The Conquest of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 376 Yizhou Gateway

Not long after, a beacon suddenly rose in the direction of the southern camp, and the sound of shouts of killing echoed in the mountains on both sides, as if a civil strife was suddenly breaking out.

The beacon fire that soared into the sky could be clearly seen in a radius of more than ten miles. Nie Zefeng, who was watching the battle on the mountain, saw it, and Huang Quan, who was galloping his horse like flying a few miles away, also saw it.

Seeing the fire in Chu's camp, Huang Quan's dignified face suddenly showed excitement, and said in his mouth: "Fa Xiaozhi's plan has succeeded, order the whole army to speed up the pace, and in a quarter of an hour, we must enter the enemy's camp."

Excited, Huang Quan lashed his war horse and scolded his [-] Shu troops, rushing desperately towards the Chu camp.

That day, Fazheng said that Nie Zefeng had been treating him generously in order to buy people's hearts, and he was negligent in guarding against him, and he did not know that Nie Zefeng had the intention of attacking Baidi.

Therefore, Fazheng devised a plan. He led [-] Shu soldiers to set fire to the camp from inside to disturb the morale of the Chu army. At that time, Huang Quan used all his troops to attack from the outside while taking advantage of the chaos.

In this way, the two men responded with [-] soldiers and horses, and they would definitely catch the Chu army by surprise and defeat Nie Zefeng's army in one fell swoop.

Now, Huang Quan, who came with all the Baidi's army, saw that the Chu camp was on fire as Fazheng had promised, and thought that the plan had been accomplished, so of course he couldn't wait to rush to support Fazheng.

Under the cover of the moonlight, four thousand Shu troops ran wildly all the way, and the rumbling shouts of killing were getting closer and closer, and a bloody fierce battle suddenly appeared in their minds.

Turning that bend, the blazing fire rushed in, and Chu Ying was right in front of him.

Huang Quan, who was standing on his horse and watching from a distance, could clearly see the Chu army's Dongying camp, with flames shooting up into the sky, and the sound of shouts and sword clashes could be heard clearly even miles away.

Seeing this scene, Huang Quan couldn't contain his excitement, and without thinking too much, he raised his sword and shouted: "Soldiers of Xichuan, follow me into the enemy camp, and defeat the wolves who invaded my hometown— —”

Amid the howling sound, Huang Quan rode out on his horse, and the four thousand Shu soldiers behind him mustered up their courage, shouting and charging towards the enemy camp.

Running wildly all the way, Huang Quan and his [-] Shu soldiers who hadn't fought in battle, like newborn calves, roared and crashed into the burning enemy camp.

However, when Huang Quan broke through the door, the original excitement on his face disappeared immediately.

In the field of vision, the chaotic scene that Huang Quan imagined did not appear. In Nuo Da's camp, not only the soldiers of the Chu army could not be seen, but also the Shu soldiers that Fazheng was responding to.

And those raging fires were not the tents burning as he thought, but clusters of bonfires piled up on purpose.

At this scene, Huang Quan was stunned, and the soldiers who rushed in were also stunned. Everyone was at a loss for a moment.

An empty camp, piles of bonfires... In a daze for a moment, three words suddenly flashed in Huang Quan's mind:


"Withdraw the troops, the whole army will quickly withdraw to Baidi City!" Huang Quan, who was startled to realize that he had been tricked, shouted anxiously, pulling his horse and wanting to retreat first.

Before the shouts fell, the sound of war drums suddenly rose, and the loud shouts pierced the eardrums. In the blink of an eye, thousands of troops rushed out of the darkness and rushed towards Huang Quan from all directions. And his Shu soldiers came to kill.

Ambush, rise everywhere!

Huang Quan was terrified, and hurriedly turned around on his horse, trying to lead the crowd to escape.

Just before he left the enemy camp for more than [-] steps, countless torches appeared in front of him, and countless Chu troops rushed in, blocking his way.

In the light of the flames, the white-haired Huang Zhong rode out on his horse, raised his knife and shouted: "Listen, my son Huang Quan, you have fallen into my lord's trick, if you don't get off your horse and surrender, when will you wait!"

"Middle plan!"

Huang Quan felt as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer.

He knew that he had fallen into Nie Zefeng's scheme, but he really couldn't figure out how Nie Zefeng knew about his conspiracy with Fazheng.

Could it be that Nie Zefeng has seen through Fazheng?

At this time, Huang Quan still didn't understand that Fazheng, like Zhang Song, had betrayed their lord Liu Zhang long before meeting Nie Zefeng.

When panicked, Huang Zhong on the opposite side had already galloped out on his horse, and the fierce Chu army cavalry, as if they had seen delicious prey, rushed towards the panicked Shu soldiers.

Huang Quan had no choice but to fight to the death.

Gritting his teeth hard, Huang Quan mustered up his courage and swung his army to kill the oncoming Chu army.

Huang Quan has only one belief, and that is to kill a bloody road.

Under the light of the fire, the two armies collided violently amidst the roar of killing.

The screams, the neighing of horses, and the shouting of people all intertwined into a chaotic battle in an instant.

In this battle in the middle of the night, the moment the two armies met, the winner was already decided.

Although the Shu soldiers under Huang Quan's command were better equipped than the Chu army, in terms of willpower and combat experience, they were not even as good as the county soldiers in Jingyang and Yangzhou, let alone the elite Chu army who had experienced many battles.

The wolf-like generals of the Chu army brandished their knives and guns, mercilessly slashing at the Shu soldiers. The bloodthirsty killing intent and crazy momentum could not overwhelm the Shu soldiers.

After only persisting for a moment, the fighting spirit of the four thousand Shu soldiers collapsed, either scattered and collapsed, or surrendered on the spot.

Huang Quan, who was galloping wildly on his horse, only managed to charge less than twenty steps, and found out in horror that more than half of his soldiers and horses had been lost, and the people around him were only a thousand remnants.

"Is this the strength of the Chu army? My Yizhou soldiers are really far from being an opponent..."

Huang Quan was shocked, but when he heard the shouts in front of him, he looked up and suddenly saw a white-haired veteran rushing towards him like lightning, wielding a long knife in his hand.

The saber in his hand slashed straight at him with the power of raging waves.

Before the blade's edge reached, the surging energy had already oppressed Huang Quan until he couldn't breathe.

The saber was as fast as lightning, Huang Quan didn't have time to think about it, and could only instinctively raise the saber to block it.

However, just as he raised the saber in his hand halfway, the saber that was as fast as lightning roared towards him.

Shout—a muffled sound, a scream.

Amidst the lightning and flint, Huang Quan felt dizzy, and flew upside down like a kite with a broken string. When he was still in mid-air, violent blood spurted out from his mouth.

With a "bang", Huang Quan fell heavily to the ground and rolled several feet away before stopping.

He was lying on the ground and couldn't get up again, he could only vomit blood one after another in pain.

It's just one move.

"Hmph, if the king hadn't wanted to capture you alive, I would have killed you kid with this knife." Huang Zhong dragged his knife forward and snorted coldly.

At that moment, Huang Zhong tied Huang Quan up with his soldiers and escorted him to the camp to meet his lord.

Huang Zhong, on the other hand, brandished his saber and continued his frenzied killing.

Under the siege of Huang Zhong and his Changsha soldiers, in less than a quarter of an hour, more than half of the four thousand Shu soldiers had been killed, and the rest surrendered.

At this time, Zhao Yun and Gao Shun led the encircling soldiers to kill them. Seeing Huang Zhong's victory, all the generals were envious, without saying a word, they sent their troops to Baidi City ten miles away.

Tens of thousands of troops, densely packed with torches, looked from a distance, like a long dragon with golden scales, tossing north along the river bank.

On the hill, the game between Nie Zefeng and Fazheng has just come to an end.

Nie Zefeng, who is average at chess, naturally lost this round, but this round at the foot of the mountain was a complete victory.

Hearing the shouts of killing gradually subsided, Nie Zefeng knew that the battle was over and it was time for him to stride into Baidi City with his head held high.

Riding down the mountain, Nie Zefeng and Fazheng headed straight for the camp.

Looking through the bright daylight of the fire, he saw that the front of the camp was already covered in blood, with corpses lying there all over the place, and the ground had been stained with bloody swamp.

The soldiers who didn't kill and rushed to Baidi City came to the camp excitedly, escorting groups of Shu soldiers.

Nie Zefeng, who entered the camp, raised his whip to salute his victorious soldiers, and was praised by the god-like lord. The moods of the soldiers who had just calmed down became boiling again.

When he was returned to the tent of the Chinese army, Huang Quan, covered in blood, had already been tied up behind his back and escorted here. He suffered internal injuries and was panting heavily.

"Huang Gongheng, when I was invited before, you said you were sick and refused to come to the banquet, but now you come here uninvited, and you bring such a big gift as Baidi City, why do you think you are doing this?"

Nie Zefeng looked at him with a smile, mocking the defeated general in front of him with a teasing tone.

Huang Quan was angry and ashamed, stared at Nie Zefeng, and said angrily: "My surname is Yan, my lord has always respected you, how dare you do such a shameless act of treachery!"

Nie Zefeng just stared at him indifferently, suppressing his arrogance with silent threats.

Huang Quan held back his anger, but what he got was Nie Zefeng's indifference, full of resentment but he didn't know how to vent it.

At this time, a person behind him sneered and said, "It's not that my lord is treacherous, but that Liu Zhang is too stupid. If you talk to stupid people about nonsense, it will only make you look more stupid."

Huang Quan was startled, and suddenly turned his head, but was shocked to find that Fazheng walked in swaggeringly.

Fa Zheng's words won Nie Zefeng's heart, and he couldn't help but nodded slightly to show his approval.

"Xiaozhi, why do you..."

Huang Quan was bewildered. He thought that Fazheng had been discovered by Nie Zefeng, and now he was either a prisoner or killed, but he didn't expect that Fazheng would come in like this.

At a loss for a moment, Huang Quan's expression suddenly changed.

He is not stupid, he knows that Fazheng has betrayed Liu Zhang, so what kind of internal and external scheme is simply directed by Fazheng to lure him into sending troops to steal Baidi City.

The truth came to light, Huang Quan was horrified, and endless anger suddenly surged up on his blushing face.

"Fazheng, the lord treats you well, how dare you be shameless and willing to be a thief who betrayed the lord!" the angry Huang Quan asked sharply.

What responded to him was a disdainful sneer.

"Treat me well? Are you joking? Even someone like you can become a prefect, but I am only a county magistrate in Fazheng. Then Liu Zhang really treats me well."

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