All the beautiful women of the Merry Fairy

Chapter 75 The Sun family is furious [Part [-]]

"Yes, yes, he made our Sun family lose face. He is slapping our Sun family in the face. If we don't recover this face, our Sun family will not have to do business in the future."

"That's right, Patriarch, he injured several of our clan elders, so don't worry about it, but what that junior said was really deceptive. If we don't teach that junior a lesson, we're afraid we won't be able to lift him up in the future." Let's start."

A group of clan elders spoke out one after another, saying that they wanted to attack Lin Chengfeng. After all, people need face and trees need skin, and they are all on fire now.

Seeing this moment, Sun Dawei and Sun Tianzi could only smile wryly and wryly. Now things are out of their control. This concerns the honor and disgrace of the whole family. Things can be turned into small ones, but when it comes to the face of the Sun family, everything will be different.

"Okay, okay, all the clan elders, listen to me, you have to ask for face, but there is a high possibility that that kid is already a grandmaster, and everyone knows what the grandmaster stands for."

Although Sun Yun was also furious, he also calmed down, and he hasn't lost his head yet, and he won't mess up his position. He is desperate to save face.

As soon as his words came out, many people were stunned. The Xiantian Grandmaster is like a high mountain, placed in their hearts, high and unattainable. If you want to deal with the Xiantian Grandmaster, only the Xiantian Grandmaster of the same level can do it, otherwise the Xiantian Grandmaster in the late and mid-stage No matter how much it is, it is useless.

"That's what I said, but it's only possible. I don't believe it anymore. That kid is only in his twenties, and he has really become a master."A proud clan elder said extremely unconvinced.

"Yeah, he's only in his early twenties, he can't possibly be a grandmaster, he's at most a late-stage innate talent, as to why Elder Dawei is so helpless, it must be Elder Dawei who is too careless , I underestimated that bastard Lin Chengfeng."

"Yes, that's right. That should be the case. He's only a kid in his early twenties. We don't need to be afraid of him. No matter how powerful he is, he can't be that powerful. He's just a kid. We can crush him by ourselves." .

"You're right. We have to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to capture him in one fell swoop. Otherwise, when the Lin family recovers and protects him again, we may not be able to deal with him."

"What Elder Wu Tong said is that the opportunity cannot be missed, and the time will never come again. Taking advantage of his announcement of expelling himself from the Lin family, even if we capture that kid Lin Chengfeng back, we will take advantage of it. The Lin family wants to rescue him. , we can stand our ground, and we can also take advantage of this to force him to renew his marriage contract with Tianzi with my Sun family. If not, such a person must never stay.”

The elders of the clan basically decide what to do with each other. The Sun family is a real big business family, so each of them pays more attention to the interests, and everything pays attention to the maximization of profits. That's it, as long as Lin Chengfeng is soft and can bring them huge benefits, they can ignore everything. They are all smarter than ghosts, so they can't see how much benefit Lin Chengfeng can bring. , a peerless genius, a super expert with unlimited potential, the benefits he can bring are immeasurable.

When Sun Dawei heard these words, he couldn't refute them, because if it was him, he would have the same attitude when he heard others talking about Lin Chengfeng. Just kidding, a boy in his early twenties is a congenital master, who would believe it? , and to be honest, he really didn't know what kind of cultivation Lin Chengfeng was, everything was just speculation.

Sun Tianzi couldn't get in the way at this time, she really didn't have much status in front of the elders of the Xiantian clan, and whatever she said was worthless, not to mention that all the elders of the clan were angry, but she couldn't help but He became worried about the Sun family. If he did this, the Sun family might really face Lin Chengfeng completely.

In fact, all things said, Lin Chengfeng is still too young, otherwise they would not underestimate Lin Chengfeng. In the secular world of the end of the Dharma, the chances of becoming a congenital master in his early twenties are really close to zero. No wonder they I don't believe the speculation about Sun Dawei.

"The clan elders are all right, but there is one more thing. If Lin Chengfeng said that he killed Zuo Shanjun, it would be fine if he bragged about it. If it is true, then it will be a big trouble. Calm down first."

As the head of the family, Sun Yun has to take the overall situation into consideration, so no matter how angry he is, he has to calm down and deal with this matter rationally. In his opinion, the killing of Zuo Shanjun is mostly fake, even if it is true , It is also possible that he borrowed the power of other strong men. He did not believe that Lin Chengfeng could kill Zuo Shanjun single-handedly.

"Yes, elders of the clan, everyone should calm down first. Let's see how the Huang family reacts. Also, I have sent someone to investigate Zuo Shanjun's whereabouts. We should have results in a while."

Sun Tianzi spoke appropriately, and her words carried some weight, plus none of the clan elders was stupefied, so they calmed down first, and each of them was thoughtful.

Sun Yun glanced at his daughter approvingly, Sun Tianzi reminded her well, impulsiveness will not solve the problem, and he also wanted to know if Zuo Shanjun was defeated, and if so, the matter would not be easy.

"Everyone, Tianzi is right. We still need to find out about Mr. Zuoshan first. If Mr. Zuoshan really disappears, then the matter may be serious. We have to be careful, so as not to fall into a trap. ".

"Patriarch, what you mean is that Lin Chengfeng dared to be so ostentatious and act recklessly, and someone might instigate him."After hearing what Sun Yun said, the elders of the clan immediately brought up the main points of the matter.

Sun Yun nodded, and he gradually calmed down. He thought a lot in his heart, and he said solemnly, "This possibility cannot be ruled out. Think about it, everyone. If no one stands behind Lin Chengfeng, a young man like him , even if you give him ten more guts, he probably wouldn't dare to do that. Not only did he tear himself apart with the Huang family, but he also completely angered us. A Conspiracy of the Imagination".

"Although that's the case, let's forget about it if we can't do it like this. Then let's put the face of our Sun family there."

"That's right, Patriarch, we can't just leave it like this. I don't care about his conspiracy. I don't believe it anymore. How difficult is it to deal with a brat?"Another arrogant clan elder said that in his eyes, Lin Chengfeng was a worthless kid. Now this kid has discredited the Sun family and is still so arrogant that he doesn't take his Sun family seriously. He also said that his Sun family was just a small family, and he couldn't swallow this tone no matter what.

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