Jagged Legion

Chapter 156 Jungle Adventure

After Shaobo's death, He Xiaowang was full of guilt, and the cloud was always in He Xiaowang's heart, which could not dissipate for a long time.In the jungle, He Xiaowang had a mentality of escaping when he first came. After traveling to the Great Qin Empire, he had already endured a lot of pressure in his heart. The long-term military operations and power struggles had already made He Xiaowang exhausted.Who says it's not an environment to relax yourself in the middle of nowhere in the jungle?Maybe I have to think in a different way and face life again. Only by getting out of this trough can I win the final victory.

He Xiaowang started to prepare pottery, and He Xiaowang used the soil here to start firing.Keep trying and grasp the heat.It's a shame it's a pity.He found that the soil here was not suitable for making pottery, and every time the pottery was fired, it was very fragile and cracked one by one.

Tried like this for a long time and it didn't burn.When he was worrying about this, he suddenly remembered the stone tools such as bowls and pots that he found during archaeology.Thinking of this, he changed his way of thinking.The first thought was to use stones to make stone tools.He found a hard stone, then looked for a hard and pointed stone, and began to beat. After two days of beating like this, the prototype of a round pot was finally formed. system.In this way, it seems that a watermelon has been cut open. Although it is not beautiful, it is considered a success.It was ready just now, and He Xiaowang couldn't wait to cook something to eat.

He Xiaowang cut up a small piece of venison and prepared to cook soup. He put the stone pot on the fire, and quickly saved a pot of delicious broth.He sprinkled a pinch of salt on top.The salt, which he distilled from burnt plant ashes, was not bad.I tasted it, and it tasted pretty good.This is the first time he has eaten such a good soup in the months since he came here.Now the daily necessities are basically enough, but the weather is getting colder and colder. He Xiaowang has to prepare some food for the winter. Although there are few winters in the south, he still needs to make some preparations to prevent the sky from being cloudy.

He Xiaowang has been here for such a long time, he has never gone out, he is always active in the vicinity.Everything here is strange to him.So he decided to go on a trip, and check out the surrounding area, so as to prepare his food for the next two months.

He Xiaowang used animal fat as lamp oil to light the lamp at night, and Nianzi used the fabric that was removed from his own clothes.Reflection, precipitation, and accumulation are everyday things.Every day, He Xiaowang spends a lot of time carving smooth wood one by one.Then use a knife to engrave it stroke by stroke, exercise your will, and reflect on yourself again.

He Xiaowang carved his time on a pillar with a knife.Record the leisurely rush of time.He Xiaowang now has certain skills in cassava, and the food is greatly enriched.After the cassava is dried in the sun, He Xiaowang puts the cassava on a stone-style millstone and ages it into powder.He Xiaowang used these cassava flour to make pancakes. Although there is no baking powder, the taste is still delicious.And made into patties, orange juice-style cookies.

It has been a few days since he arrived on this island, so He Xiaowang decided to check around.After a little preparation, I decided to go out and search.He Xiaowang prepared for a while, took out a knife, a hammock, and the hammock was made of animal skin by He Xiaowang.Carried on his back, he took an umbrella, which was also sewn from animal skins.When these were ready, he started to set off, and he marked every step he took so that he would not get lost.As he walked, he saw a yellow-green place. He Xiaowang walked in and saw that it was a plant similar to oranges. He Xiaowang tasted it and found it very sour.

This is also a huge discovery, which shows that He Xiaowang now has a delicious accompaniment drink, which can be made into orange juice.He Xiaowang made a big mark here.After walking for a day, He Xiaowang planned to spend the night here.He Xiaowang took out dry food, some grilled fish fillets, and grilled venison.Then, he took out a small stone jar and squeezed some orange juice on it by heating it.A delicious glass of orange juice is made.Ha ha. . .He Xiaowang was very happy that night and gained a lot.As the sky gradually turned dark, He Xiaowang tied the hammock to a tree, lit a fire, and fell asleep.The next day, He Xiaowang continued to move forward to discover new territories.

He Xiaowang continued to walk forward, feeling in a good mood along the way, the scenery here is original and looks very beautiful, of course, there is a smell of rotten branches and leaves in the air, but this smell makes the place More original and wild beauty.This kind of environment makes this former urban youth feel unprecedented carefree.So the pace continued to accelerate.Walking around, I saw some cassava-like plants here, which looked very similar.So He Xiaowang stopped and took out his knife to dig down.Sure enough, I dug out cassava tubers, which are very large.Very good! !This is simply an incredible, wonderful gift from God.What does it mean to have cassava?It means that He Xiaowang can dry and store cassava tubers, which means that he can grind out flour, which means that he can make cassava steamed buns.It means that the food in winter is worry-free.What an exciting thing to do!

keep going.There is an unknown world ahead, and there are still many beautiful things waiting for you.After walking for several days, he entered a dense jungle.Suddenly, he felt eyes staring at him.He Xiaowang looked back and saw a saber-toothed tiger beside him. He Xiaowang was frightened and immediately took out the wooden stick.Unexpectedly, I met another powerful bobcat here.Facing the saber-toothed tiger, He Xiaowang slowly backed away, observed the surrounding environment, and found that climbing trees was impossible.Only wrestling with the beast.

He Xiaowang confronted the sabre-toothed tiger, not daring to move.The saber-toothed tiger roared and made a sound.Suddenly rushed forward.The scene of Wu Song fighting the tiger was staged here, but He Xiaowang didn't drink, just because he was brave and skilled in martial arts.Seeing the saber-toothed tiger rushing forward, He Xiaowang dodged away in a flash.Before he could catch his breath, the saber-toothed tiger pounced on him, and this time he grabbed He Xiaowang. He simply wore deerskin on his body, so he didn't suffer too much damage.But even so, He Xiaowang still raised his back so hot, it's really not a cover for being slapped by a saber-toothed tiger!

He Xiaowang started to run around the trees.But how could He Xiaowang's speed compare with that of a tiger, and gradually He Xiaowang's physical strength was getting weaker.The saber-toothed tiger seemed to see through He Xiaowang, and pounced on him again.All of a sudden, He Xiaowang fell to the ground.He Xiaowang quickly put the wooden stick on his face.I saw the saber-toothed tiger's teeth stuck on the wooden stick, the saber-toothed tiger kept pressing down, and kicked randomly with its limbs.He Xiaowang was suffering, and his body began to bleed.He Xiaowang's heart skipped a beat, seeing that the saber-toothed tiger's neck was right next to his mouth, he wasn't too polite.With a loud cry, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Gudong. . . . . .

I don't know how long it took, but I only know that He Xiaowang had a lot of blood in his stomach.The saber-toothed tiger gradually lost its strength, and its limbs no longer had strength.He Xiaowang opened his eyes and just bit the saber-toothed tiger's neck, and saw that the saber-toothed tiger had closed its eyes.died.He was bitten to death by He Xiaowang.Seeing this, He Xiaowang breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly let go, only to see the saber-toothed tiger twitching continuously.He Xiaowang turned the saber-toothed tiger upside down and stood up. "Wow!" He vomited, this time He Xiaowang was more nourishing than drinking tiger bone wine.

He Xiaowang sat down: "Grandma! Last time I was chased by a saber-toothed tiger, this time I will kill you!" "I won't let you see how powerful I am, you don't know how many eyes Lord Ma has." "Hoo, hoo," panting heavily.

He Xiaowang sat and rested for a while, fearing that another beast would appear later.He picked up the sabre-toothed tiger, hurried to an open area, and lit a raging fire.He Xiaowang said: "Tonight we will burn tiger meat! His grandma's, eat my meat, let's see who eats whose meat!" It was also getting dark.

He Xiaowang peeled off the tiger's skin and put it away.Seeing that the weather is getting colder and colder, this is a good thing to keep out the cold.He Xiaowang roasted several pieces of tiger meat.I feel that the two canine teeth of the saber-toothed tiger are a sharp weapon for self-defense.Just stay and hang around your neck.The night passed quickly, but after the battle between humans and tigers, He Xiaowang did not rest that night.At dawn, He Xiaowang decided not to move forward.Hurry back and take the oranges and cassava back to the cave, and then hunt and store food.

This trip, He Xiaowang went for 6 days.When I came back, I didn't have time to rest, so I took the rattan basket and started to collect oranges.He Xiaowang kept transporting oranges into the cave.Until it is almost picked.Then I went to dig cassava, digging one basket after another.It's not that they are transported back to the cave non-stop, and they don't care about eating every day. When they are hungry, they eat some dry food, eat some cassava, and drink some mountain spring when they are thirsty.

In this way, I was busy again, and finally the harvest was over.He Xiaowang didn't rest either, and was busy drying the cassava every day until the water evaporated, and then stored it in a cool place in the cave.As for the oranges, He Xiaowang spread out the oranges one by one, and spread a layer of leaves on top, so as to keep them fresh and not spoil them.

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