The Conquest of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 305 The last blow

Yi Jingcheng's head

Lu Bu, with his sword in his hand, walked down the arrow stacks illuminated by the soldiers with torches.

Zang Ba stood not far away and looked at it thoughtfully.

In the distance, at the Liaodong and North Korean camps in the dark night, there were only a few piles of fire left.

Lu Bu who came over said to Zang Ba: "Gongsun Gong has finally retired!"

Zang Ba's face was not happy.

Lu Bu said a little proudly: "This disaster has all gone to Xiangping. The heavens have eyes, and it's time for Zhao Yun to have a taste of it!"

Zang Ba said with some doubts: "It's strange that the rebels are retreating!"

Lu Bu also said with some doubts: "Yes, that's why I have ordered all the ministries not to act rashly, so as not to fall into the trap." Zang Ba: "The views of my subordinates are just the opposite. Ready to attack at any time!" Lu Bu: "Why is this so?"

Zang Ba: "I have been observing for many days. There is little smoke from the stove in the rebel camp, and no grain trucks have arrived. There must be a problem with the follow-up grain and grass. At this time, Gongsun Gong moved his army to a decisive battle, and he must be a trapped beast. Your Majesty is optimistic, Your Majesty." It is bound to be settled within a day or two."

Lu Bu looked back at Zang Ba behind him and said, "You mean..."

Zang Ba nodded and replied: "Yes, within a day or two, it must be the last opportunity for the general to expand his achievements and become famous!"

Lu Bu asked, "So fast?"

Zang Ba firmly replied: "It's that fast!"

After hearing Zang Ba's statement, Lu Bu was a little shocked...

At this time, in the wilderness shrouded in night, the Liaodong and North Korean troops lit countless bonfires in the open air.

The Liaodong and North Korean rebels howled like wolves.

There was a hundred responses to every call, and there were howls everywhere, the sound was huge and weird.

The luxuriant weeds sway in the sound waves...

But in Zhao Yun's camp, howls rolled like thunder, and the soldiers looked at each other in fear.

A sleepy soldier of the Chu army suddenly woke up, jumped up recklessly, and ran (xie oblique) with the wind (xie oblique), shouting: "The rebels robbed the camp! The rebels robbed the camp! The rebels robbed the camp! !—”

A group of soldiers jumped up from the tent and fled in all directions, which led to the bombing of the camp.

All the soldiers were holding halberds, panicked and did not choose their way, and even suspected each other of the enemy and us, holding weapons at each other...

Hold out a fire to illuminate the surroundings.

Only to find out that they were all my own people, and the audience was in commotion.

The soldier holding the torch shouted: "Listen, what's the sound?"

The audience was silent, and people held their breath to capture——

The sound came from the big tent of the Chinese army.

The torchbearer went and lifted the curtain.

Everyone is stupid.

Zhao Yun slept peacefully on the couch, his voice was like thunder.

Holding the torch, the soldiers walked up to the first startled soldier, yelled loudly, and cursed, "What a fuss!"

Seeing this situation, all the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, and the crowd dispersed like an ebb tide.

Only the soldier covering his face was left in the crowd.

The big tent in the army is still snoring like thunder.

Xiao Bing murmured innocently: "General Zhengbei's snoring is louder than a pig!"

A series of small episodes began to spread in the entire Chu army camp. Although the soldiers of the Chu army held back their anger and did not fight, they still ate meat.

However, Liaodong and North Korean sergeants were not so lucky. On the seventh day when they attacked Zhao Yun's camp.

A large group of soldiers wanted to leave noisily, but they were stopped by the North Korean general Kim Sung who was supervising the battle.

The soldier yelled: "There is no food for three days, let us starve to death!"

"Why can the soldiers of the king of Liaodong have enough to eat, but our Chu army has no food supply?"

The soldiers swarmed out, and the swords in the soldiers' hands cut down several soldiers one after another.

A general shouted loudly: "Whoever makes trouble again will be punished on the spot!"

The soldiers retreated in fright at first, and suddenly a soldier raised his spear and shouted at each other: "Don't push us into a hurry—"

Just as the soldiers were about to rectify the law, all of a sudden, all the soldiers drew their halberds and drew their swords.

Faced with such a tense situation, the soldiers had no choice but to retreat towards the camp gate.

Because they are all their own North Korean brothers, no one can bear to face each other with swords. In addition, facing so many sergeants, the personal guards really feel a little stressed.

The soldiers approached step by step, and the stepsister yelled: "Brothers, go find food—"

The soldiers rushed out in a riot and scattered in all directions...

The personal guards originally wanted to fight these soldiers to the death, but the general Jin Shengfa gave an order not to stop them, so these soldiers rushed out.

But the news quickly reached Gongsun Gong's ears.

Gongsun Gong, who turned pale in a hurry, rushed into the military tent of the North Korean commander, and said to the North Korean general Jin Sheng, "How do you control the soldiers of the North Korean country? Half of them escaped!"

At this time, the North Korean general Jin Sheng was looking at the map quietly, then raised his head slightly and replied: "If you can't eat, how can you not leave."

Gongsun Gong explained: "There is very little food, but the decisive battle is today, why not persevere."

The North Korean general Kim Sung stood up at this time and replied: "There is no shortage of food, but uneven distribution."

Gongsun Gong replied with a short sigh: "You, you are too small-minded. The Liaodong Army is the main attack, so naturally they need to distribute more food. The North Korean army is for the deployment, so naturally the food distribution is less."

The North Korean General Kim Sung replied disapprovingly: "People's hearts are all fleshy, how can there be a primary or secondary." Gongsun Gong finally warned: "If the North Korean General Kim Sung is so uncooperative, the defeat is over. It's settled!"

Just as their two coalition forces were fighting over food, the final decisive battle was brewing in Zhao Yun's camp.

Fully armed cavalry, chariots, and soldiers are ready to go.

Standing in armor and holding a long sword, Zhao Yun stood on the chariot and made an oath to all the Chu troops: "Soldiers of the three armies, the decisive battle is just around the corner. The rebels in Liaodong and North Korea are plotting rebellion. Now you go to hunt down the rebels to carry out the destiny. If the army on the left does not attack to the left, it means that you are not carrying out the mandate of heaven! If the army on the right does not march to the right, it means that you are not carrying out the mandate of heaven! If the driver cannot make the horse go straight, it means that you are not carrying out the mandate of heaven! Anyone who executes the mandate of heaven, After the war, it will be rewarded at the Si (Si Si) Society. Those who do not carry out the destiny will not only be killed and dedicated to the ancestral society; but also I will take the wife and children of the murdered as slaves!"

The armed forces were full of energy when Zhao Yun delivered the oath.

The faces of soldiers inspired by the oath.

The war horses were in a commotion.

Finally, Zhao Yun took his gentian gun casually and shouted loudly: "Soldiers of the three armies, the time for the three armies to perform meritorious service has come! I order you to open the gate of the camp: catch up! Go forward and kill the enemy to seize your Honor and victory!"

The gentian gun in Zhao Yun's hand swung vigorously——

Jun Tianle resounded through the sky, and the soldiers cheered like thunder: "I obey! I obey!... I obey!".

The suspension bridge at the camp gate fell from the sky!

In the field, dozens of horse-drawn chariots of the Chu army lined up and rushed over unstoppably.

The chariots ruthlessly rushed into the battle formations of Liaodong and North Korean rebels, wantonly rolling (zhan ya exhibition surprise), impacting, smashing everything.

The eyes are full of fighting and killing, the sound of metal impacts, and the hoarse shouts of killing.

Flags fluttered on the rumbling chariot.

The horseshoes of the cavalry trampled on the crowd.

In particular, the Baima Congyi soldiers of Commander Zhao Yun rushed towards the retreating Chu army's position like a lunatic.

The defeated rebels fled to the four fields.

The horse-drawn chariot swept violently.

On the battlefield, there were not only corpses, but also rebels kneeling down and disarming.

Horseshoes and wheel ruts trampled on the banners of Liaodong and North Korea, covering up and killing them...

At this time, not only the main force of the Chu army Zhao Yun, but also the soldiers of Lu Bu's army were dispatched.

Under the leadership of the young general Pang De, the Lv Bu Legion, who attacked with cameras downstairs in Yijing City, rushed out of the city gate on cavalry, and the Lu Bu banner was eye-catching.

Lu Bu shook Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, urged his red rabbit horse, and took the lead to kill. Zang Ba, Zhang Bao and others followed up and launched a final attack on the coalition forces.

Although Pound, the Xiliang warrior, did not gallop, he bent his bow and shot an arrow, and one bow and arrow flew out.On the opposite side, the coalition general fell to the ground with an arrow.

The soldiers of Lu Bu's regiment swept the Liaodong and North Korean rebels passing by in a gust of wind.

When they approached, Pang De put away his bow and arrow, then took off his sword and struck at the enemy.Galloping all the way, all the way blood splattered on the shirt, the horseshoes of Lu Bu Xiliang cavalry behind him passed by.

Faced with the overwhelming defeat, North Korean general Jin Sheng could only choose to use his final death to comfort his monarch.

All the soldiers of the Chu army who rushed into the North Korean camp saw the retreating mess in the quiet Chu camp.

The soldiers who rushed in couldn't help looking into the tent of the North Korean general Jin Sheng, because there was the sound of pouring wine.

The soldiers who rushed in saw Jin Sheng pouring a jug of wine into a wine glass with a trembling hand.

Outside the big tent, the sound of killing gradually approached.

The North Korean General Kim Sung raised his glass of wine and held it in front of his lips for a moment, before gulping it down.

The big tent was torn open in an uproar, and Pound rushed in on horseback, behind him were soldiers holding halberds.

The North Korean general Jin Sheng looked on coldly and did not move. Behind him was a row of North Korean army generals.

Pang De, who rushed in, got off his horse and cursed: "The traitor, Jin Sheng, is still on his knees!"

Facing Pang De's questioning, North Korean General Kim Sung sneered and said, "A mere lieutenant kneels with this General?"

Pound's big knife was pointed straight at him from the horse, and the blade hit the throat of North Korean General Kim Sung, and he shouted loudly, "Kneel down!"

The North Korean general Kim Sung laughed, and just halfway through the laugh, the poisoned alcohol broke out and he fell to the ground.

The fallen North Korean general Kim Sung was bleeding from his mouth and nose.

Quiet leftovers on the case table...

Pang De stared in astonishment.

Then, all the enemies in the tent will fall to the ground and drink poison and die.

In the desolate war, when the ruthless cavalry of Lu Bu's army swept across the entire battlefield, they wanted to move closer all the way from Youzhou. This battle is truly over!


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