Seeing that his wife was so excited, Huang Hongzhi fainted the wounded Huang Lang. If she was allowed to go on like this, Huang Lang would still be alive. He was a witness at the scene, so he couldn't be tossed about died.

"Ma'am, please wake me up, the old man of the Huanglang clan has passed out, and he needs immediate treatment now."

Huang Hongzhi dodged across a distance of more than ten meters, and appeared beside Huang Tianling's old lady, preventing her from tossing Huang Lang. After being pulled by Huang Hongzhi like this, Huang Tianling's old lady couldn't help but come back to her senses, knowing that Huang Lang was A seriously wounded man is coming.

"Hurry up and send people in, so that the family doctors must cure the old Huanglang clan."

After Huang Hongzhi saw his mother-in-law regained her sanity, he hurriedly asked the two burden-carrying men to send Huang Lang to the medical room, while he comforted Huang Tian to make his wife feel that his son had become like this. How can he not be sad, even if it is Huang Hongzhi, he will feel distressed, and at the same time, he is a little dizzy. He really doesn't know who has the guts to hurt his son like this in Yanjing, and beat Huang Lang so badly It looks like a human being, what an enmity this must be, or maybe that family is going to declare war on his Huang family.

Huang Tian ordered his old mother to fall into Huang Hongzhi's arms and cry for a while, then she came back to her senses, she turned around, grabbed the young butler on the ground and said, "Quickly tell me, who sent him back, young master, and how did things happen?" thing".

The housekeeper was really frightened by Huang Tian Ling's eyes on his old lady, he felt a murderous aura piercing his soul, it was so terrifying, he trembled all over, opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

"Hurry up and say, you are looking for death, do you want me to slap you to death?"

Huang Lang's old mother said more and more ferociously, she really raised her other hand, as if she was going to strike down the housekeeper, and killed the housekeeper, which really scared the housekeeper enough, the more anxious and frightened he was, the more Can't say anything.

Seeing this, Huang Hongzhi took another step forward, grabbed his wife's hand, and let go of the housekeeper. The housekeeper stepped on the ground, couldn't help but took two steps back, breathing heavily with a dead face, almost Let him suffocate.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, she was too excited and lost control. This is because Aiko is eager, so please don't take offense."Huang Hongzhi said to the housekeeper very politely, he didn't want his wife to continue being so rude, she was just a crazy woman just now.

After the butler was stunned for a while, he quickly apologized and said with a smile, " doesn't matter."He was not used to it, Master Huang was so polite to him suddenly, it was too polite.

Huang Tianling's old lady finally calmed down at this time, she asked again, "I'm sorry, I was too excited just now and lost control of my emotions, you should hurry up and tell me, who sent the young master and the old Huanglang clan back?" .

"Report to Master and Madam, it was sent back by the Sun family. I heard from them that the person who hurt the young master and the elder of the Huanglang clan was Lin Chengfeng, the one who disabled the young master two years ago."

"What, it's him, how is this possible, his dantian has been crippled, how could he have this ability, are you kidding?"Huang Tianling said to his old mother in disbelief, and Huang Hongzhi also looked at the housekeeper in surprise.

The people around here couldn't help being startled at this moment. No one knew about Lin Chengfeng, because Lin Chengfeng was their Young Master Huang Tianling's deadly enemy. They couldn't figure out everything about Lin Chengfeng, but they knew very well. Lin Chengfeng was sent to that place two years ago because he was ruined and made crazy.

"What, could it really be that Young Master Lin?"

"It's very possible. The resentment between him and the young master is the biggest. I think in Yanjing, apart from him, no one else has such a big hatred against the young master. With such courage, even the elders of the Huanglang clan have been hurt." After doing this, I think that in the entire Yanjing, only he has the courage."

Many people started whispering in secret. This matter exploded in their hearts like a bomb, causing great waves.

Huang Hongzhi had a lot of thoughts in his heart. Although he didn't want to believe that Lin Chengfeng did all these things, his intuition and reason told him that that person could only be Lin Chengfeng, because really only Lin Chengfeng had a relationship with his son. Such a big hatred.

After being stared at by Huang Hongzhi, the young butler immediately said, "Madam, this is absolutely true. This matter has been spread among the high-level officials in Yanjing. Only our Huang Zong family was kept in the dark." Here, many people witnessed this incident with their own eyes, it is absolutely true, it is absolutely true, it is said that Lin Chengfeng has become a master-level powerhouse, and Elder Huang Lang was instantly killed by him."

The young butler said loudly, the news exploded among the crowd, and Huang Hongzhi couldn't help but frown at this moment, this matter is not simple, he will not think that this is just simple revenge That's all.

"Come on, come on, hurry up and go to Elder Zuo Shanjun's villa to see if he is still there."

Huang Hongzhi immediately remembered this problem, because there were too many things that shouldn't exist in Zuo Shanjun's place, so he had to be careful.

A patriarch passed by here, and he couldn't help but stop. After inquiring about it, he couldn't help being shocked, and the young steward immediately said, "Patriarch, Patriarch, it is rumored that Elder Zuo Shanjun died in the That Lin Chengfeng has it."

Huang Tianling's old lady couldn't help being stunned at this time, the news that came out one after another was so explosive that even Huang Hongzhi couldn't help but be stunned for a while, this news was enough to break the sky.

After staying for a while, Huang Hongzhi couldn't help becoming more solemn, glanced at the crowd, and looked at the clan elder who had just arrived here, "Elder Huang Xu, please leave immediately to see Elder Zuoshanjun Are you still in that villa, the situation is serious, please."

"I know the Patriarch, I will set off immediately."As soon as the old saying of that family was finished, they immediately dashed forward and disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.

"Everyone listen to me, now my Huang family is at the critical moment of life and death, you set off immediately and invite all the clan elders to the hall of the Presbyterian Church, there is no delay, all set off for me."

Huang Hongzhi shouted loudly, he smelled the smell of life and death, and he himself was not idle, and immediately started looking for someone to understand the whole story, the scene suddenly became deserted, and everyone hurried away, Only Huang Tianling, who was full of hatred, was left behind. At this moment, she also realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Don't worry, my son, I will definitely avenge this hatred for you. I won't let that Lin Chengfeng be happy."Looking at the medical room, she said coldly, it was so cold.

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