It's weird, absolutely weird, let alone a fat man, even Mr. An has a ghost-like feeling, and he has never seen such a thing happen before. A living person actually disappeared under their noses. It's unbelievable and unbelievable.

"My lady, Avalokitesvara Tathagata, Sanqing Taoist Ancestor, it's broad daylight, you won't see a ghost."The fat man couldn't help saying this, his scalp felt a little numb.

And Lin Chengfeng had already stood behind An Shaozhi, it was his earth escape, and he escaped behind Fatty An all of a sudden, but because his escape was so fast, it seemed as if he disappeared out of thin air. It's not that his escapism is strong or powerful, it's just that his previous realm was too high, so it's so confusing to use escapism.

If it wasn't for Fatty An's huge body blocking Lin Chengfeng, Mr. An and Uncle An must have discovered Lin Chengfeng. He couldn't help getting angry at this time, and cursed:

"Fatty man, you've just seen hell, you dare to say that I'm a ghost, then I'm not welcome."

As soon as Lin Chengfeng's words came out, the fat man knew that something was wrong, and he couldn't help scolding himself for being cheap, why did he say that, now it's all over, and he offended everyone who couldn't afford to offend or hide , the last straw is gone.

"Boss, forgive me...".As soon as the fat man opened his mouth, before he finished speaking, I kicked him on the ass. At this moment, I have to admit that the fat man's flesh is really thick.

With the force of Lin Chengfeng's kick, after a "pop", the fat man was sent several meters into the air, and he flew straight to Uncle An. I just wanted to kick him back to Uncle An, so that Uncle An Train him well, Fatty's face is ashen at this time, as if the end of the world is coming.

Seeing this, Uncle An couldn't help smiling, and withdrew his attention from me, grabbed the fat man who weighed more than 200 kilograms, and said with a stern smile, "Boy, let me tell you, I just want to vent my anger on you, what can you do to me?" Ah, if you have the ability, you can also practice me like this."

Fatty felt that he was like a chick under the eagle's claws, let the eagle slaughter him, so he could only shout, "God, I hate you, why did you let me meet these ruthless people?"

"What is ruthless, brat, you are really a wolf. I saved you once, so it's fine if I don't thank you, and I even scolded my master. I'll let you know what ruthless is."

Uncle An jokingly said with great interest, when the fat man heard it, he felt regret again, it was all caused by his cheap talk, before he even asked for mercy, he became a trapeze man again.

"Ah, Boss An, I hate you."The fat man yelled when he fell, and fell on the grass nearly ten meters away. His huge body kissed the ground, and there was a big sound. The fat man felt a little bit starry when he lay there. , but he, who had a lot of escape experience, didn't have time to cry out the pain, and immediately rolled into a meat ball, quickly rolled out to the side, and hid among the many rockeries.

Seeing this, Uncle An applauded him a little. He knew that the fat man had grown in strength after practicing again and again, and he would definitely not be worse than some ordinary innate bodies. He laughed and chased after him.

"Old man, my trick is not bad, you said if I use this trick to kill people, who can escape, don't you think so?"Seeing that the fat man's farce was over, Lin Chengfeng started talking with the old man again.

"Chengfeng, what kind of tricks are these? It's amazing. How can I say that I am also a congenital master, but you are within my spiritual range, and you disappeared behind the young lady like you disappeared out of thin air, and I couldn't even notice it? Really! It's too heaven-defying, why do I feel that you seem to be a character of that realm, it is hard to step into that supreme realm with half a foot, and you will really be so much stronger."

Mr. An said with some doubts and discouragement, he thought my escapism was due to my half-foot stepping into the super-innate ability, and that ability was so elusive, how could he not be discouraged.

"That's not the case. If half a foot has stepped into that realm, you won't have the method I just had. The method I just taught was passed down by my master. Even a monk who has really stepped into that realm may not know me. The method just now, so you don't have to be arrogant, old man."

Lin Chengfeng had no choice but to move out his master, and I'm afraid he would have to move out Huoyun Cthulhu in the future, otherwise, he couldn't explain many things.

Mr. An breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and then said very curiously, "Chengfeng, so your master is at least a person in the immortal way beyond innateness."

"Yes, it should be. I won't say how high his cultivation is, but he is definitely a very strong person."

Lin Chengfeng is not lying, because Huoyun Cthulhu may break through Xiantian at any time, and his accumulation is definitely enough to break through Xiantian. After Lin Chengfeng's intentional or unintentional guidance in the past two years, Huoyun Cthulhu has already condensed his consciousness , It can be regarded as half a super genius.

Hearing this, Mr. An couldn't help but nodded and said, "So, your injury and cultivation were all achieved with the help of your master, that great man."

"Let's put it this way, this can be considered a blessing in disguise for me, so don't worry, old man, with my method just now, coupled with my magic weapon, it will definitely not be a problem to kill the innate master silently, and then retreat In a nutshell, even if I am unlucky enough to be besieged by several innate talents of the Huang family, with the means I just did, I can't beat it, but it is absolutely no problem to escape, if you don't believe me, you can try to catch me."

In order to dispel Mr. An's worries, Lin Chengfeng could only show off his evasion skills, otherwise, I am afraid that Mr. An would not let me take risks, although that is nothing to me.

"Okay, I also want to see how far there is between me and the real fairy family characters."

Mr. An said enthusiastically that he also wisely refused to ask Lin Chengfeng about the magic weapon. Mr. An was a little excited. Although he is not young, he has never seen such a method. Now that he has the opportunity to learn, he is naturally a little excited. In his opinion, Lin Chengfeng's method just now must be the method of a person in the immortal way.

"Then let's get started."As soon as my words fell, Mr. An grabbed me like lightning, and when his hand was about to grab me, I seemed to disappear out of thin air, and appeared on the left side of Mr. An. He also deliberately patted Mr. An on the left shoulder.

Seeing this, Mr. An was very unconvinced. He is also a person who refuses to admit defeat, and he caught Lin Chengfeng as fast as lightning.


"It's the opposite, it's the opposite, our dignified Sun family was so humiliated by a junior, I will not forgive him, I will not forgive him."

The patriarch of the Sun family, Sun Yun, shouted in anger, the lingering sound kept circling in the hall, Sun Dawei and Sun Tianzi could only smile wryly when they saw this, Sun Yun's reaction was really normal, but the two of them couldn't help but The Sun family became worried. They knew that Lin Chengfeng was a decisive person. If they were really enemies, the future of the Sun family would be really worrying.

The third update is, continue to collect, the current state is good, as long as the collection is good, the update of Dragon Ball will definitely not be bad, and [-] words a day is absolutely fine.

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