Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 482 [Wheel Chapter]

"Zhong Yuan, don't let him escape."

Qingming's voice came from afar, and a giant golden dragon screamed in the air. Qingming did not know when he was riding on the giant dragon's neck, and the vajra pestle in his hand kept piercing the neck, but there was no blood Splashing out was a bit weird, but the giant dragon seemed to be in extreme pain, wagging its tail non-stop.

The white-haired female demon had already said that Old He's most powerful method was nothing more than this yellow wooden crutch, because it sealed the dragon's soul, and now his body was blown up by Qing Ming, and his dharma escaped, even his own crutch was ignored. no.

It took me a lot of strength to kill the Mosha guard just now, but now I am in the realm of the earth fairy, and I can recover within a breath.

"The rune circle, the eighteenth floor is open, the sword of killing life!"

Bright red runes danced on the silver body, and these runes sank into the body of the sword one after another. The next moment, I stretched out my hand and threw it. The overflowing giant sword seemed to stir up the surrounding space, and an unusually large murderous aura filled the space. As he stretched out his hand, blood-colored runes flowed out from the giant sword.

Helao's demonic form stopped flying away, staring at me in shock and anger, and then his arms suddenly swelled up, turning into two black sabers, and slashed towards the blood-colored giant sword on top, with two astonishing blows The saber energy swept out, and even the void seemed to be cut open.

These two black giant knives are transformed by He Laozhen's magic, not real magic weapons, so naturally I will not be afraid of anything. The killing sword is like chopping melons and vegetables. All were destroyed under the sword, Helao's physical body was blown away, the dharma form had lost its body, and its energy was scattered, how could it make the opponent of the killing sword?

The crimson sword energy slashed from the void, and the face of He Lao's true magic face changed drastically. The big swords formed by his hands gathered in the middle and turned into a huge black shield. On this shield was carved a vicious grimace. When he opened his mouth and sprayed, a stream of viscous green flames spewed out.

But in front of the killing sword, these flames only resisted for a few seconds before being defeated in one fell swoop. The bloody long sword drove straight in and hit the black shield.


The black shield shattered, and the bloody long sword slashed fiercely on the golem, directly smashing into powder.

At the moment when the true magic form was wiped out, there was a mournful cry from a distance, and the Huang Jiao didn't know whether it was subdued by Qing Ming or because of the fall of its master, it turned into a yellow wooden crutch and was grabbed by Qing Ming inside.


The sound of dense explosions came from behind me. I turned around to look, and was startled. I didn’t know when the sky was covered by a layer of starlight. The electric arcs shot out crazily, and the entire world was impacted by this powerful force, and the immortals were completely submerged by these electric arcs.

Qing Ming flew to my side, stretched out his hand towards the center of the explosion not far away and said: "The last true demon has been trapped, as long as this true demon dies, the eyes of the formation will be broken, and the entire killing formation will no longer exist. Bar."

I nodded, stretched out my hand to grab it, and the Demon Subduing Sword appeared in my hand, and the other hand was spread out, the Dao patterns flowed in the palm, almost just a few breaths, and the Demon Extinguishing Talisman was formed.

Stretching out his hand and throwing it, the talisman transformed into a golden giant sword and slashed at the position of the immortal, while Qing Ming threw out his own vajra, and after the vajra flew out, it immediately turned into six pieces with different expressions. The big golden faces of these huge faces opened their mouths one after another, and golden flames spewed out one after another.

After a joint blow, the surroundings began to shake violently, and the silver giant swords formed around them disappeared in an instant.

The magic mist dissipated completely, and Fan Yi and Qing Luo led the messengers to drive straight in, and began to rescue the trapped colleagues.

And at this moment, a huge beam of light suddenly shot out from the center of Fengdu Ghost City. The gray-haired old man.

"It's Lord Yan and Judge, what's going on?"

Bai Wuchang's voice came slowly, he and Houtu came to us on a cloud, and asked curiously, Houtu was pale, I held her hand tightly, she smiled sadly at me, and then stared at me. In the distance, the tone was desolate and said:

"It seems that Lord Yan and the judge have been suppressing the damaged six reincarnations, but now the damage to the six reincarnations has begun to intensify."

"No wonder, I said Yan Jun is a god anyway, and he is a high-level god in the underworld. How could he be captured so easily? It turned out that Styx destroyed the six reincarnations. These two strong men had to suppress the six reincarnations. Zhong Yuan , quickly use the dao pattern in your palm to restore the six paths of reincarnation."

Bai Wuchang patted my shoulder and said.

Previously, I repaired the channel leading to the Great World of Maha under Taihu Lake, and it was very successful, but this time it was the six reincarnations, and it was related to the back soil, so I had to fly away cautiously.

When I got close, I felt the shock.

The vortex around this beam of light has different colors, and I don’t know where it leads to, but there is an image of a girl emerging from this beam of light. This image is flickering, as if it will collapse at any time. I immediately recognized this figure as Houtu was only born from her physical body, the real great witch's physical body just lacked a soul.

Now this physical body has been damaged and cannot be repaired by itself, and the body of the ancestral witch is connected to the entire six reincarnations. Once the body of the ancestral witch collapses, the entire six reincarnations will no longer exist.

"You guys are finally here. This is Huang Tian, ​​and his appearance hasn't changed at all."

The runes were lingering between the boy's hands, and the runes kept rushing towards the beam of light. At the same time, his clear eyes fell on me, as if he could penetrate everything in the world.

I nodded, and said, "I am the reincarnation of Huangtian, and I have seen Lord Yan and Lord Judge."

"Don't say so much. If the reincarnation of the six realms hadn't been suppressed with the judge's pen and the book of life and death, it would have been destroyed long ago. The body of the ancestral witch in it was hit by the Styx, because the body of the ancestral witch lost its soul and could not Self-repair, Styx's skills are very overbearing."

The young man's face was rather gloomy. Compared to him, the judge next to him was not so relaxed. He was already drenched in sweat, his face was extremely pale, with the judge's pen in one hand and the book of life and death in the other, he didn't even have the time to glance at us.

I got around the beam of light and wanted to go further and get closer to the light curtain, but I felt an unusually huge force blocking me, preventing me from getting any closer.

Houtu stood outside the beam of light all the time, staring peacefully at the body of the ancestor witch in the beam of light. His body trembled slightly. After watching for a while, he bit his silver teeth slightly, bit his lips, and a trace of blood spilled out.

"The dao pattern in the palm, evolves the universe, the six reincarnations, turns into the initial! Dao pattern, repair!"

I slapped the huge beam of light fiercely, and the golden dao pattern in the palm of my palm gushed out quickly, sinking into Zuwu's body like a tide.

This huge beam of light is a sign of the collapse of the six samsaras, and the six huge vortexes around them are samsara and the passage for reincarnation. They are now suspended in mid-air and will disintegrate at any time.

As long as it is a creature in the primitive world, once it dies, it will enter this reincarnation. If there is no such soul to reincarnate, then even if the fetus is born, it will be stillborn.

If the six realms of reincarnation are destroyed, unimaginable disasters will occur in the entire primitive world. This is why Yan Jun and Judge watched the Fengdu ghost city fall, but they also want to guard the six realms of reincarnation, but the two of them are just delaying the collapse.

The demons in Fengdu Ghost City began to be wiped out. I saw a crimson figure flying in mid-air, the demon-subduing sword in his hand was surrounded by flames, and the demons were killed one by one. Soon, under Zhong Kui's Under his leadership, the Fengdu ghost town began to restore order.

The golden dao pattern passed through the beam of light and poured into Zuwu's body.

This ancestral witch's body is almost the same as Houtu's current dress. It is also a light yellow skirt, but the material is different, and there are many witch patterns engraved on the long skirt. Her hair is loose and fluttering slightly, but The whole person's eyes were closed tightly, and the snow-white skin was covered with fine cracks. It was strange that no blood flowed from these cracks.

The golden dao pattern sank into the body of the ancestral witch, and the body was shrouded in a layer of faint golden light, but these cracks were not only not repaired, but increased a little bit.

After a period of time, most of the strength in the body was lost, and the body of the ancestral witch still showed no signs of improvement. I was a little anxious, but it was of no avail.

"Houtu, what are you waiting for? Do you have to exhaust Zhong Yuan's strength before you make a move?"

Wei Xiaoqing's voice was heard from afar, but the devilish energy in her body had already subsided, and it was impossible to discover her true identity due to the erratic situation below. In addition, Zhong Kui was saved by her, so she was able to come to our side.

"Xiaoqing, tell me, is there any other way to repair the body of the Houtu ancestor witch?"

I turned my head, gasping for breath, she seemed to know more secrets about the Six Paths of Samsara than I did.

Wei Xiaoqing shook her head, said with a cold face, "No, she knows it very well."

Houtu stepped on the void, came to my side, sighed softly, and said: "Yes, there is really no other way. At the beginning, I was lucky and wanted to meet you again, so I reincarnated my soul, even if Styx Without damaging this body, she can't last long, because sooner or later, the power of the ancestral witch will be exhausted, and the six reincarnations will collapse. The real reincarnation of the six realms must be fused with my soul. Only when I return to the body of the ancestral witch can I I can control the reincarnation around me, and now my physical body is collapsing faster and faster. I have to use my last breath of soil mud, plus my soul to repair it. Only in this way, I can't leave the underworld. Eternal life will guard here forever."

After finishing speaking, he gave me a desolate look, full of reluctance.

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