So, Nie Zefeng posted a post, claiming to hold a banquet in the army to thank you, Governor Huang, for your kind hospitality, and to invite Governor Huang to come and have a talk.

In the evening of that day, a courier flew away to Baidi City to deliver Nie Zefeng's post.

Before dark, the courier flew back and brought back Huang Quan's reply.

In the letter, Huang Quan respectfully thanked Nie Zefeng for his kind invitation, but tactfully rejected Nie Zefeng's invitation on the grounds that he was unwell.


Nie Zefeng slapped the silk letter on the case, and said with a sneer, "I wrote the invitation myself, and this Huang Quan doesn't give me face. It seems that Baidi City must be attacked by force."

The Three Gorges had long been in the hands of the Jingzhou army, and now the Shu army only had a single White Emperor City left, how could Nie Zefeng take it seriously.

At this time, Pang Tong said: "Shi Caitong has secretly inspected the terrain of Baidi City. This city is built on the mountain, which is extremely dangerous. If Huang Quan is really prepared, [-] soldiers and horses are enough to defend for more than ten days. Then It is Liu Zhang who has come to realize that he must send a large army to rescue, if a large number of Shu soldiers are allowed to rush to Baidi, at that time, the situation of conquering Shu will be at our disadvantage."

Pang Tong did not approve of the storm.

Nie Zefeng didn't know the disadvantages of a strong attack, but now Nie Zefeng knew that he knew that he didn't have a lot of time. It was already the summer of 202 AD, and Nie Zefeng really wanted to make more contributions.

At this time, Fazheng, who had been silent for a long time, had a sly smile on his lips, "Your Majesty, Zhengzheng has a plan to make that Huang Quan come uninvited."

After the matter was confirmed, another news came from the Xuzhou area. The soldiers stationed in the Xuzhou area unexpectedly found Liu Bei, and it was Liu Bei who was not dead, a Liu Bei who voluntarily surrendered. Because Nie Zefeng had no experience as an assistant who surrendered, he just told Xuzhou The general put Liu Bei under house arrest in Xuzhou and made a fuss.


three days later.

The night was dark, but Huang Quan was still wearing armor at this time, patrolling the White Emperor's city.

More than a dozen miles away, there is Nie Zefeng's [-] army. This [-] vanguard army makes Huang Quan feel like a light on his back all the time, making him dare not relax in the slightest.

The mighty Nie Zefeng had led a large army into his county for three days. During these three days, the Chu army remained on hold, showing no sign of planning to go north to the southern barbarians.

It seemed that Nie Zefeng planned to stay at the door of his house and had no intention of leaving.

This abnormal sign of Chu Jun made Huang Quan more and more uneasy.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw a horse galloping towards the east gate under the light of the fire on the top of the city.

Huang Quan tensed up and immediately became more alert.

But he saw the rider coming straight to the front of the city, and shouted: "Whether Huang Gongheng is here, I am Fazheng, let me enter the city quickly."

In the middle of the night, Fazheng, who was an envoy, suddenly rode from Chu Yingzai to Baidi City by himself. Huang Quan was puzzled by such behavior.

"It turned out to be Fa Xiaozhi, why did you come here late at night, could it be that there is something important?" Huang Quan asked loudly instead of rushing to open the city gate.

Fazheng under the city, with an anxious expression on his face, shouted: "The situation is urgent, if Gongheng doesn't let me enter the city again, I will be in great trouble in Yizhou!"

Hearing this, Huang Quan's expression changed suddenly.

The words "Catastrophe is imminent" pierced Huang Quan's heart fiercely like a knife blade.

"Hurry up, open the city gate quickly, and let Xiao Xiao go straight into the city." Huang Quan didn't dare to think too much, before the city gate opened, he hurriedly stepped down from the top of the city.

The city gate opened, and Fazheng rode in.

Huang Quan rode forward to meet him, and said eagerly: "Xiaozhi, what happened?"

"This is not a place to talk, let's talk elsewhere." Fazheng winked secretly.

Huang Quan understood, so he took Fazheng straight to the county mansion, stepped into the lobby, and when he closed the door, he had no eyes or ears.

At this time, Huang Quan couldn't wait to ask what was going on.

Fazheng said solemnly: "A few days ago, I found out that Nie Zefeng was secretly transporting a large number of Thunderbolt vehicles from Jiangling. The number is nearly three hundred."


Huang Quan looked doubtful, "Although there are mountain roads to go from Badong County to Nanman, the roads are rugged, and it is impossible to transport large siege equipment. What's the use of the Chu army dispatching thunderbolt chariots?"

"Brother Gongheng, haven't you noticed that Nie Zefeng dispatched Thunderbolt Chariots to help you pacify the Nanmans, but secretly they want to attack Baidi City!"

When Fazheng said a word, Huang Quan was startled.

Fazheng went on to say: "In the past few days, I have been with the Chu army. I have entertained some generals of the Chu army privately. While they were drunk, I knocked on the sidelines and asked them. I discovered that the Chu army helped us to pacify the Nanman. Then Nie Zefeng They simply want to seize Baidi City and invade Yizhou."

Huang Quan, who was shocked again and again, calmed down his emotional reaction at this moment, with a smug sneer on his face.

That sneer, it seems that what Fazheng said finally confirmed his previous guess.

"As I expected, this Nie Zefeng is really an ambitious wolf who wants to devour Yizhou. Fortunately, Xiaozhi, you discovered it early. I will send someone to Chengdu on a flying horse to report to the lord for help."

As he said that, Huang Quan picked up his pen and wanted to edit the book.

At this time, Fazheng pulled Huang Quan back, shook his head and sighed, "It will take at least ten days from Baidi City to Chengdu, but now Nie Zefeng's thunderbolt car has arrived in Wu County, and he can reach Baidi tomorrow morning at the earliest. Just imagine, Gongheng, with only your [-] soldiers and horses, can you stop the attack of [-] Chu troops with Thunderbolt chariots?"

"So what if I can't resist, at worst, I, Huang Quan, will live and die with the city, and I will never let Yan Bandit take down Baidi City easily." Huang Quan said generously.

But Fazheng shook his head: "Even though Gongheng has the intention of mortal death, once Baidi is lost, Yizhou's gates will be wide open, and the Chu army will be able to drive into Sichuan. In the end, Nie Zefeng's treacherous plan still succeeds."

Huang Quan fell into deep thought, and his brows became more and more anxious.

Nie Zefeng was so powerful that although his army was only [-], they were all elite fighters, and the Shu army was not strong in combat. Huang Quan could not deny this indisputable fact.

If Nie Zefeng really captured the White Emperor and easily passed the danger of the Three Gorges, the situation in Yizhou would be like what Fazheng said, and disaster would be imminent.

"If not, I will send someone directly to Jiangzhou to ask for help from Old General Yan, the prefect of Bajun, and ask him to send troops to Baidi. Old General Yan has [-] elite soldiers in his hands. Help me keep Baidi safe until the Lord's army comes to help me."

Huang Quan thought about it for a while, and then thought of another plan.

But Fazheng shook his head again: "Although Old General Yan has [-] soldiers, he has always been cautious. He didn't get the lord's handwriting. How could he easily send troops based on what you and I said? You can't rely on him."

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, can't we just sit back and watch the Yan thief capture Baidi?" Huang Quan's head was sweating anxiously.

Fazheng also frowned, pacing in the hall, looking like he was in deep thought.

After a while, Fazheng's eyes moved, and he said in a low voice: "Gongheng, I have a dangerous plan here. If this plan can be realized, it will not only keep Baidi safe, but also kill Nie Zefeng in one fell swoop."

Huang Quan's spirit was greatly lifted, and he hurriedly asked Fazheng what strategy he had to make.

Fa Zhengsui took his time and blamed his plan.

After hearing this, Huang Quan had a complicated expression on his face, which seemed to be excited and worried.

After pondering for a while, Huang Quan's expression became firm, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Just follow the plan of filial piety and straightness. That thief Yan is full of tricks and wants to disturb my Yizhou Taiping, so we will ask him to pay a heavy price so that he will not dare to do it again." I am Yizhou!"

... Two days later, the night is like splashed ink, and the moon is like a hook.

Baidi City and the Chu army camp more than ten miles away were all peaceful and peaceful.

On the small hill in the north of the camp, candlelight flickered, but under the stars and moon, Nie Zefeng was playing chess with Fazheng like floating clouds.

"Fa Xiaozhi, why do you want to help the orphan?" Nie Zefeng asked calmly when the son was born.

"There are two reasons. First, the lord is a hero in the world. He is assisting the lord. Naturally, it is to achieve a great cause, and his name will go down in history."

When others face Nie Zefeng, they often compliment him with "the master of the world", but Fazheng is blunt and calls him a "hero".

However, the word "Xiaoxiong" appeals to Nie Zefeng more than "Master" or "Lord".

A smile flickered across the corner of his mouth, and he said again, "What about the second reason?"

"Then Liu Zhang, like Liu Biao, likes to raise some famous people who are trying to gain fame. I have always looked down on those so-called famous people who are ostentatious, so under Liu Zhang, I have been pushed out by others. I don't want to hide it from my lord. I am helping my lord to win Yizhou. Another reason is, It is to avenge those cold reception and exclusion."

Is it necessary to retaliate... Honest enough, frank enough, Fa Zheng, as expected in history, he is a person who is willing to be kind and enmity.

Nie Zefeng is also a person who likes to be kind and friendly.

All of a sudden, Nie Zefeng looked at Fazheng in front of him, as if he had met a bosom friend.

"Okay, you will be rewarded, you will be rewarded, and you will be happy. A man is just like this. I can promise you that after the invasion of Chengdu, those who look down on you, those who have neglected you, will be at your disposal."

Nie Zefeng, who was full of pride, immediately made a promise to Fazheng.

Fazheng didn't expect Nie Zefeng to be so happy. Instead of teaching him such hypocritical principles as "be lenient" and "be broad-minded", he admired his "caring over every detail".

"It is said that Nie Zefeng is a true hero who is willing to be kind and vengeful. Looking at it today, he really deserves his reputation. It seems that I, Fazheng, saw the right person this time..."

Being moved, Fazheng didn't say much thanks, he just laughed out loud.

Nie Zefeng also laughed loudly, that wanton laughter echoed in the night, and he rode a galloping horse up the mountain to report that the Shu army in Baidi City had quietly left the city and was heading towards the camp.

Nie Zefeng calmed down his madness, stood up, and looked down at the camp at the foot of the mountain, with a frightening murderous intent in his eyes.

Standing with his hands behind his back, Nie Zefeng waved his hands and shouted: "Huang Quan has been caught in the plan, pass on the order and order all the troops to act according to the plan."

After the order was issued, the scouts rushed down the mountain and went straight to the camp.

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