Holy Emperor Jiuxiao

Chapter 533 East Phoenix Fairy City 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

"where is this place?"

Yunchen looked at the situation around him, the magic power in his body was running, and found that the magic power still exists.

But now it's not mana, but immortal power. All the mana in his body has disappeared and transformed into a trace of immortal power. He has ascended from the Nine Heavens to the Real Immortal Realm before he could stabilize his realm.

Now the mana in the body is gone, only a trace of immortal power, this trace of immortal power is pitifully small, and one must stabilize the immortal power before performing exercises.

Immediately, he quickly got up, and when he reached the shore, he sacrificed the Tianji Divine Mansion, and Lan Yubing and the others also appeared in front of him. Seeing that Yunchen was safe, they felt a little relieved.

The first time he came out was to look at Yunchen's situation, and after that he looked around at the situation, and he was relieved to see that it was considered safe for the time being.

"Yunchen, how long have you been here?"

Lan Yubing saw Yunchen meditating on the ground, his whole body was wet, and when he looked at the pool beside him, he knew that after Yunchen flew up, he fell into the pool immediately.

"I just came here too, but my mana has been transformed into immortal power, and I can no longer support my movements. Take me to a safe place now, and wait for me to stabilize my realm."

Seeing Lan Yubing and others coming out, Yunchen told the current situation, not sure where this place is, whether it is the fairy world or the spirit world, or other unknown interface.

No matter where you go, you must find a safe place as soon as possible. Only after you settle down first can you inquire about the situation in this place.

Afterwards, Lan Yubing and the others took Yunchen and flew towards the center of the mountain range. Now Yunchen has reached the Realm Realm, and his strength is countless times stronger than theirs, but Yunchen's realm is not stable.

In such an unknown and dangerous place, it is only safe to have Yun Chen's cultivation level stabilized, otherwise they would not be able to walk in this place with their cultivation base of crossing the nine heavens.

During the flight along the way, everyone was cautious. Their spiritual sense covered the front of the mountain range far away. As long as there was a little movement, they would stop.

Fortunately, after flying for hundreds of thousands of miles, they didn't meet a single person, which made them feel a lot easier, and finally came to the deep center of the mountains.

Lan Yubing and the others displayed a few large formations here, and this large formation only serves as a reminder, and it has no defense at all for monks above the tribulation stage.

However, among the 390 monks that Yunchen brought in the ruins of the gods, except for the ten monks from the Nine Heavens who are in the spirit world, the other [-] are brought here.

After the big formation was established, all the cultivators in the Tribulation Period set up an ambush within ten thousand miles to completely protect the place. Lan Yubing and others also protected Yunchen, waiting for Yunchen's cultivation to stabilize. 】

Only in this way can they have a chance to gain a foothold in this place, and they have just arrived at this place, and they dare not leave here. If this place is a spiritual world, they will have to be slaughtered by others.

Time passed day by day, and Yunchen's realm gradually stabilized. Afterwards, Yunchen took control of his immortal power and sacrificed his treasures again.

Chi Mingdi has also truly achieved the existence of the holy artifact, and now he still has countless things to do, because he has reached the realm of the real fairy during the crossing tribulation period, and he has to regain control of his skills and various magic treasures.

But now that I and others haven't settled down, I can't practice in this place with peace of mind. Only after I have settled down can I truly cultivate.

"You guys should go back to the Tianji Divine Mansion first."

After Yunchen finished training, he called Lan Yubing and others into Tianji Shenfu, and then recruited the Nine Heavens of Transcending Tribulation, and asked them to act according to the previous arrangement.

There are twenty Transcending Tribulation Ninth Heavens, dozens of Eighth Heavens, and some monks from Seventh Heavens around him. These monks are all guardians for him.

Soon, hundreds of monks disappeared into the mountains in a blink of an eye, and the treasures and spirit stones on everyone, as well as some powerful elixirs, were on them.

These monks naturally want to inquire about news or hide in the fairy gate to lay the foundation for Yunchen's future development, and more to find treasures.

After everything was arranged properly, Yunchen let the monks who crossed the seventh and eighth heavens go forward to find a place to live, and twenty monks who crossed the ninth heavens hidden their cultivation bases and followed him.

With these monks, Yunchen is also a little more stable. This place, let alone whether it is a fairyland, even if it is a fairyland, it is impossible for all the real immortals, and there are also low-level monks.

It is definitely not true immortals crawling all over the ground, and great immortals flying all over the sky. As long as I and others don't provoke others, they will not be targeted by those powerful immortals.

As long as he doesn't meet a top-level real fairy, he will not be afraid at all. A real fairy, he is also a real fairy, and the treasures and various magical spells in his hands are absolutely against the sky, even in the fairy world.

After flying for a month, he came to a huge fairy city. During this month, Yunchen also understood that 90.00% of this place is fairyland.

Because it is difficult to encounter fairy spirits in the spirit world, you can also encounter them at any time in this place, and sometimes the fairy spirits you encounter are very strong.

But Yunchen didn't want to stay in this place, because what he needs is not fairy spirit, but fairy spirit. Only when he finds fairy spirit, can he cultivate, so that his cultivation base can grow rapidly. If he cultivates like the spirit world, I don't know how many thousands of years it will take to make a little progress.

east phoenix city

Looking at the powerful fairy city in the distance, Yunchen was extremely shocked. Although he had seen the power of the city of the gods, he was also extremely shocked when he saw this fairy city. He did not expect such a powerful city to exist in this place.

Even though it was hundreds of thousands of miles away, he could still see the fairy city clearly, and he could even see the characters on the gate above the city wall clearly.

This is the power of the Realm of Immortals. When he crossed the Ninth Heaven, his consciousness reached a terrifying level. Now that he has reached the Realm of True Immortals, the range of his consciousness can reach a distance of a million miles.

According to the level of cultivation, the most powerful true immortal in the Realm of True Immortals only has a consciousness of 50 miles, but a true immortal like Yun Chen cannot be measured by the level of cultivation at all.

The spiritual consciousness of a million miles must be extremely terrifying to say. After seeing the words Dongfeng Xiancheng, he also understood that this place is the fairyland, and only the fairyland is used to calling the city the fairy city.

This East Phoenix Immortal City has a radius of [-] li, and there are many affiliated cities outside, there are also many immortals living outside, and there are some immortal gates.

When he saw this fairy city, Yunchen landed and waited in a relatively quiet and remote place, because he had already arranged for people to go in and investigate.

If I don't have a general understanding of this place, I will not easily enter the fairy city. This place is the fairy world, not the spirit world. In Jiuzhongtian, which is the most powerful in the spirit world, even if my cultivation base is too poor, I will not be afraid.

But when I came to the fairy world, I had to guard against the truly powerful place. In this place, there are countless real immortals, and there are also countless great immortals. If you are not careful, you will be exterminated.

After he landed, two monks who had crossed the eighth heaven came up, respectfully saluted Yunchen, with excited expressions on their faces.

"This subordinate has seen the Holy Master, this place is indeed a fairyland."

The two monks who crossed the eighth heaven of robbery looked excited, and gave a general introduction to the situation of this place. They were just a little faster than Yunchen, and they rushed to this place without taking a break.

It was less than ten days since they came to this place, and they didn't know much about it. More importantly, they didn't dare to inquire too much, even if it was some basic information, they didn't dare to inquire blatantly.

This is also for the sake of safety, because they don't want others to know that they and others are monks who have ascended, which also exposes their identities, which means failure.

They know that this place is a fairyland, so they are naturally excited. Although they have not cultivated for a long time, no one can resist the temptation of immortality.

Being able to come to the fairyland is the key to immortality, because their holy lord Yunchen can live up to 200 million years when he reaches the real fairyland, and there will be the coming of the immortal calamity, plus three immortal calamities If so, you can live to five million years.

As long as there are no dangers or accidents, five million years is a normal thing, but after reaching the realm of the Great Immortal, that lifespan will never end, which is the so-called immortality.

Coming to the fairy world, the first step has been successful, now it is necessary for Yunchen to practice safely, to create a world in the fairy world, so that he and others can practice with peace of mind.

Their existence is also for Yunchen's safety, because Yunchen is the holy lord of the city of gods, and Yunchen's orders are everything.

"Finally came to the fairyland!"

"This place really is a fairy world, this fairy world, this seat will make you tremble because of this seat one day!"

After listening to the words of the two Eighth Heaven monks, Yunchen had a brief understanding of this place, and then sighed excitedly, and then his whole person's arrogance rose, this place will be the world of the truly strong and powerful.

This place is also the highest apex of a monk, the goal of immortality, as long as you reach this place, you will live for millions of years to reach the realm of true immortality.

More than 1 years have passed, and I was a carefree scholar ten thousand years ago, able to live an ordinary life, and die a hundred years later.

But I never thought that ten thousand years later, I would have stood at the peak of the monks, achieved the peak pursuit of the monks, and now I am a fairy.

Looking at such a powerful fairy world, I also have a chance to show my skills. This fairy world is not a spiritual world, and the level of challenge is also countless times more difficult. For the strong, the more this is the more exciting.

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