All the beautiful women of the Merry Fairy

Chapter 38 Playing with An Shaozhi [Part [-]]

Director An Da is really on fire at this time, very hot, Liu Chenghui and others can only hold back their laughter when they see this, and thanks to them all covering their mouths, otherwise they would have revealed their secrets long ago .

"Good boy, how dare you not take this director seriously, and dare to threaten others at this juncture, you really think we don't exist."

An Shaozhi shouted angrily, and the people under him also had extremely angry expressions at this time, because I was not only ignoring the existence of Director An Da just now, but also ignoring their existence.

"That's right, you just ignore us, and you dare to ignore our chief, are you blind? You ignore such a great existence of our chief, don't you want to live?"

Immediately, a police officer shouted loudly, as if he was annoyed that I ignored An Shaozhi, Director An.

"Hehe, this comrade is really right. A great figure like the director of Anda cannot be ignored. This figure is too great. Comrade, you are really right."

Lin Chengfeng deliberately followed the policeman's words and satirized An Shaozhi, which made An Shaozhi half dead. How could he have such a stupid subordinate who actually helped others to say that he was fat.

"Damn it, you brat, don't be too complacent. Don't think that you are great if you have the power of your tongue. Let me tell you, you are destined to fall into the hands of my Director An Da today. You'd better hug me with both hands." Head, squat down and surrender, or don’t blame me, the director’s gun will not recognize anyone.”

An Shaozhi held his pistol and yelled at me, and the rest of the policemen also took out their pistols one by one, waiting for Director An to say a word, they would shoot me and beat me into a hornet's nest.

"Hehe, that's right, Director An is really young and promising, and he has such a great official authority. He really deserves to be the director by relying on his family. His confidence is really different. If he wants to kill people, he will kill them. The second generation of officials The second generation of officials."

Lin Chengfeng said in a sarcastic tone, this statement is the most irritating to An Shaozhi. Although An Shaozhi's An family has never competed for fame and wealth in Yanjing, the An family is a family that no one dares to violate. , the reason is the same, that is because the An family controls almost half of the power in the southern army. An Shaozhi's grandfather is the commander, and his father is the deputy commander. , and some people still say that he just took advantage of the family, so he was able to take the position of director at a young age. Even if An Shaozhi took the position of director with his own true ability, outsiders would still say that, So this is success and failure. A good background has given him an extraordinary education, and this good background has given him an indelible status as the second-generation official, so this is An Shaozhi's one. Heart sick.

In a word, in the military in the south, the An family is a real giant, no one can shake it. Mr. An's disciples are all over the south, from the military chiefs to the police chiefs in various cities, so When An Shaozhi became the police chief of a sub-district in Yanjing, although there was a lot of discussion at the beginning, under the personal escort of many big figures in the city, he withstood endless pressure, and finally made An Shaozhi the most famous police officer in history. The youngest director of the Public Security Bureau, although An Shaozhi's ability is more than enough to serve as the head of a small division, but the second generation of officials has always been An Shaozhi's psychological shadow that cannot be erased.

"The second generation of the official*, the second generation of the official*, I will let you be the second generation of the official*. In order to convince you, the director will personally compete with you and let you see if I am a related household."

An Shaozhi said angrily, his subordinates wanted to persuade him, but seeing Director An's terrifying expression, they could only shrink back, because this topic was their chief's heart disease.

"Hehe, good, very good, you really are a heavyweight, with a lot of courage, but it's not that I look down on you, with your skill, I'm afraid you can't even connect with me."

"What, don't be too arrogant. Although I, An Shaozhi, don't say how powerful I am, I don't think there is that young man in the world who can make me unable to catch a single move."

Seeing that I looked down on him so much, An Shaozhi was so angry that he wanted to come to me immediately and fight for his life. For me who dared to say that he became the director of the bureau because of his family, what he wanted most was not to humiliate me, but to humiliate me. Beat me hard to prove that he got everything by strength, not by his family.

Seeing that I am so arrogant, An Shaozhi's subordinates are not optimistic about me, because they are the ones who know An Shaozhi's strength best. Even if they go together, they are not An Shaozhi's opponent at all, so they have confidence , Even if I can't win the battle with An Shao, it won't be so bad that I can't even take a single move.

"That's right, that's because you're watching the sky too much. In this world, there are actually too many young people who can defeat you with one move, and I am the strongest among them, so you can't take my one move." , That's normal, you should attack first, otherwise you won't have a chance to make a move once I make a move."

Lin Chengfeng said as if he didn't take An Shaozhi seriously at all, this is Chi Guoguo ignoring An Shaozhi and looking down on An Shaozhi.

Fatty Anda was so angry that his whole body was trembling. He gritted his teeth, clenched his huge fist, and rushed towards me. The momentum was really fierce. I dare not imagine, what kind of power did that fist have? No matter how strong the force is, judging by the terrifying posture, I am afraid that even an elephant will be blown away by his punch.

Don't look at An Shaozhi's fat, but he is not slow now, he is absolutely incomparable to others, it is like turning into a human fighter, attacking me very quickly, not to mention how scary that guy is.

"Take it, you arrogant guy, and watch my giant strike."An Shaozhi shouted excitedly, and Liu Chenghui and others were terrified when they saw this scene. Fatty An is really scary now. If they didn't know that I am extremely powerful, they might think that I would be killed by An Shaozhi. Let's hit them with one punch, because the fast-charging Fatty An is ten times stronger than an armored vehicle, especially Fatty An's mighty aura is directly impacting their hearts, "What the hell! It's a humanoid meat grinder."

Seeing this indomitable momentum, Lin Chengfeng was very happy for An Shaozhi from the bottom of his heart. An Shaozhi now finally has what a master and a strong man should have.

Under the tense eyes of everyone, Fatty Anda finally came in front of me, and his explosive fist immediately blasted towards me, vigorously, with a strong force, and a terrible air mark.

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