Lan Damei was really desperate at this time, her uncle's tricks were too powerful, she was almost [-]% sure that Lin Chengfeng would join forces with her uncle and old ghost, because she believed that no young man could Having refused such a great temptation, even some old seniors may not be able to refuse. Let alone being happy with the two beauties, just improving the cultivation level is enough to make anyone crazy. In this era of desolation, especially After reaching the innate realm, it is extremely difficult to go further. Lan Ling'er has a deep understanding of this. She has been trapped for some time in the day after tomorrow, and finally she has to rely on Master's empowerment to break through. From this, it is conceivable that at the After birth, it will definitely be difficult.

Therefore, who can resist the temptation of being able to quickly improve his cultivation base, especially for young people, that genius boy does not want to be famous all over the world, in order to overwhelm the older generation.

"It's over, I'm really going to die this time, no, even if I'm afraid of death, I have to pull a back."Lan Ling'er was desperate, so she felt ruthless in her heart, no matter what, she had to delay one to pay for her life.

"But senior, what you said is good, but if it gets out, I won't be able to gain a foothold in Huaxia."Lin Chengfeng said the last worry, and acted cautiously, because this is the least suspicious. If I readily agreed, it would definitely arouse the old fox's suspicion. However, what he said was indeed very serious. It is tempting, most people will definitely be fooled, and no one can refuse such a good thing, no, this is not only a good thing, it is a great opportunity that comes to your door, although the method is a bit vicious, but it is not poisonous and not a husband Well, if you want to become a master, you naturally can't be soft-hearted, and there is no pile of bones under the feet of that master.

"Young man, you are really careful enough. It's amazing. It really is a hero born a teenager. I admire it."The dead old ghost complimented on purpose, but secretly said in his heart, "Smelly boy, let you have a good time first, and you will cry later."

"I'm overwhelmed and overwhelmed. How can I be so resourceful and resourceful compared to you, senior? Compared with you, I feel ashamed."

Lin Chengfeng could only smile and shoot it back. He was also cursing the old fox in his heart. It was fake anyway, but now Lin Chengfeng is better. Although the dead old ghost is an old fox, compared with Lin Chengfeng, Still a little tender.

"Disgusting, very disgusting, you old and young are shameless, you are not disgusting, I feel like vomiting when I hear it."Seeing this, the big beauty Lan couldn't bear it any longer, and cursed like she was going all out, she thought in her heart, anyway, she couldn't escape the hands of the old and the young, so she might as well vent her anger.

"Young people, we don't need to pay attention to her. She will be yours in a while, and you can deal with her whatever you want."

"Yes, yes, but, I like it so pungent. After a while, it will be delicious and conquering. Are you right, senior?"

The two looked at each other and laughed loudly at the same time. The big beauty Lan was extremely aggrieved at this time, and now she has become a plaything and a cauldron in the eyes of others, it is really aggrieved.

"Damn, damn, damn, the two of you who are *beastly* and incomparably filthy* villains, beasts*, you two will definitely die badly."Lan Linger vented again.

Seeing this, Lin Chengfeng and the old ghost looked at each other, and laughed again in a tacit understanding, while Lan Ling'er was like a shrew, constantly cursing Lin Chengfeng and her old ghost uncle.

After a smile, Lin Chengfeng said cautiously again, "Senior, you also know that I am from the Lin family. If I do such a thing, the family may judge me."

"Young man, you are really smart all your life. You were confused for a moment. In fact, only you know and I know the matter. As long as you and I don't tell it, who will know it? Is it possible that you are afraid that I will tell it?" ?

The old guy looked at me and asked, Lin Chengfeng quickly explained, "No, no, why would I doubt senior, but, I thought you, senior, would not kill their master and apprentice."

Hearing what Lin Chengfeng said, the old guy pointed at me with an understanding face and said, "Young man, you don't want them to die, right? But that's right, it's a pity that such a beauty dies."

Lin Chengfeng nodded embarrassingly when he heard this. Seeing this, the old ghost scolded the little pervert in his heart, and he was indeed a young child.

"Haha, don't be embarrassed, people don't flirt with young people, it's normal for you to have such thoughts, although there will be troubles if you keep them, but if you want to keep them young, it's not too big The thing is, in fact, as long as their dantians are crippled after absorbing all their skills, they are just ordinary people. It doesn't matter if you want to keep them. Then you can do whatever you want, big or small, Hugging left and right, hugging this beautiful master and apprentice, being happy and happy, that is really a fairy-like day, right young man?"

The dead old ghost said with a face that I understand you very much, he is actually quite tempted in his heart, he is a real old pervert, this kind of love affair, the beauty of master and apprentice, still has something for him Great temptation.

"That's right, senior, you laughed at me."Lin Chengfeng said again with a little embarrassment.

"Hey, it's good to be young, but it's a pity that I'm old. I'll leave this kind of love affair to you. Don't be embarrassed. I will leave them to you as master and apprentice. Now you can finally feel relieved."

"Then I thank the senior first, and I will definitely remember the love of the senior."Lin Chengfeng said with a grateful look.

"Damn Lin Chengfeng, I'm really blind, how could I ask such a beast-like beast like you for help."The blue beauty cursed ferociously.

"Hmph, I can't blame you for this. You were the one who was vicious first and wanted to drag me into the water. Now your trick has failed. Seniors are so smart that they didn't fall for your tricks, so you deserve what you deserve."

Lin Chengfeng also said loudly and confidently, and the fact is true, Lan Damei really has no good intentions, if Lin Chengfeng didn't respect life, his life would be in the hands of this old ghost.

This made Lan Ling'er speechless, she actually knew she was wrong, but in Yanjing, she knew very few people, and the only one she could find was Lin Chengfeng, so she had no choice.

"Okay, young man, Chunxiao will be a daughter for a moment."The dead old ghost urged, he didn't want any more accidents to happen, so he wanted me to immerse myself in the beauty quickly, and then get rid of me. From the beginning, he had no good intentions, and neither did I, so he had no choice but to Cooperating with him, while pretending to be stupid, let him be fooled too. He wanted to play tricks on me, but it was still a bit close. My hundreds of years of cultivating immortals were not in vain.

Still update [-]D, continue to collect, Dragon Ball, I need the support of my friends.

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