Zang Ba was about to go out, when a school captain reported loudly: "Lieutenant Pang De, Captain of Xiaoqi, is back—"

Lu Bu and Zang Ba looked at each other.

Pang De disguised himself as a villager, went in and knelt down and said, "Pang De came from Bingzhou, and saw the return of the King of Chu in Lieliu City, and kowtowed to the general!"

Seeing that it was a messenger sent by King Nie Zefeng of Chu, Lu Bu was overjoyed and asked, "How is it? What is your majesty's intention?"

Pang De replied a little tiredly: "Your Majesty issued an edict to commend all our Yijing counter-insurgency soldiers, and highly appraised Your Majesty's command."

Lu Bu was a little surprised: "Evaluation? Your Majesty didn't mention sending troops to help?"

Pang De replied with his fists together: "All the troops around the king have been mobilized, and even the Habayashi Army in the city has replenished part of the army."

Lu Bu continued to ask, "What's Your Majesty's attitude towards Zhao Yunjian not coming out?"

"Your Majesty also has something to say about General Zheng Bei."

"What did the king say?"

"Your Majesty only said four words."

"Four words? Which four words."

"Not for remote control."

"Not for remote control?" Lu Bu read these four words, and then looked at Zang Ba.

Zang Ba explained according to his own meaning: "These four words are very important. The meaning of the king is: In the future, you can no longer ask the king for instructions on foreign battles, and all decisions will be made at the discretion of General Zhengbei!"

After hearing such an explanation, Lu Bu was suddenly dumbfounded.

Pang De suddenly remembered something, and then suddenly interrupted: "Oh, yes, when I came back, the last general passed by Xiangping and met General Zhengbei, and General Zhengbei asked me to present this to the king—"

As Pang De spoke, he presented the bamboo slips, and after Lu Bu took them, he unfolded the bamboo slips.

"Please Lu Bu stick to it for another month. Liaodong and North Korea will be cut off, and they will be in chaos."

The roaring Lu Bu threw down the bamboo slips fiercely: "Bastard bastard! Zhao Yun, son of a bitch! If you bully me, Lu Bu, one day, I will kill your nine clans!"

After hearing this sentence, Pound was stunned.

Zang Ba smiled and sent Pang De's branch out, and after stepping away from the left and right, he quietly looked at the furious Lu Bu.

Zang Ba comforted him: "The general is a person who does great things, don't be so impetuous."

Lu Bu continued to curse angrily, "Zhao Yun is using a knife to kill people."

"Your Majesty granted Zhao Yun full authority, and no matter what he planned, how could His Majesty do anything to him? What's more, the matter has not reached that point. I think that now is a good time for Your Majesty to make a name for himself!"

"Oh, is that how you see it?"

"Although Yijing was hit hard, the morale of the people has not dissipated, the morale of the army is still strong, the defenses of Yijing are thick and solid, and the reserve troops have not yet entered the battle. As long as we are united and commanded properly, if we stick to it for another month, the rebels in Liaodong and North Korea will not be able to break through the city. .”

"Don't be angry, he, Zhao Yun, is watching the scenery on the shore, but I, Yi Jing's army and people, are bloody and bloody, and the water is in dire straits."

Zang Ba persuaded: "Heaven has given a great mission to the people of Sri Lanka, and they must first toil their muscles and bones and starve their bodies. The general used an army to resist the main force of the rebellious king and turned the tide. His contribution is great. The minister thinks , At this time, Your Majesty must bear the burden of humiliation, fight for a long time, and use the real name of military achievements to let the world see who is more qualified to lead the ups and downs of the world in the future!" Hearing Zang Ba's step-by-step analysis, Lu Bu's eyes slowly brightened.

Lu Bu hurriedly asked, "Do you think I have hope?"

Zang Ba smiled and persuaded: "There are fresh peaches on the branches, the general can't reach them, but you can grab them with a jump!"

Lu Bu nodded, drew out his saber abruptly, and shouted, "Come on—"

The door slammed open, and the generals entered.

Lu Bu sternly ordered: "This general will live on the tower from today onwards. You have to do it yourself, keep your responsibilities, and fight the enemy bravely. Anyone who is passive and cowardly, neglects his duty, beheaded!"

General Zhang Jaw was the first to report: "General, less than [-]% of the soldiers under the general's subordinates are already less than [-]%, urgently need to be replenished!"

Lu Bu said a little impatiently: "If there are only 1000 people left, you, the school lieutenant, will be demoted to be a military marquis! If there are less than 500 people, you will be demoted to be the head of the village! If there are fewer, you can simply do team history!" This is a military rule, and everyone else in the same situation will follow it! Do you understand?!"

"The captain understands!"

Lu Bu waved his sword and ordered: "Captain Pang De, the captain of Xiaoqi!"

After Pound heard it, he replied: "The last general Pound is here!"

"In the huge battlefield of Yijing, you are able to come and go as a messenger. You must be brave and resourceful. The king gave you the captaincy of Xiaoqi, and the widow gave you the general who guards the city! Go! Except General Zang Ba, who is guarding here, the rest will follow I go to the tower! I swear to be with Yi Jingcheng!"

With Pound's sword out of its sheath, he replied impassionedly, "Yes!"

All the generals above the hall said in unison: "The general is mighty!"

Lu Bu shouted: "The Chu army is mighty!"

Then, the sound of attack and defense was loud.

Although the surrounding area of ​​Yijing City was battered, it was not Yijingchengtou that really played a decisive role, but the battle of the little general Guan Ping who attacked the grain and grass.

On the avenue leading to the front line of Yijing, the Liaodong and North Korean troops of the brigade escorted food (xiangxiang) vehicles and walked in file.

On the avenue, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes from time to time.

Suddenly, Liaodong and North Korean soldiers drew their swords and held their halberds and shouted: "Chu Army! Chu Army!"

But by the time they found the Chu army, it was already too late, and the arrowheads roared like locusts, and those who were hit by the arrowheads fell down one after another.The cavalry rushed out from both sides of the road, and countless slashing blades severed the throats of Liaodong and Korean soldiers.

The horses knocked down the resisters, and groups of food escorts knelt down, surrounded by restless horse legs and gleaming blades.

Guan Ping, who was on a tall horse, waved the big knife in his hand and ordered: "Light on the fire, burn everything!"

The Chu army immediately held the torch and ignited the chariot.

A burning grain cart.

Guan Ping's order continued to spread throughout the army, "Go to the Huaisi Wharf, and burn all the grain stored in the tanks!"

Riding like a gust of wind, the nearby flames burst into the sky.

The news of the grain road being robbed quickly spread to Gongsun Gong's camp.

Sun Gong, Prince of Liaodong with a twitching face.

The kneeling quartermaster tremblingly described the situation of the battle to Gongsun Gong in detail: "... all tall horses, all strong bows and short spears, come like a gust of wind, go like lightning, and the leading Han general looks exactly like a Hu People, known as Major General Guan Ping..."

Gongsun Gong became angrier the more he listened, turned around and asked, "Have all the grain roads been broken?"

The quartermaster lowered his head and replied in a low voice: "It's's broken."

Gongsun Gong grabbed the general's skirt and asked, "Can't a grain of grain come?"


"Without food, what do you let the hundreds of thousands of people eat? Eat you?"

The quartermaster hurriedly broke free from Gongsun Gong's hand, knelt down and said, "This official is guilty, this official is guilty!"

When Gongsun Gong saw the general who was begging for mercy, he raised his leg and kicked, and cursed: "You have ruined my family's important affairs. Come on, push it down, and cook it for me in a big pot!"

The quartermaster said tragically, "Your Majesty—"

After hearing the order, the Sword and Ax Military Academy rushed up and dragged him out like a pig without any explanation.

At this time, the big tent became quiet.

Zhang Gao, who was coordinating the Liaodong Army and the Korean Army, was in Gongsun Gong's big tent at this time. He comforted him: "Your Majesty should make a decision early. The army can't go without food for a day, otherwise..."

Gongsun Gong asked the general next to him: "The food in the camp can last for a few more days."

At this time, one of the generals replied: "I report to your majesty, three days at most."

Finally, Gongsun Gong sighed helplessly: "We can only sink the boat."

Zhang Gao asked suspiciously: "What your majesty said is very true. You must immediately fight Zhao Yun's main force of the Chu army to open up the route to the north. As long as you occupy the arsenal Obao, everything will be solved."

Gongsun Gong waved the dagger in his hand and ordered: "Order all the ministries to stop the siege of Yijing, and all the main forces will march towards Xiangping. The existing food reserves will only be allocated to the combat troops. Within three days, we must fight Zhao Yun!"

Once a word is spoken, everyone will be in awe.

After this order was issued, the beating of golden battle drums outside Yijing gradually sounded, and in the open field, the battle formations of the Liaodong and North Korean troops were squirming.

Facing the menacing coalition forces, Zhao Yun ordered all the Chu troops not to be dispatched, and the Chu troops who could not stand the fortified defenders.

Through the solid fortifications, Zhao Yun and his crowd looked out.

They saw the marching Liaodong and Korean battle formations stop.

In the battle formation, Sun Gong, the king of Liaodong, was fully armored and stood on a chariot of four horses.

Gongsun Gong looked bewildered.I saw rows of crossbowmen full of bows and arrows.

Now the generals of both sides are right in front of them, as if they are both on the other side of the world. Gongsun Gong looked at Zhao Yun, whose facial muscles twitched.

On the four-horse chariot, the king of Liaodong drew his sword.

At this time, Zhao Yun scratched his nose slowly with his fingertips, silently.

The Chu army lined up with bows ready to go, and the banners were fierce

Gongsun Gong on the four-horse chariot suddenly raised his sword, and the tip of the sword pierced the sky.

The Liaodong and North Korean sergeants who fought beside them roared in unison:

"My king is mighty! Chu army grass chicken!"

"My king is mighty! Chu army grass chicken!"

The thunderous roar shook the Han court defenders.

A crossbowman relaxed his bowstring, turned pale, and turned to look in Zhao Yun's direction.

Zhao Yun closed his eyes.

Under this heavy atmosphere, more crossbowmen loosened their strings and turned around to look around, but Zhao Yun didn't react at all.

On the four-horse chariot, the tip of Gongsun Gong's raised sword suddenly pointed down at Chu Ying.

Thousands of Liaodong and North Korean soldiers let out a more powerful roar:

"Sweep the Chu camp! Capture General Zhengbei alive!"

"Sweep the Chu camp! Capture General Zhengbei alive!"

The horseshoes of the gathered cavalry were commotion in place, and the horses raised their necks and roared (hui ash), accompanied by the clanging of metal weapons.The four battalion guards put their hands on the wooden bolt (shuan) of the camp gate at any time.

The eyes of all the soldiers are looking in one direction, that is their general Zhao Yun.

However, Zhao Yun sighed lightly, turned his head and returned to the big tent.

A cavalryman suddenly drew his sword, with a metallic sound.

Quietly inside the big tent, a school lieutenant came out and chanted loudly: "General Zheng Bei University has issued an order to the whole army: Anyone who speaks war without authorization will be punished for the crime of collaborating with the enemy, and will be killed without mercy!"

The camp was quiet.

The cavalry general glared at the cavalry who drew their swords:

"Did you hear that? General Zhengbei sent an order to the entire army—"

The leader of the crossbowmen also reprimanded angrily: "...Anyone who speaks without authorization..."

The camp guards in front of the camp gate also shouted loudly: "...the crime of collaborating with the enemy is the same..."

The corporal leader said to the soldiers around him: "...Kill without mercy!"

The soldier whispered to another soldier, "Kill without mercy!"

Several soldiers passed one by one and said, "Kill without mercy!"

"Kill Unforgiven—"

"Kill Unforgiven—"



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