All the beautiful women of the Merry Fairy

Chapter 78 Fighting the Sun Family Congenitals [Part [-]]

Mr. An chased after him, and the small yard was full of phantoms of him and Lin Chengfeng. In the end, Mr. An had no choice but to stop. He really touched Lin Chengfeng's clothes when he chased him. not.

"Old man, don't worry now, I think no one can catch me innately, as long as I want to escape, no one can do anything about me."Lin Chengfeng smiled and said to Mr. An, but from the rockery on one side, there were screams from time to time.

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about it. Since you are so confident, I will leave the matter to you. In short, don't be brave. Before dawn tomorrow, you can set off. I will take people outside Huang's house." While waiting for you, remember, it’s really not possible, the most important thing is to save your life, and if you can’t keep it together, the Huang family has nothing to do."

The old man said to me worriedly, he didn't ask me about other things, I knew that the evidence brought back had to be sorted out, so after nodding, he used an escape method to disappear, which made the old man He couldn't help being stunned again, it took him a while to recover, he couldn't help but said, "He came and went without a trace, without making a sound, who can prevent his assassination, it seems that the Huang family This time it was really doomed."

Lin Chengfeng used an escape method. After leaving An's house, he realized that he was now penniless. If he wanted to go back, he might have to walk back slowly. He couldn't afford to use the escape method all the way, just for a while. , He has already consumed nearly [-]% of his power, if he hadn't replenished it quickly, the consumption would have been even greater, after all, escapism is the means of a real cultivator, and he is using it at a higher level now, so it is no wonder that the consumption is not large.

"It seems that I am really the life of the poor, so let's take a closer look at Yanjing, I'm afraid I won't be so free in the future."Lin Chengfeng couldn't help laughing at himself, and walked towards the street.


"Hey, hey, have you received the news? I heard that Master Lin Chengfeng showed his supernatural power, made a fuss, injured several congenitals, and even abolished Huang Tianling."

Li Long said with some admiration, this incident spread to the upper echelons of Yanjing at once, and the eight of them also received warning words from their families. Huang Ziqi couldn't be happier at this time. The other members of the Huang family will also have a chance to be in power. Although Huang Ziqi is also a member of the Huang family, he really only has hatred for Huang Tianling. He has been famous before, but Huang Tianling took everything away, so Huang Tianling was abolished. , he will only be happy.

"Understood, Young Master Li, don't show off there. Now who doesn't know that Master Lin Chengfeng is showing great power, what kind of Xiantian clan is always under the hands of Master Lin Chengfeng, it is simply vulnerable, like a chicken and a dog. Master Lin Chengfeng is really too strong."

"Yeah, fortunately we didn't offend Mr. Lin Chengfeng, otherwise our end will be very miserable now."Xu Ping said with some fear, and the others nodded in agreement.

"Should we distribute the pornographic photos of Long Ziming to the big families?"Li Long smiled sinisterly, and of course the rest of the people nodded in agreement. The Long Ziming incident also caused quite a stir, but it only created a joke for many people. If it was before, this incident would definitely be a headline. But under the turmoil caused by Lin Chengfeng, this matter is a bit unsightly and inconspicuous.


"Well, this smell is a bit familiar, who is it?"Lin Chengfeng was walking on the street, and he smelled something familiar to him, like a girl's fragrance, with a bit of frankincense.

At this time, a girl with the appearance of Xiaojiabiyu came towards Lin Chengfeng, and I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, a big man walked by and bumped into her, and the woman fell into Lin Chengfeng's arms by coincidence.

The woman whispered in my ear, "Lin Chengfeng, be careful, there are many Xiantian clansmen in the Sun family who are coming to settle accounts with you."

The big man who bumped into the woman turned around and quickly apologized. Lin Chengfeng now knew who the beauty in his arms was. Although the appearance had changed, the smell could not.

Lin Chengfeng quickly put his arms around the woman's waist and said, "No, no, I also want to thank you. I am her boyfriend. She has always been shy. This is the first time she has thrown her arms around me."

The woman didn't understand at this time, I saw through her identity, although she didn't know that she was showing her flaws, but when she heard me say that she was my girlfriend, she didn't refute, but still snuggled into my arms, Seeing this, the big man was not suspicious, and after nodding, he turned around and left.

Then, Lin Chengfeng put his arms around the beauty's waist, and said softly, "Ah, beauty, your body fragrance is still so charming, it's really unforgettable."

As soon as these words came out, she knew why she was in trouble, and she couldn't help scolding, "Damn you pervert, your nose is really more sensitive than a dog's."

Lin Chengfeng accepted this sentence very comfortably, and said with a smile, "Hehe, how can I not smell the smell on you, beauty, but I still have to thank you for your kindness first."

"Death pervert, don't get me wrong, I'm only reporting to repay your life-saving grace, so don't think too much about it."

The woman said with an air of trying to cover up, Lin Chengfeng could naturally see her thoughts, Lin Chengfeng didn't expose it at this time, the two of them were like a couple, strolling on the street, what they said was like sweet Nothing.

"I know, I know, it's just that the beauty's kindness is hard to bear, or I'll let it go with my body."Lin Chengfeng said in the woman's ear very ambiguously, the hot air in her mouth made the woman feel a little electric shock, her face turned red all of a sudden, if her face hadn't been made up, I'm afraid it would be even worse obvious.

"Hey, who wants you to agree with your body? Hey Lin Chengfeng, he is serious. You still have the time to joke around. You should hurry up and think of a countermeasure. I know your strength very well. Against those Clan elders, you have the strength to resist, I really don’t know why you killed so many innate people in a flash.”

Lin Chengfeng understood that the woman in his arms was really worried about him, otherwise he wouldn't be like this, he didn't believe it, she knew by coincidence that the Sun family was going to deal with him Lin Chengfeng, it must be because she has been caring about herself, knowing that she is After the agile incident, he monitored the movements of the Sun family for himself.

Lin Chengfeng couldn't help but laughed a little. It would be a lie to say that he has no thoughts about the beauty in his arms. His cultivation cannot do without a woman. How could Lin Chengfeng not like and be unhappy about this beauty who treats him sincerely.

"Hey, you're still laughing. You're about to face disaster. Do you know who made you so arrogant and dare to say such things? I think you really don't know how to live or die."

The woman scolded impatiently in a low voice. Seeing this, Lin Chengfeng couldn't help but say, "I'll die if I die. Anyway, there is a beautiful woman who treats me so affectionately and righteously. I will be blind when I die."

"Just kidding, I'm afraid they will find you in a while, if you do this again, I will ignore you in the future."The woman was very angry and spoke to Lin Chengfeng, showing all her concern.

Lin Chengfeng shrugged his shoulders, and said indifferently, "With beauty and your affection, my death is enough, but it's too late to leave now."

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