Beauty like the cloud of the Merry Emperor

Chapter 77: Get out of the way, or you will die

Chen Lingxuan frowned, showing displeasure, and remained silent for a while, took out a bank card from his pocket, handed it to the bodyguard who spoke first, and said with a smile on his face: "Brother, this is my younger brother's honor to you, there are ten bank cards in it. Wan, the password is [-]."

The bodyguard didn't pick it up, but with an angry face, he shouted: "What do you mean? You want to bribe me? Get lost! If there is a next time, I will shoot you dead."

The smile on Chen Lingxuan's face froze for a moment. Before he came, he searched Ning Xia's memory, and he knew that there were many guards in the prosperous manor. It can be said that there are guards at every five steps, and one sentry at ten steps. It is extremely difficult to get in, even if he uses invisibility If you decide, you will also show spider's silk and horse traces, and you will be found breaking in.

That's why he came up with the idea of ​​pretending to be a security guard and sneaking in. He thought it was quite simple just now, but he even took out bribery methods. He didn't expect these two bodyguards to be soft and hard.

Even so, Chen Lingxuan was about to rush in, but at this moment, a crisp voice came: "What happened?"

Chen Lingxuan stared at the past, and saw a beautiful woman walking over, like a goddess descending from the Nine Heavens, with white skin and white teeth, which made people feel refreshed. Looking up, a pair of shining beautiful women His eyes seem to be able to see through the thoughts of anyone in the world. He has long black hair, which moves automatically without wind, and has a sense of elegance.

She is wearing a white dress that only reaches her knees. She has a pair of delicate beautiful legs and flesh-colored stockings, which make people think of her lightly. Most of her soul is lost. Most importantly, this woman exudes a bright and clean atmosphere, which makes people feel uncontrollably. Show a moving expression.

Chen Lingxuan has not been practicing Taoism for a long time. Apart from having a girlfriend at the age of 16 and living together for a few months, she is considered a virgin. But the last time Su Shanshan was different, she hadn't touched her once in a month.

Chen Lingxuan was shocked and said: "Tian Lingyue, it's her, I hope she won't see it's me."

Chen Lingxuan has always kept his expression on the ground. To Tian Lingyue's beauty, it can be said that he had an indifferent expression, which made Tian Lingyue startled, and a figure appeared in his heart.

But the person in her heart is the same as the young security guard in front of her, apart from being the same age, the person in her heart has an indescribably carefree aura covering her, but this person is lonely and even looks different.

When the two bodyguards saw Tian Lingyue, one of the bodyguards looked respectful and said, "Miss Tian, ​​this person is the security guard of the parking lot, but he wants to go in, and he also said that he has some girlfriend in there. If he doesn't go in, he won't." What a shame, he was talking nonsense and even bribed us to let us let him in."

Tian Lingyue regained her expression, took a look at Chen Lingxuan, lost interest in her heart, and was about to leave when suddenly, "Bang bang bang!" A submachine gun sounded, and a violent voice said: "Boy, you really don't know what to do , I said, next time, if you dare to break in, I will shoot you on the spot."

This movement alarmed Tian Lingyue. She looked back with a startled expression. The submachine guns in the hands of the two bodyguards had already fallen to the ground. At this moment, Chen Lingxuan stepped on the chest of one of the bodyguards and said sharply: "What are you talking about?" ? Kill me! Are you qualified, are you worthy?"

"Stop." Tian Lingyue shouted loudly, trying to stop Chen Lingxuan.

Unexpectedly, not only did Chen Lingxuan not stop, but he picked up the submachine gun, unloaded the magazine, and smashed the submachine gun on the bodyguard's head, causing blood to fly in the air.

The bodyguard felt the burning pain in his head, blood spurted out of his mouth, stared at Chen Lingxuan in disbelief, but still said in a firm tone: "I am the bodyguard of the prosperous manor, if you hit me, the Zhuge family will not let you go."

Another bodyguard threw a punch at this moment, but before hitting Chen Lingxuan, he was predicted by Chen Lingxuan's divine sense in advance, raised [-]% of his physical strength, and swung a back uppercut!


The bodyguard also fell to the ground spurting blood, both of them were severely injured by Chen Lingxuan's move, but Chen Lingxuan didn't give up, picked up the submachine gun in his hand, and continued to hit the bodyguard's head until the bodyguard's head changed shape, He could see his brains, and died so cruelly that he threw away the twisted submachine gun.

Tian Lingyue's eyes were horrified, she never imagined that this young security guard would be so ruthless that he dared to kill people in the prosperous manor, and he would kill people in this day's evil-eliminating meeting.

"do not go."

As soon as Tian Lingyue saw that Chen Lingxuan was about to enter the manor, she immediately used her delicate body to block his way.

"Get out of the way."

Chen Lingxuan said in a cold tone.

"You killed someone, don't you just want to go away?"

Tian Lingyue glanced at the bodyguard's body whose head had been turned into brains on the ground, and said coldly.

"Repeat, get out of the way, or you will die."

This time, Chen Lingxuan spoke very slowly, a little jerky.

A murderous aura erupted from his body, covering Tian Lingyue, making her eyes terrified, and when she recovered, she was already terrified, and her delicate body had left that position unconsciously.

Chen Lingxuan walked towards the manor, and his spiritual consciousness swept away. The spiritual consciousness at the peak of the agile stage was about 300 meters away. Within 300 meters, he saw a grassland.

On the prairie, there are horses and houses, some people ride horses, and some people walk on the grassland, especially young men and women, they don’t watch the screen of the anti-evil conference, but chat and talk about it, and talk about love.

There are smiles on their faces, which represent happiness. The playful laughter of men and women, a sense of romance permeates the air, and everyone around them can feel it, including Chen Lingxuan.

At this moment, Chen Lingxuan suddenly felt that he and the people here didn't quite blend in together. It seemed impossible for him to have what they had in them, and they were a little out of place.

A feeling of loneliness spread in his heart, Chen Lingxuan smiled slightly, sighed and said, "Loneliness, this is the basic foundation for cultivating the Tao. Do you need to have it?"

His eyes were suddenly confused, he became confused, and thought: "The Dao is ruthless, this way is like a stone, it is very dull, should I still cultivate?"

Chen Lingxuan's bewildered eyes only flashed for a moment, and then changed into firmness, and he said flatly: "This way, if I didn't have the heart to survive in Haiyu, I'm afraid it would be useless to cultivate. No complaints, no regrets. There are many lifespans in cultivating Taoism, and loneliness is just one of them."

Maybe it was Chen Lingxuan who killed someone, or maybe it was today's Evil Elimination Conference, someone killed someone, it was like provoking the host of the Evil Elimination Conference, the ten great families are majestic.

On the grassland, in just a split second, hundreds of bodyguards pointed at Chen Lingxuan with submachine guns and surrounded him.

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