All the beautiful women of the Merry Fairy

Chapter 37 Playing with An Shaozhi [Part [-]]

"Hmph, that's of course, otherwise you thought I would come out from there, and the fat man will come later, and the three of us will go and kill Huang Tianling's dead ghost master today, and then collect evidence of Huang Tianling and the Huang family's crimes. Tomorrow, play him again, and then completely destroy their Huang family, make their Huang family stink in Yanjing, and make them unable to hang out in Yanjing anymore."

Lin Chengfeng said very calmly that these characters are no longer in his eyes, and everything has changed. Lin Chengfeng with the memories of his previous life, in his eyes, those people are no different from clowns.

"Boss, judging by your attitude, it seems that you have full confidence that you can bring down Huang Tianling's Huang family"?

"It's only natural, Huang Tianling, that guy dared to let that dead old ghost fool me. Tomorrow, he will definitely play him to death. His dead old ghost father will kill him in a short while, so as not to leave any hidden dangers, so it's a success." Hui, you boy, get ready to take over the territory of the Sirius gang. Although it is of no use to me, it should still bring you a lot of benefits. Anyway, with me here, you can be the boss with peace of mind in the future. As long as you don't step over the boundary, no one will use the Zhanlong*gang."

Lin Chengfeng said calmly, with the memories of the previous immortals, he no longer cares about such small things. It didn't interest him at all.

"Boss, why do I feel that you seem to have changed, you seem a little less like a mortal, is it like this for all innate masters?"

From my words, Liu Chenghui felt that I seemed to have an extraordinary mentality, as if I would no longer belong to this world at any time, so he couldn't help but say this.

Seeing what Liu Chenghui said, Lin Chengfeng couldn't help thinking of teaching Liu Chenghui the method of cultivating immortals. In his previous life, Liu Chenghui had a very good life. Because he broke through to innate, he lived for more than 200 years. I don't know. Whether the road of cultivating immortality is correct or not, being ordinary is a kind of happiness, but the road of cultivating immortality is full of dangers, which road is better, varies from person to person, at least, I am not willing to be mediocre.

"Okay, don't ask so many questions, the fat man is coming soon, the people you call you, give me one by one pain, otherwise how can we have fun with the fat man."

Lin Chengfeng changed the topic, because I don't know what to do now. Fatty An Shaozhi and Liu Chenghui didn't go on the fairy road in their previous lives, but they all lived a wonderful life. They have embarked on a fairy road, whether it is a blessing or a curse, I have no idea.

A few minutes later, the sound of the police car came. It has to be said that the fat man An Shaozhi's efficiency is quite high, and the hundreds of people, after hearing the sound of the police car, also groaned in pain according to Liu Chenghui's order. When they heard that Lin Chengfeng, the big boss, ordered them, they all groaned in pain, and even Mengge and Liu Chenghui joined the ranks.

The headlights of the car appeared at this time, and two police cars also appeared. The car stopped on the lawn not far from the villa, and more than a dozen policemen got out of the car in full armor. He was majestic, but when he heard the many miserable groans, and then looked at the hundreds of people lying on the ground, all the policemen all opened their mouths wide, with expressions of seeing a ghost.

And the fat man was even more exaggerated, almost fell to the ground, and couldn't help saying, "My mother, is this attacked by the army?"

"Hehe, you are the backstage chief of the Zhanlong gang, why did you come so slowly? I knocked all your people down, so you came."

Lin Chengfeng said loudly with a smile, Fatty An and his group couldn't help but tremble, and then looked at me one by one. Seeing that I was just a person, they couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and their faces changed suddenly. He said to me in a very bullish manner, "Boy, where are you from? How dare you slander me like this. Now put your hands on your head and squat down slowly. I will arrest you for intentional wounding." ".

"Oh, fat man, you'd better run away, you can't deal with him, he's a superman."

Liu Chenghui yelled deliberately, telling Fatty An to leave quickly. An Shaozhi and his subordinates couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at the moment. They thought what Liu Chenghui was going to say, but they didn't expect such an outrageous sentence.

"Fuck you, Liu Chenghui, your kid's brain won't be flooded. He's a superman. I'm still a gourd baby. I don't even talk about domestic products. Who cares, I have a gun. If he If he dares to resist, I will beat him into a hornet's nest."

Director An Da said very bullishly, and his subordinates agreed with each other, "Yes, yes."

"Brother Hui, don't worry, with our great director and our brothers, no matter who he is, we can beat him into a hornet's nest."

One of An Shaozhi's subordinates patted his chest and assured that he and the other police officers were actually An Shaozhi's confidantes, so they also knew that An Shaozhi and Liu Chenghui had a very close relationship, so they An Shaozhi's confidant is quite familiar with Liu Chenghui.

"That's right, Brother Hui, with our wise and powerful, tall and handsome An Ju, you can rest assured."Another police officer slapped this sentence very wittily.

Lin Chengfeng was once again ignored by others, very helpless, in this world where technology and weapons are paramount, personal strength is really not worth mentioning in front of guns, even if it is An Shaozhi who has no later stage cultivation, he is also This kind of thinking, and the fact is also true, no one from the immortal way, no matter how strong the innateness is, it is also powerless to fight against modern high-end weapons.

"You are defeated, if you dare to say one more word, I will send you and your brothers to hell, do you understand?"

Lin Chengfeng yelled with an extremely fierce look, which made Liu Chenghui quickly cover his mouth, looking extremely scared, even the more than 100 people who were still crying in pain just now were all terrified at this time He covered his mouth with a terrible expression, as if he was afraid that Lin Chengfeng would kill him. I have to say that everyone cooperated very well, and everyone had the ability to be an actor.

When Director An saw this, he was furious. The people with the guys couldn't restrain the other party alone, and the other party didn't take them seriously, so arrogantly shouted in front of him He shouted loudly and said that he wanted to kill all the people here. What is this? This is ignoring Chi Guoguo, the director of Anda, and provoking the dignity of his director.

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