body? I want to use the star power to kill this demon. She has already transformed into a demon body. If this continues, our strength will be exhausted sooner or later."

Bai Wuchang turned his head, gasping for breath, the witch pattern on his body exuded a faint blood glow, and a yin and yang fish appeared in his eyes, the whole person looked extraordinarily alluring.

Houtu nodded, gathered her hands together in front of her chest, and began to mutter something, suddenly she stretched out her hand to grab it, and a faint crack appeared, he stretched out his hand to grab it, but he didn't know what he grabbed. bling.

At this time, Bai Wuchang came to her side, sat down cross-legged, stars were lingering above her head, and a huge figure appeared in the sky. It turns out that these electric arcs are extremely powerful, and their destructive ability is also very strong. Even though Xianxian can manipulate the silver giant sword, he was defeated by these silver electric arcs in one fell swoop.

Hou Tu opened her hands, then clasped her hands, the golden light in her hands overflowed, stretched out her hand, and a small handful of soil was thrown out, then her red lips slightly opened, and a white light spewed out. The soil quickly reached above their heads, and after a few twists and turns, a huge almost transparent bell of Huawei covered the two of them.

The surrounding silver giant swords hit the giant clock and were immediately bounced off.


"My boy, the strength of my physical body is so powerful that it can counter the strength of my two brothers!"

One of the Mosha guards spoke in a low voice. The two of them were quite embarrassed. The armor on their bodies had completely melted away, revealing their pitch-black skin. The other said angrily: "Brother, let's fit together, this kid is playing with us!" , he has the power of Otoki, and he used sunflower water to greatly damage the strength of those fake and real demon puppets, we must kill him in one fell swoop!"


After finishing speaking, one of the demon guards stood in front, while the other merged in from behind. With the fusion, the demon guard grew two heads and four arms, each holding a golden giant. The ax, with a sharp shout, the Mosha guard suddenly spun like a top, a golden whirlwind blew towards me, and golden ax blades flew around me one after another.

Qinglong opened his mouth and sprayed, and the blue dragon's breath spewed out from his mouth, but this time the dragon's breath did not hurt the demon guard, but was defeated by the golden axe blade. Qinglong seemed to be angry, and the huge dragon tail desperately Whipped.

And I raised the Demon Subduing Sword, and the power of hunting ghosts swarmed in. I want to launch a powerful attack, which can destroy the demon guard in one fell swoop. The entire Demon Subduing Sword has turned into a piece of red gold. One hand spread out, and words began to be muttered in his mouth: "The universe in the palm, the evolution of the Dao pattern, the demon-killing talisman, condense!"

This time, there was no feeling of tearing in the palm, but a coolness, the talisman quickly condensed, I slapped the sword body, the talisman sank into it, and the sword light several feet long flowed.

Under my order, Qinglong retreated to the side, and slashed fiercely with the Demon Subduing Sword in his hand.

A golden sword light of more than a hundred feet flew out, and the Mosha guard was completely submerged in this sword light, without even screaming.

But another scream came through, and I turned my head to look, only to see Qing Ming punching Helao's body, and it exploded directly, Er Helao's real magic was also severely injured, and he was flying towards the fairy come over.

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