All the beautiful women of the Merry Fairy

Chapter 21 Joint Attack [Part [-]]

"Senior, I'm not going to be polite, but she is so hot, and I need you to help me, senior. Let's subdue her first, otherwise this beauty will have too many thorns, and it won't make me happy."

Seeing what I said, the dead old ghost of course nodded in agreement. He wished that I would quickly immerse myself in the beauty, then he could kill me without any effort. He didn't want to fight me head-on, so he just He will talk so much to lure me into being fooled, one is that he can't figure out my background, he is not sure to keep me, and the other is that he is afraid that Lan Ling'er will get in the way when he fights me head-on. Anyway, he is also an innate talent, of course he dare not be careless.

Lin Chengfeng also had to admit at this time that this dead old ghost is really shrewd and cunning, and he actually revealed his plan to convince me to believe him. I'm afraid ordinary people can't do this, really. False, it's hard not to believe him, not to be fooled by him, after all, who would want to get it, he will tell all about his plan in order to gain trust.

At this time, Lin Chengfeng and the dead old ghost formed an encirclement trend, pressing towards Lan Ling'er step by step. Lan Ling's eyes were red when she was a child, and she had great plans to fight me and the dead old ghost.

"Damn girl, if you want to live, you have to listen to me. You just have to listen to what I say and do it, or I will leave immediately and really leave you behind. The old ghost can't hear my message. Make a frenzied look to attack that dead old ghost, and then inadvertently reveal your flaws, let that dead old ghost catch you, and after he hands you over to me, I will find the right time to strike him to death."

At this time, Lin Chengfeng sent a voice transmission to Lan Damei. At this time, Lan Damei was struggling, but she understood that she had no choice. If she didn't believe me, her end would be miserable. Not only would she be humiliated, There is also the possibility of being sucked into sex. That kind of evil method is very terrifying, and it is absolutely selfish at the expense of others.

"Ah, Uncle Shi Lao Gui, I will fight you, I, Lan Linger, would rather die than fall into your hands."

Lan Ling'er chose to believe me, immediately mustered up her courage, and slashed at the dead old ghost like crazy, only to see the beautiful Lan Ling soaring into the sky at this moment, with powerful energy shining on her pair of jade palms, and she was about to condense into a solid body. Very strong, this is the result of her all-out attack, the power is naturally extraordinary.

The dead branches and rotten leaves were agitated at this time, flying together with the blue beauty's hair, it was a bit crazy to watch, it seemed that the blue beauty was desperate to kill.

Seeing this, Lin Chengfeng yelled, "Senior, be merciful."

The dead old ghost didn't realize that it was me called Lan Dameiren, he didn't doubt it when he saw Lan Dameiren killing him like crazy. How could a super strong man be willing to be captured without a fight?

The dead old ghost couldn't help showing a sneer at this time, the full blow of the blue beauty is strong enough, but for him, it is still far away, no matter the speed or strength of her attack, he doesn't pay attention to it inside.

He can also be distracted, "Don't worry young man, I won't hit hard on your beauty".Seeing that I was so nervous about Miss Lan, this old ghost thought that I was afraid that he would attack Miss Lan too hard, and that the desire I had raised would not be able to vent, so he told him to be merciful.

So seeing Lin Chengfeng who was so anxious, the dead old ghost never became suspicious at all. His guard against me dropped drastically. He really couldn't think of any reason why I would attack him. He thought that his Suggestion is of great benefit to me.

The blue beauty attacked in an instant. Although the attack was mighty, but in the eyes of the old ghost, it had many flaws. At this moment, I understood that the blue beauty is probably very good at lightness kungfu now, and she is really bad at martial arts Yes, the same is true of combat experience, but this is probably also related to the "job" of Lan Damei. She has always worked silently and basically does not fight with others. Even if she is discovered, she will run away. Make her a shameless thief.

"Boom"! ! ! !

There was a loud noise in the woods, several big trees were smashed to pieces by the blue beauty and fell to the ground, two large pits appeared, and a burst of dust and debris flew up.

The dead old ghost is very shrewd, he wisely chose to dodge instead of fighting with the beauty of the blue, so that the attack of the beauty of the blue fell through, and he saw the moment when the beauty of the blue was exhausted, he immediately attacked, even After touching a few big holes of the beautiful blue girl, the beautiful blue girl couldn't move immediately.

Seeing this, Lin Chengfeng praised intentionally, "Senior is really powerful. He took down this pungent beauty with one move. He is really a role model for my generation. He managed to catch the beauty without hurting her at all. This is really impressive. I admire you so much."

After the dead old ghost settled down on the blue beauty, he felt a little proud in his heart. After being slapped like this by me, he immediately had a detached look of a senior expert, and said very hypocritically, "Young man, you are too proud, and you are even more arrogant." It's admirable, at such a young age, he has a strength not weaker than mine."

"Senior has won the award, so can senior give me the beauty now? I really can't help it. As the senior said, a moment of spring night is worth a thousand gold, especially for such a beautiful lady."

Lin Chengfeng deliberately said with a look of eagerness, Brother Pig is showing everything, and my eyes are fixed on the high and huge part of the underwear exposed by the blue beauty, I seem to want to see through the underwear .

"Sure enough, it's a little pervert, but that's good, otherwise, if we fight with him, what will happen, it's really hard to say."

The dead old ghost thought to himself, seeing me in such a hurry, he despised me even more in his heart, thinking that I was nothing more than that, it was so easy, his plan was successful, he is not in a hurry now , I just thought that when I really lost myself in the beauty, I would kill me with a palm without any effort.

"Young people are different. They are indeed full of energy. Come here now. I will leave the beauty to you. But, do you want to solve it on the spot?"

"Yeah, there's no one here anyway, you can just turn around later, senior. We're all men, so why be embarrassed?"

Lin Chengfeng walked over very anxiously, as if he really didn't want to bear it for a minute, which made the dead old man even more ignore me, thinking that I was completely in his scheme now.

"Well, young people are different, they are really open."Seeing me walking over in such a hurry, he threw the big beauty Lan to Lin Chengfeng.

As soon as Lin Chengfeng took the blue beauty, the pair of eyeballs almost fell off, and immediately touched the blue beauty dishonestly with both hands, and then I said a little embarrassedly, "Senior, I can Untie her dumb acupoint, otherwise it's not that good."

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