All the beautiful women of the Merry Fairy

Chapter 22 Joint Attack [Part [-]]

Seeing that I was really anxious to the extreme, the dead old ghost couldn't help but sneered in his heart, "Stinky boy, you can die while you are dreaming of sex, this is also a very good way to die, you can die in the You won't be wronged by the beauty, but since this beauty belongs to me, don't even think about messing with her, I'll let you take advantage of it first."

"Okay, okay, of course, I understand, I understand, when you are happy, if there is no beautiful moaning sound, it will really disappoint people."

The dead old ghost said that I am also a man, and I understood that he despised me even more in his heart, thinking that young people are young people, so how could he be his opponent, and he was playing with him .

Lin Chengfeng immediately untied Miss Lan's dumb acupoints, and I immediatly gave her a lingering kiss, and put my hands into Miss Lan's underwear.

The dead old ghost also felt his heart itch at this time, that fair and smooth skin, that beautiful body full of youthful vigor, all made him want to shake it off, if he hadn't been wary when he saw Lin Chengfeng, I'm afraid I will kill me immediately, come and enjoy this beauty.

With a small moan from the beautiful woman Lan, I couldn't help but come back to my senses, looked at the dead old ghost who almost had his eyes straightened, and said, "Senior, I wonder if you can turn around, or I will It's a little embarrassing."

Lin Chengfeng touched the hands of the blue beauty's underwear, which made him feel strangely fragrant. The pair of mountain peaks of the blue beauty are really great and charming, and the blue beauty has a blushing soft voice* She groaned, looking at this appearance as if she was emotional, her beautiful eyes were tightly closed, as if out of final dignity.

In fact, I had rumored beforehand, "Miss Lan, this is the last moment, I will put my hand into your bra and pretend to rub your place, but in fact I am releasing your acupuncture points, although it is offensive Yes, but in order to kill that old ghost, you must listen to me, otherwise you will only be sucked by that old ghost, and when you put my hand into your place, you will pretend to moan , and then after the dead old ghost turns his head, you have to scream louder, and finally we took advantage of the dead old ghost's unpreparedness and shot him with all our strength at the same time, destroying him."

Hearing this, the dead old ghost immediately said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I forgot, take it easy, young man."

After Lin Chengfeng nodded, the dead old ghost turned around, he was already planning in his heart, when I was thinking about that, he would immediately kill me.

After the dead old man turned his head, Lan Damei groaned loudly on purpose, as if Lin Chengfeng had violated her there, so she couldn't help it anymore, and yelled out.

"Damn, I really want to*, such a delicate woman will completely belong to me in a while, I'd better bear with it for a while."The dead old ghost thought to himself.

Lin Chengfeng saw that the dead old ghost's defense had dropped to the lowest point at this time, so he immediately said to Lan Damei through sound transmission, "Let's do it together and kill him in one fell swoop."

I saw Lin Chengfeng immediately pushed out with a palm, and the surging and huge force rushed out like a dragon and a tiger. It was extremely powerful, and the dead leaves on the ground turned into nothingness under his palm. This palm was extremely powerful. Lin Chengfeng compressed a full [-]% of the strength in his body to form it. He also injured his tendons because of this, and it was also a blow he had been planning for a long time.

Huhu's vigor exploded the void, and killed the old ghost with a terrifying impact, and the blue beauty also made a move without hesitation at this moment, a dagger was grabbed in her hand, with a terrifying piercing look. Through the force, he stabbed the dead old ghost.

After the dead old ghost felt a powerful force appearing from behind, he couldn't help being shocked. He immediately knew that something was wrong, and he knew that I had shot with all my strength. The power of the killing palm was only [-]% of his full strength, he couldn't help regretting it, and even cursed, "Damn it, why is this kid pretending to be deeper than me? I underestimated him too much!" , I didn’t expect that I was clever but I was mistaken by my cleverness.”

Lin Chengfeng's palm was as huge as Mount Tai, and it was irresistible. It defeated the dead old ghost's palm with a force of destruction, and the dead old ghost's palm was directly blown away under Lin Chengfeng's strong attack. Suddenly turned into a burst of blood mist.

And the rest of Lin Chengfeng's palm force hit the dead old ghost's chest with a "bang", and the dead old ghost's breastbone was completely shattered in the crackling sound, which was extremely dismal. At the same time, Lan Damei's knife pierced the dead old ghost's lower abdomen without haste.

The dead old ghost immediately flew back with a pale face, sprayed several mouthfuls of blood in the air, and turned into a blood mist, as if telling his defeat, and in the blood mist, there were still a lot of flesh and blood from internal organs, which could be seen Lin Chengfeng's palm not only shattered the dead old ghost's breastbone, but also shattered his internal organs, and the cut made by the blue beauty on the dead old ghost's abdomen was also spurting blood.

At this time, Lin Chengfeng and Lan Meiren were staring at the dead old ghost, and they couldn't help but breathe heavily, striking with all their strength, which would consume them a lot, and Lan Damei's breathing was even tighter, The huge double breasts on her chest, with her high-speed breathing, violently undulate up and down, very tempting, her exposed underwear is almost broken, her double breasts seem to be ready to come out at any time, It's a pity that Lin Chengfeng didn't notice all this, and he couldn't see this amazing scene for the time being.

After flying back for a few meters, the dead old ghost, like a humanoid robot, smashed several big trees in a row before falling to the ground. The dead leaves of several big trees were shaken off. How powerful is Lin Chengfeng's palm.

This scene is very touching. The veteran innate mid-stage peak powerhouse is indeed extraordinary. Even the hardness of the big tree is much lower than that of the dead old ghost, so it is so easy to be broken by the dead old ghost.

Broken branches and dead leaves were flying in the air, and the sky was filled with leaves immediately, and those big trees fell down with a bang, and pressed to the ground with a 'bang' sound, while the aftermath of the battle shook the nearby trees. The big trees hummed, and many big trees were almost overturned.

After a few moments, the power of Lin Chengfeng's palm completely subsided. At this time, Lin Chengfeng couldn't help but look away, and couldn't help but glance at the beautiful woman Lan, the great mountain peak with great ups and downs, coupled with the clearly visible The snow-white nipples made Lin Chengfeng swallow his saliva, and his eyes straightened. The allure of such a scene is absolutely incomparable.

Hearing Lin Chengfeng's saliva, the blue beauty couldn't help but look at Lin Chengfeng, she was startled, she tightly covered her chest with a pair of jade hands, just when she was about to scold Lin Chengfeng, Lin Chengfeng acted extremely rascally. He said in a tone, "What are you covering, I've touched it all, what else can't be seen."

The big beauty Lan suddenly became angry, and just when she was about to yell, the dead old ghost who fell on the ground stood up like lightning, and shouted with a bleak and hideous face, "Dogs and men, I will kill you to be buried with me ".

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