Holy Emperor Jiuxiao

Chapter 532 Immortal Realm Reception Platform 【Ask for Monthly Pass】

It is extremely extravagant for monks in the spiritual world to use top-grade spirit stones for cultivation. Now Yunchen uses this god crystal to attack the realm, which is even more shocking.

The power and value of a piece of divine crystal, even 1 yuan of top-quality spirit stones, cannot be exchanged, and there are no spirit stones in this spirit world at all.

So many monks here don't know what Yunchen is holding, but they can feel the power of the mysterious aura emanating from Yunchen's hands.

Moreover, these two auras continued to enter Yunchen's body, and Yunchen's cultivation became more and more terrifying, and finally he completely broke through the Ninth Heaven of Transcending Tribulation and reached the realm of true immortals.

A looming celestial energy fluttered on Yunchen's body, but within this celestial energy, there was a mysterious aura. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to discover this mysterious aura at all.

Others don't know, but Yun Chen naturally understands that this aura is the aura, absorbed the aura in the relic of the gods, cultivated the unity of the heavenly sword, and used the god crystal, so naturally there is aura in it.


"Crack, click."

It was discovered that Yunchen did not accept the guiding light and colorful auspicious clouds, and that Yunchen broke through in the spirit world, which obviously violated the requirements for ascension in the fairy world.

Seeing this, the guiding light and colorful auspicious clouds sent out a burst of humanized fury, rumbling sounds, and endless lightning strikes towards Yunchen.


Seeing the guiding light and colorful auspicious clouds, Yun Chen showed a disdainful smile on his face, and then a destructive attack ruthlessly struck towards these lightning bolts.

Then he kept waving his hands, and the colorful auspicious clouds were scattered in a blink of an eye, and quickly disappeared between the sky and the earth.

Seeing Yunchen's actions, all the monks were stunned. If they smashed up the colorful auspicious clouds, could they still ascend safely? Isn't this just asking for trouble?

And in this way, he also offended the receiving messengers from the upper realm. Yunchen was the first to receive the receiving light and colorful auspicious clouds in tens of millions of years in the spiritual world. Unexpectedly, Yunchen would disperse the colorful auspicious clouds up.

Not only that, but he also broke through the spiritual world. What exactly was he going to sing, he looked at Yun Chen puzzled, but Yun Chen ignored their expressions.

With all the mana in his body running, a shocking force smashed towards the guiding light, the force almost tore the entire space apart.



The destructive power collided with the guiding light without any resistance. The guiding light was instantly defeated and disappeared quickly, but when it disappeared, everyone felt the fury coming from the other part of the guiding light Voices.

At the moment when the guiding light disappeared, Yunchen's hands were torn apart, and he pulled fiercely to the sides, the space trembled violently, and a huge hole appeared quickly.

Seeing the appearance of this space crack, Yun Chen also quickly moved his body and flew towards the crack. At the same time, the sky-measuring ruler and space secrets were displayed.

The Lost Orb appeared in the dantian, spinning rapidly, Yunchen also prepared the time and space, and displayed it whenever he encountered danger.

Yun Chen's figure disappeared into the space crack in a blink of an eye, out of everyone's sight. When Yun Chen's figure disappeared, the guiding light also completely disappeared, leaving no trace of breath.

The sky was completely quiet, with only a trace of colorful clouds floating in the sky. All the monks stared at the sky blankly. This place was the appearance of a miracle.

The number one supreme being in the spirit world, the first holy master in the spirit world, only took more than 1 years to reach the ninth heaven of crossing the catastrophe, and now he has ascended to the fairy world.

Moreover, the ascension of this Supreme has left a deep impression on the monks in the spirit world, that is, this Supreme does not apply the colorful clouds and the guiding light, but destroys the existence of the two guiding and guiding, and uses his own power to tear the space soar.


Hundreds of millions of miles away from the Nantian Gate in the Immortal World, on a reception platform, more than a dozen great powers from the Realm of Immortal Realm were waiting, watching a reception envoy cast a reception light and colorful auspicious clouds.

Because I got a hint of heaven in the fairy world, another monk will ascend to the spiritual world for nearly ten million years. If thousands of years ago, there were many monks who ascended, but in the last tens of millions of years, there is not a single monk. Soar up.

Countless immortal sects need ascending monks to replenish blood, because ascending monks are top geniuses, and they can still ascend in a place where the spiritual energy is weak in the spirit world, which is enough to prove the powerful talent of this ascending person.

But in the past 1000 million years, no monk has ascended, which has also caused many immortal sects to come to this place, waiting for the ascended monk, to give benefits to him to enter.

However, the powerful people who come here are all middle-level immortal sects, because low-level immortal sects are not qualified to come here, and there are countless high-level immortal sect masters, who don't care about ascending monks at all.

In the super immortal sect, there are countless true immortals and great immortals, even immortals. Naturally, they don't care about a newly ascended Ninth Heavenly Heaven, even if they are ascended, they are true immortals.

It took a lot of connections for more than a dozen middle-level immortal sect masters to come here and watch the guide messengers on the guide platform.

But what never expected was that the guiding light was scattered by a powerful force, and the colorful auspicious clouds disappeared.

The receiving messenger spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was extremely pale and ugly, and he looked at the remaining receiving light on the receiving platform in disbelief.

"Great Immortal Ling Xiao!"

"Daxian, what's going on?"


A few masters in the realm of true immortals dared not speak at all, and only two immortals in the realm of great immortals asked, because the level of strictness in the immortal realm is countless times stricter than that in the spiritual realm and the human realm, and this is where the real strong presence is. weak place.

"Hmph, little human, dare to ignore the guiding light, dare to use force to disperse the guiding light, I will see how you ascend!"

Great Immortal Ling Xiao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said fiercely, although he did not directly answer the words of the two great immortals, but the two great immortals were able to understand that the monk who was going to ascend below used his strength to scatter the one who received him. Light.

I am extremely puzzled. In order to live forever, human monks are chasing the way of longevity and trying to ascend. Now that the ascension light appears and the colorful auspicious clouds appear, they actually destroy it.

"There is such a thing, I think this humble human being must be crazy."

"Dare to despise the heavens like this, it is courting death."

"If ten trillion years ago, the fairy and spirit worlds hadn't banned it, the wrath of heaven would have been sent down to destroy this human being."

"It's a pity. I didn't expect that after thousands of years, there would be an Ascension Cultivator, and he would be destroyed by his actions like this."


The two Great Immortals and the other True Immortals sighed incomparably, and were even more annoyed, because a lot of treasures had been spent to attract this cultivator.

Originally, I knew that the chance was very small, but if the chance is small, it is not as good as there is no chance like now.

He completely directed his anger on the soaring cultivator. If he saw this cultivator, he would definitely tear him apart. He dared to play them like this.

"This immortal has already sensed that this cultivator has already ascended, and even appeared in the fairy world, because in the restriction of the fairy world, he found the aura of the ascended monk."

Great Immortal Ling Xiao felt extremely disdainful when he saw the appearance of these immortals. For the sake of a human monk, he actually mobilized the crowd like this.

However, these immortals are the overlords of one side anyway, and they dare not offend easily, so they had to tell the story of the monk's ascension.

"What? Already ascended?"

"The monks who ascended from the spiritual world are really not easy."

"Hmph, what's not simple, it's not just a fairy in the real fairyland."

"Hehe, Immortal Master Ming Mie, you look down on the soaring monks, don't you know the Dao Ji Immortal Venerable?"

"The ascension cultivator is really powerful. Daoji Immortal Venerable is in the fairy world, and there are indeed few immortals who dare to provoke him."


Several real immortals were amazed, they didn't expect to disperse the guiding light, but they flew up alone. This obviously didn't see the immortal gate in their eyes, and even despised the majesty of the heaven.

But thinking of the strength of the Ascension Cultivator, everyone feels scared, but there are still some immortals who have never seen the Ascension Cultivator, so they naturally feel disdainful.

There was a dispute for a while, but no one dared to speak when the Daoji Immortal Venerable was lifted out. This Daoji Immortal Venerable was ascended tens of thousands of years ago. After ascension, his strength was extremely powerful. The latter is much stronger.

In the end, he grew into a generation of immortals, extremely powerful, and established a powerful fairy gate. In the fairy world, there are not many people who do not know Daoji immortals, and this fairy gate is also considered a powerful existence among the super fairy gates of the fairy world. .

"Okay, let's forget about this matter. We will talk about it when there are monks who ascend in the future."

Great Immortal Ling Xiao watched several real immortals arguing with the great immortal, interrupted their words, and spoke lightly, then flew away into the distance, and disappeared into the clouds in a blink of an eye.

"Congratulations to the Great Immortal!"

More than a dozen immortals saluted respectfully. This Great Immortal Lingxiao is a mighty power of the Heavenly Court.

After Immortal Ling Xiao left, more than a dozen immortals also greeted and left. If they didn't meet this Ascension Cultivator, they would have to explain something when they went back.

In a blink of an eye, the entire reception platform became quiet again, leaving behind endless clouds, and the seven-colored clouds made the entire sky mysterious.

But in the endless mountains, a young monk appeared strangely in the air, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground.


With a thumping sound, the young monk fell into the water pool thousands of feet below. Fortunately, it was a water pool. If it was in other places, he would be seriously injured if he did not die.

The icy water in the pool froze the young monk for a while, and then he woke up, opened his eyes and looked around, and then there was a trace of stability in his eyes.

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