Jagged Legion

Chapter 155 Jungle Adventure

He Xiaowang didn't know how long he had been swimming in the water, he only knew how to move his limbs mechanically, and he couldn't support the long-term swimming even with such skill as He Xiaowang.There is no way, He Xiaowang cannot be found by Zhou Jin and Shi Lin, they must find a way to make them think that they have died in the water, so that it will work.

He Xiaowang saw the coast in front of him, and the jungle was dense inside. "Now I can finally take a break! Ah!!,,,,," He Xiaowang roared in the water, put in more effort, and swam to the shore in one go.He Xiaowang took off his clothes and stood naked on the shore.It seems that this is a very desolate place, basically no one has been here.

Checking the surrounding terrain, he was in an open area of ​​a primeval forest. Since he didn't know what dynasty this was, he didn't dare to act rashly.Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up, but it wasn't like a natural wind. He Xiaowang felt the movement behind him, and he didn't dare to turn his head.Slowly turned his head to see a monster.This monster looks like a tiger, but its limbs are short, its claws are fat, and its mouth has two ivory-like tusks.In an instant, He Xiaowang understood where he had swam, and for a while, he became even more desperate.

There is a feeling of crying: desolation!Tiger, saber-toothed tiger! !Run, luckily He Xiaowang is better, just take a stride and run into the forest.The saber-toothed tiger was chasing after him, and it seemed that he was about to catch up.Even He Xiaowang could feel the breathing of the saber-toothed tiger. "Mom!" He Xiaowang yelled, and hurriedly climbed up the tree.The saber-toothed tiger was wandering around the trees, making terrifying roars as it wandered around.He Xiaowang thought to himself: "The saber-toothed tiger is probably very hungry." Thinking of the saber-toothed tiger's hunger, he felt the protest of his stomach.He has not eaten for a day.He Xiaowang collected himself, naked, on an unknown tree.Fighting all the year round, often eating and sleeping outside, it is common for the last meal to be missed.Therefore, he is quite familiar with survival in the wild. He Xiaowang now clearly understands that he must maintain his physical strength now, so he picked some leaves from the trees and ate them tastelessly.I don't know what kind of tree it is. After eating a handful of leaves, I can't eat any more. It tastes astringent.He Xiaowang fell asleep.

The next day, He Xiaowang woke up and looked under the tree, the saber-toothed tiger had already left.He Xiaowang jumped down from the tree and found two daggers from his original clothes, which were enough for self-defense.Putting on his clothes, He Xiaowang chopped off a few wooden sticks and sharpened them as javelins.On his back, with a dagger in his hand.At the moment, I just want to find a place to hide as soon as possible.He looked in the direction.I chose a direction with a cliff.There are caves where you can stay temporarily.On the way, he saw some strange animals again, but he didn't dare to provoke them.Suddenly, he saw a deer in front of him, which looked like a deer but was not a deer.moose!This thing is a great supplement.He Xiaowang approached slowly, threw a javelin over, and the moose was shot.

He Xiaowang was overjoyed, this is a small deer, only the size of a small sheep.He Xiaowang put the moose on his back and continued walking.After walking for about an hour, we finally reached the foot of the mountain.He found a high ground with open surroundings, a good view, a water source, and a small pool in the middle.There is a cave not far away, which can shelter from wind and rain.I found a place to stay, so I'm not in a hurry to clean it up, I've been hungry for two days, and I haven't eaten yet, so He Xiaowang decided to get something to eat first.He skinned the fawn with a jackknife, and disemboweled it.I found some dead branches and leaves, and then I found some stones, and kept beating them, and finally smoke came out.He Xiaowang pierced a piece of venison with a branch and burned it.I was so hungry, one piece after another was missing.No salt, no seasoning,

However, He Xiaowang ate with relish.Until I was a little full.He Xiaowang lay on the rock and sorted out his thoughts.The most important thing now is not to find Xu Fu's camp but to adapt here as soon as possible.You have to disguise yourself well, so that you can better sneak into Xu Fu's barracks! !

He Xiaowang was full and had a thought in his mind, so he stopped panicking.They come, the security.He Xiaowang began to tidy up the cave, and he found that the cave was very wide.There is a lot of space, almost equivalent to a large house.He Xiaowang dried the deerskin. He knew that in the future he would rely on animal furs for his clothing to keep out the cold.He Xiaowang found some vines, laid them on the ground, and went out to find some stones, and built them up like a stove, which can be regarded as a kitchen.Simply tidy up, he knows that there is no way to guarantee safety now.He Xiaowang went out after finishing all this. Not only is he physically threatened, but he is also under great mental pressure.Now He Xiaowang's inner pressure can be imagined, the army is defeated, the cavalry army still doesn't know his whereabouts, and Li Xian is still in Xu Fu's barracks.There are crises almost everywhere and traps everywhere.

Therefore, he must find something for himself to do.Only continuous labor can disperse one's thoughts and transfer pressure.He went outside into the forest.Start chopping down trees one by one with a knife.He wants to build a barrier for himself, so that the sense of security in his heart will be greatly increased, and it will help prevent wild animals from breaking into the cave.He used a small knife to "cut" bit by bit. It can't be called chopping, but bit by bit. The trees here are very hard, and He Xiaowang has no choice but to take his time.After chopping all afternoon, a tree was finally cut down.Put it here first, the sky has darkened, and he must return to the cave as soon as possible.He Xiaowang lit a fire in the cave, roasted and ate the remaining venison.After dinner, the sky was completely dark, and a fire was lit at the entrance of the cave, and a lot of firewood was added. Wild animals are afraid of fire, so we must ensure that the fire will not go out throughout the night.

After finishing these, He Xiaowang lay down on the "bed".After a busy day, I fell asleep thinking about it.At night, the sounds of various beasts echoed in He Xiaowang's ears.The next day, He Xiaowang continued to cut trees.Cut off the branches of the tree one by one, and drag them back to the cave little by little.Then, it erected little by little to block the mountain pass.In a society with such low productivity, one can imagine He Xiaowang's hardships in doing these things.After a few months like this, 26 wooden stakes were erected in front of the cave, blocking the entrance of the cave. He Xiaowang left an exit that could only be passed sideways by one person and specially made a movable "door", that is, A wooden raft tangled with branches.What does He Xiaowang eat these days?He Xiaowang's arrangement was like this, he got up in the morning to hunt and gather, and then went to work.There is a pond near here with fresh fish in it.

He Xiaowang made some javelins and caught a few fish every day to eat.It's a pity, it's a pity, all the food can only be eaten roasted, there is no pot.After completing some security work in the cave, the next step is to eat.Now that we have come to this era, we must consider the needs of long-term life.Xu Fu is not so easy to deal with, in order to completely pacify Ryukyu and avenge Shaobo, he can only endure the humiliation temporarily.He Xiaowang dismantled all the original clothes and cut them into lines.Then the hides are wrapped with threads to make clothes.There are still a lot of lines, which are made into fishing nets for fishing.But from the current point of view, He Xiaowang's food is very rich.You see, the staple food is meat, including venison, snake, wild boar, and fish. . . . . .Or eat some wild fruit, the fruit whose name cannot be named.

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