Beauty like the cloud of the Merry Emperor

Chapter 78: The Death of Parents

The leading bodyguard was more than 40 years old, and he was the captain among the thousands of bodyguards. He glanced at Chen Lingxuan coldly, and said with a sneer, "Are you that daring villain security guard who killed my prosperous manor?"

Chen Lingxuan was a little impatient. His plan, his plan, was ruined by the two bodyguards guarding the door. It's really fucking unlucky that he didn't see the auspicious day when he went out.

If he was asked to kill these bodyguards, even if they had hot weapons and firearms, Chen Lingxuan would be able to do it easily, but the problem was that if he killed a hundred people, he would wait for a thousand people.

Kill a thousand people, wait for the troops to come down, kill the troops, wait for the state apparatus, this is an endless war.Chen Lingxuan's cultivation base has just been promoted to the peak of the agile stage. Although his supernatural powers are a little stronger than before, his cultivation base is not as good as before.

In the past, Chen Lingxuan didn't dare to turn against Huaxia, and now he won't. When he was thinking about how to solve this matter, the team leader snorted coldly, raised his head proudly, pointed at Chen Lingxuan and said, "Raise your hands and surrender, and what else?" Life can be saved."

"Surrender?" Chen Lingxuan's mind lit up, showing a somewhat panicked expression, and raised his hands.

Immediately, two bodyguards came over, pointed guns at him, pressed his arm, and put a chain on him.

The team leader didn't think there was any surprise. In his opinion, Chen Lingxuan's actions were justified.

Originally, Chen Lingxuan thought that these bodyguards would lock him into a forbidden room, but he didn't expect that these two bastards got him into a car, one of them was driving, and the other was watching him.

Five minutes later, because he was in the car, and the bodyguard didn't allow Chen Lingxuan to look out, and Chen Lingxuan didn't release his consciousness, so he didn't know where he was taken.

The bodyguard staring at him said coldly: "Get out of the car, kid, get out of here!"

After speaking, the man wanted to kick Chen Lingxuan's ass, but he didn't expect that the kick hit an iron plate, and the bodyguard screamed and fell down in the car.

The bodyguard who was driving had already got out of the car. Hearing the screams, he hurriedly held his submachine gun to be vigilant, but his face suddenly froze, as if he had lost his soul. The submachine gun in both hands fell down, and his body fell down.

The chains in Chen Lingxuan's hands cracked, and they all collapsed. For a monk, even though he was just a nimble little monk, he couldn't be subdued by some chains and mortal means.

At Chen Lingxuan's Sea of ​​Consciousness, a phantom's face showed pain, because a group of consciousness split out from one of phantom's arms.

Divine consciousness is born from the primordial spirit. How powerful the primordial spirit is, the scope of the divine consciousness can be widened.

In a group of divine consciousness, there are a few traces of primordial energy, maybe not much, but it is much stronger than the soul body of a mortal. Chen Lingxuan split a group of spiritual consciousness, played several formulas, and sealed it in the in.

This divine sense is of great use to him, otherwise he would not have done such a thing that would cause him great trouble.For those with inferior cultivation bases, if they accidentally split their consciousness, their souls will collapse until they collapse.

For some monks, even if they succeed in splitting their consciousness, the realm of the primordial spirit will be slightly reduced, and there is a half chance that the realm of the primordial spirit will never be able to break through.

It is also because of this that all monks in the world will be more cautious when splitting their spiritual consciousness or primordial spirit. It is impossible for Chen Lingxuan to split their divine consciousness from their primordial spirit for a trivial matter.

Chen Lingxuan cast an invisibility spell on his body, and his body disappeared. Like a transparent person, he walked towards the small bridge not far away. At this moment, a middle-aged couple was standing on the small bridge.

Chen Lingxuan's eyes lit up. The two happened to be Chen Tiantao and Hong Tongtong. He was not far from the small bridge, and he was using his magic power to shrink the ground to an inch, but in the blink of an eye, his body appeared under the small bridge.

At this moment, Chen Chao was trying his best to explain the heinous crime of Chen Tiantao, his wife, and their son Chen Lingxuan, and asked the people below to ask questions until they reached the last hurdle.

Chen Chao said solemnly: "Thank you everyone for coming to this evil eradication conference. Now it's time for the voting mode. Please cast your precious votes to kill Chen Lingxuan's nine clans, or not. If you agree, press the button." Turn on the red light, and press the black light if you disagree. The fate of Chen Lingxuan's family is in everyone's hands, please make good use of it."

"Voting has officially begun."

Following Chen Chao's shout, more than [-] red lights lit up on the screen in the blink of an eye, but no one pressed the black light.

Chen Chao was very satisfied to see this result, and said excitedly: "There are still many kind-hearted people in the world! Such a devil, everyone can get it and punish him. Our country, China, does not need this kind of citizen. From today onwards, Chen Lingxuan, Hong Tongtong, and Chen Tiantao will no longer be my Chinese nationals, and they will be expelled from the territory of China by the high-level central government, and will never recover."

Before the words fell, there was a commotion. Chen Chao laughed and said: "Because they are the parents of the devil, they will be sentenced to death. Let everyone visit them one by one. They are steaming a living person, sticking ten fingers with needles, cutting off toes, eating Dog shit, licking horse manure, pouring urine, cutting tongues, gouging out eyes, cutting ears, cutting stomachs, quartering corpses, crushing hearts, stomping on people's heads, and feeding crocodiles."

These fourteen kinds of capital punishments were conceived by Chen Chao and the top ten families. Now that they are announced, Chen Chao feels a sense of pride. The scene even caused a bigger commotion, and the noise continued. It seems that he did not expect such a situation. cruel.

However, these Chinese compatriots all showed cruel expressions, their eyes flashed with excitement, and they wanted to execute it immediately, and they didn't think it was a bit cruel at all.

Ever since Chen Lingxuan got on the small bridge, he felt a chill in his heart. The security uniform on his back was wet, and the primordial spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness trembled even more, as if he had encountered something terrible.

Hearing Chen Chao's cruel words, Chen Lingxuan wanted to take his parents away, but suddenly a cold voice sounded in his ear: "You, go, you can't."

Although it was just a short sentence, it pierced Chen Lingxuan's heart. He searched around with his spiritual sense, trying to find the person who spoke, but unfortunately the other person's cultivation base was obviously higher than his, and he couldn't find any clues at all. .

Chen Lingxuan was terrified, and the vigilance in his heart had increased countless times. It's better to move quickly. That person's cultivation level must be higher than mine. I can't beat him. Let's take my parents away. Next time, I will settle the score.

As soon as Chen Lingxuan saw Chen Tiantao and Chen Tiantao's blank stares, he knew that his parents had lost the soul, and only those with supernatural powers could perform it. In fact, it was very funny for monks!

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