
Chapter 218


Rain all over the sky, watering the dark night mercilessly, the scarlet blood of the remaining flowers all over the ground, together with the soil, meanders and stretches into the distance. . .

She knelt down in this messy place, staring at the dead bodies all over the ground, the rain was flowing down her long hair, and her eyes were icy cold.The plain dress was dyed a little bit of residual red, the clenched fists, the nails were deeply embedded in the flesh, and the blood and rain were allowed to drip together.

In the capital outside the imperial city, the famous Wind and Rain Building has spread all over the martial arts world.Experts gathered in the building, and gathered almost all powerful people.Even the people in the imperial city had to refrain from yielding three points to their power.

Recently, the Fengyu Building is being decorated with lights and festoons, which is extremely lively, with the sound of fireworks, and the guests are full.On the birthday of Mo Chongyan, the owner of Fengyulou, people from all walks of life in the world came to congratulate him.In the huge wind and rain building, countless servants and maids take care of everything in an orderly manner, without daring to neglect or make mistakes.

It was getting late, the host Mo Chongyan and the second host Xiao Yan were chatting happily with several seemingly important people.But she didn't notice that the woman in blue behind the screen was getting impatient.

At this time, two stunning women in plain white clothes walked in outside the main entrance, one of them was holding a delicate brocade box, walking like a green lotus, walking towards the main hall with a smile in her eyes.Many guests in the building held their breaths and began to discuss in whispers, all of them looked at them in amazement.

"Hua Yue, Hua Ying has seen the landlord of the Wind and Rain Tower!" The two white-clothed women blessed Mo Chongyan together, but there was no trace of condescension in their brows and eyes, and their frowns and smiles did not lose their aristocratic demeanor.

"You're welcome, I don't know who you two are..." Mo Chongyan's expression turned slightly cold, and he stared coldly at the two stunning women who suddenly walked in, with some doubts in his brows. Thinking about it, he had never had any relationship with them before. They meet, but these two women are not like ordinary people. In terms of martial arts, among all the guests, apart from the people from Fengyulou, there are few who can rival these two.

"We are ordered by the master to come here to present congratulatory gifts and congratulate the master on his birthday." The woman named Huayue said gracefully.

By the way, he handed the brocade box to the maid on one side, and the maid took the brocade box from Huayue's hand, and presented it respectfully to Mo Chongyan all the way.

"I don't know who the two masters are, can you give us your names?" Xiao Yan, the owner of the second floor, held a white jade cup, sniffing the mellow wine in the cup, and asked casually.

"The two of us are from Tinghua Xiaoxie. As for the owner's name, we have no way of knowing. Today, I just came to offer congratulatory gifts at the order of the owner." Another woman, Huaying, said. People sighed.

"Listening to Hua Xiaoxie?" Xiao Yan put down his wine glass, and looked at Mo Chongyan, the host, with some thoughtfulness.

Mo Chongyan opened the small and exquisite brocade box, and found a white jade peach blossom, exquisite and precious, but the inlaid petals were stained with a bright red blood color, which was very enchanting.He frowned slightly, and closed the brocade box in a moment.

"Please go back and tell your master that Mo Chongyan would like to thank him for his kindness. If you are free in the future, please invite him to come to the Wind and Rain Tower for a gathering." A trace of hostility.All the people present gasped, everyone in Jianghu knew that Fengyulou disliked people not taking them seriously.They all sighed secretly, and someone was about to become a victim of Fengyulou.

"Yes! Be sure to bring the landlord's words with you. Then, please allow us to leave first because we have something important to do." While speaking, Huayue Huaying and Huayue Huaying said goodbye and left. Everyone watched the two women in white gradually exit the hall, as if Haven't recovered yet.

"So it's Tinghua Xiaoxie, no wonder, only there can there be such a stunning woman..." The guests began to whisper among themselves.

"Yes, I heard that they appeared in Kyoto overnight, and no one knows their origin."

"Moreover, they are all very pretty girls, both talented and knowledgeable, and many people are fascinated by them... It's a pity that they only sell their performances and not their bodies, or else..." A fleshy face The rich businessman smiled obscenely.

"It is said that the owner of Tinghua Xiaoxie is quite mysterious, and no one has seen his true face..."

"Lord, what do you think?" Xiao Yan played with the white jade wine glass in his hand, his beautiful eyes slightly opened, and he looked at the direction where the two women left just now with an unclear smile, and asked in a daze.

"Send someone to check their details..." Mo Chongyan said coldly, his good mood had already been disturbed by the two people of unknown origin. The whole hall was in an uproar.

"Of order, landlord!" Xiao Yan replied softly and lazily.

The landlord left the venue, and the big and small people in power didn't dare to stay longer, so they all got up and asked to resign and leave.Until late at night, only a few people who looked like wealthy businessmen were still chatting and laughing with Xiao Yan.

Yue Qingli hid behind the screen and was about to fall asleep. The two maids beside her looked left and right in embarrassment, for fear that she would accidentally cause some trouble, offend the people in the front hall, and harm herself.

Yue Qingli opened her sleepy eyes, pouted her mouth, and her beautiful face was a little displeased. With a frown, she strode straight to the lobby regardless of the maid's objection.

"How long are you going to talk? Do you want to arrange a room for everyone..." She pouted and said to a few guests who hadn't left yet.

Everyone looked at each other, a little at a loss for this woman in blue who suddenly appeared.

"Xiao Li, how can you be so rude to the adults." Xiao Yan opened the folding fan and blamed softly.Although it was a blame, but with a smile and pampering, there was no intention of blaming her.Seeing this, everyone guessed that they could freely enter and exit the Wind and Rain Building, and allowed the young woman who was so protective of the second floor owner, and they immediately understood.Everyone bid farewell to the landlord on the second floor, and it was empty after a while.


The Fengyu Building, which has regained its calm, looks extremely deserted.It seems that the excitement just now is just a fleeting illusion.Only Yue Qingli in blue and Xiao Yan in white were present.

"Finally can't hide?" Xiao Yan looked at her with a playful smile.

Yue Qingli stroked the hair on his forehead in embarrassment, and said, "You said you were going to take me to the Lantern Festival."

" can't be more peaceful..." Xiao Yan closed the folding fan, patted her forehead fondly, smiled helplessly, turned around and walked out of the lobby Go, Yue Qingli happily followed behind.

"I've seen the landlord!" Not far from the main entrance of Fengyu Tower, Xiao Yan stopped, and saluted Mo Chongyan lazily and respectfully.

Seeing this, Yue Qingli suddenly darkened, and immediately turned around, wanting to go back.

"Xiao Li, stop!" Mo Chongyan's icy voice sounded, causing her to tremble uncontrollably and stop her steps, feeling an inexplicable bitterness in her heart.

"Yue Qingli sees the host!" Like every member in the building, she respectfully blessed Mo Chongyan.

"This subordinate still has something important to do, so I will leave first!" Xiao Yan glanced at Yue Qingli, who was a little annoyed, and walked away with a slight smile, leaving Yue Qingli at a loss.

The moon before the fifteenth day was not yet full, like a silver hook hanging in the sky, shedding a soft and cool twilight, and the clouds rolled in layers in the wind, looking down on the miserable beings in the world from time to time.Yue Qingli walked quietly by the canal covered with lanterns, and the river was surrounded by infatuated men and women who set off lanterns.She looked at the bright and dim lights on the river, and she became a little crazy.Before she knew it, a peach blossom lantern appeared in front of her eyes, which was her favorite color.

It was Mo Chongyan, who placed the lantern in Yue Qingli's hands, his handsome face remained as indifferent as before.

"If Xiao Yan came with you, would you be happy?" Mo Chongyan said softly through the canal that was just lit up and through the bustling crowd.

Her body moved slightly, her lips parted slightly, and a bright and sad smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.Turning around and lightly holding his sleeve, he said angrily: "That's not the case, it's just that Xiaoli has been alone for a long time, it's boring, no one talks to Xiaoli, and the landlord is also very busy..." She felt wronged head down.

After hesitating for a moment, he looked at the crowd that was dispersing in the distance, "It's late, let's put the lights on." He took her hand that was holding his cuff, and walked into the crowd.

Yue Qingli watched the peach blossom lantern drift farther and farther along the river until it merged with all the lights, floating or sinking.She looked at Mo Chongyan beside her, who was clearly close to each other, but seemed as far away as the world.

The night is dark, and the broken flowers still remain on the branches beside the road, like a withered butterfly leaf in old age.Looking at the boundless sky, under the long night sky, there is the last touch of splendor and glitz in the world, scattered and withered, and the ground is full of desolation.The waning moon is rising in the sky, and the dim light and shadow are pouring on the world, leaving the ground full of confusion.

In the city of Kyoto, it is still bustling like a piece of brocade, small stalls and hawkers everywhere are still hawking, and several well-known restaurants and singing prostitutes are more lively than in the daytime.The Tinghua Xiaoxie on the edge of the imperial city is brightly lit at this time, full of guests, the sound of singing and dancing, and the soft and melodious piano music.

"How is things going?" In the Tingyu Pavilion of Tinghua Xiaoxie, a young man dressed in white stood by the window, ignoring the noise outside the hall, staring at the waning moon that was about to sink outside the window, with a strange silver mask on his face. The moon is glowing with forest light.Standing behind her was a woman in a gorgeous dress, extremely elegant.

"Return to the master, the gift has been delivered." The woman replied cautiously.

"What did Mo Chongyan say?" A hoarse voice came out through the mask, with a metallic turbidity.

"If the master is free, please go to the Wind and Rain Tower to see him." Looking up slightly, it was the beautiful woman named Huayue, smiling and solemnly answering the question of the person in front of her.

"Hmph, yes! When we meet, it will be time for him to pay with blood!" Under the silver mask, piercing laughter came out, with a faint murderous look.

"By the way, there is one more thing to report to the master." Huayue continued.


"I heard that Lan Shuang will return to the capital in the near future."

"The third head of Fengyu Building?"

"Yes, she is proficient in Gu poison, and she has a lot of attainments, she has to be on guard." Huayue raised her eyes to look at the person in front of the window, her tone was clear and gentle, and she did not dare to overstep.

"Understood, you go down."

"Yes, Huayue will leave."

After the woman retreated, the silver-masked man in white stood there for a long time, until the bright moon completely retreated from the dark sky, and then sank into the boundless night together with the moonlight.


The next day, Yue Qingli was a little listless, and changed into men's clothing. She went to Tinghua Xiaoxie, which was highly praised by the guests yesterday, and ordered a pot of girl's red, and poured herself a drink.Turning back to the left and right, listening to the sounds of nature pouring out from under her slender fingers, looking at the cloud and mist outside the window, and smiling foolishly, she just remembered the story that she had kept dusty for a long time.

"It's a pity that you drink this fine wine like water, and it's tasteless." Just as she was wandering, someone was seated beside her, wearing a purple robe just right.

"The dignified second floor master, why do you have time to sit here?" She glanced at Xiao Yan lightly, and continued to look out the window.

"Are you angry about yesterday?" Xiao Yan asked with a smile, he still didn't forget to fill up the wine for himself while talking, and tasted it leisurely.

Yueqing remained silent, and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp. The pungentness of the wine caused her to cough violently, and her pink face was a little red.

"Don't drink if you don't know how to drink. Why are you torturing yourself like this?" Xiao Yan frowned slightly, patted Yue Qingli's back lightly with one hand, and said worriedly.

"It's said that wine can relieve worries, but why do I feel more uncomfortable?" She looked at the wine glass on the table with a little drunkenness, and murmured softly, her voice choked with sobs.After grabbing the wine jug, she found it was empty, and she pouted a little unhappily. "Boss, have another pot!"

"Xiao Li, you are drunk, go back, if the landlord finds out..." Xiao Yan hesitated to speak, looking at Yue Qingli whose face was already flushed, feeling a little distressed.

"The landlord? Heh...... Yes, he is the landlord, not brother Xing..." Yue Qingli gulped down the wine in the cup with drunken eyes, and two drops of clear tears fell down down.

I still remember that year, she was like a beggar, living on the street, her clothes were torn and dirty, she didn't even remember who she was, she just wanted to live, no matter what.In order to grab a steamed bun, she was chased and beaten by street vendors and stoned by people on the street. . . .There are injuries everywhere.Bleeding from the head, bleeding from the body.She smiled, dripping with blood, and smiled to show the sky. She thought that she was going to die at last.

The body was lifted, as if flying, light and light.

When she woke up, she was in a hut in a dark green bamboo forest, and there was a lake outside the house, which shimmered in the sun.And that one, the man in Tsing Yi playing the bamboo flute by the lake.

His name is Mo Xing, and he rescued her from people's sticks.She asked him why he saved a beggar, and he said it was because of her smile at that time, a smile that ignored the common people.Mo Xing named her Yueqingli, as cold as the moon, but never left the sky.

They lived under that Nanshan Mountain for a long time, and they planted her favorite peach blossom together.She listened to him playing music, watched him practice his sword, and listened to his stories outside.She sweetly called him Brother Xing, and she circled around him like a happy bird, thinking that she could forget everything and just stay with him forever.

But Mo Xing still disappeared, and he never came back the morning he went out.

When she thought she had forgotten, half a year ago, a group of strange and cold people took her to Fengyulou. She met the person who was thinking about it day and night. The cold face and endless majesty told her that that person was no longer her brother Xing.That Mo Xing who smiled gently at her seemed to have never existed.

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