
Chapter 219

If I didn't meet you in this life, would I wait for a thousand years?If I didn't fall in love with you in this life, would I have a dream for a thousand years?If I didn't fall in love with you in this life, would I miss it for a thousand years?If I don't have so much love in this life, will I be in pain for thousands of years... a kind of thinking, how much sadness, what else?There was nothing at first, but it was covered with dust...


one.Lonely Empty Mountain Missing Cold

The empty mountain is silent, the birds are silent, only the snow is flying all over the sky, drifting quietly.The sky and the earth are the same color, wrapped in silver, clean and flawless.Under the lonely sky, I, dressed in white and fluttering, danced for thousands of years.Time is elongating and flowing, there is no sun and moon in the mountains, it may have been a thousand years in the world.Flying snow and love, the sky is full of sadness, in the wind and snow, I buried my accumulated memories deeply in the snow... When the snowflakes are flying, my feelings fall to the ground.In the flying snow, how many unforgettable memories are scattered, looking back at the love from generation to generation, and the vows in the heart, are they still telling bitter whispers about hopeless love?

The snow is flying all over the sky, this snowy mountain peak is covered with white snow, and it has become a loveless empty city.The snowflakes are like catkins, and the sky is full of sadness. In every falling snowflake, there are deep and shallow thoughts. In the snowy day without love, waiting becomes eternal nothingness.

Those clear eyes looked at the snow-stained sky from a distance, and the crystal tears poured out the deep and long-term nostalgia from generation to generation. The past events engraved in the bottom of my heart are gradually wasted in your distant back. .In the long night, the bitter wind and snow pervade the sky and the earth. In every falling snowflake, there is the heart fragrance I ignited.

The infinitely flowing passion pours down slowly along with the shallow sadness. Momo Hongchen, how much affection and love, is like the white snow in the palm of the hand that melts into water droplets in an instant, and then vaporizes and returns to the sky. How many past events cannot be recovered?How much afterlife can't wait?Open your heart, who is the eternal scenery in my heart?Missing, just like this, fell into the broken chapters of missing you... through reincarnation again and again.Will you still have the voice and smile of the woman in white in your heart?Will you still remember the scene where she came to you with full of love and watched the snow all over the sky with you?Will you still think of the ballads about snow she sang softly?

Thousands of years of practice, you can't escape the shackles of the world. An ancient ballad of love, along the track of the annual rings, slowly sings from the depths of your heart, expressing emotion, persistence, sincerity, and love. Expressing affection, deducing nostalgia, deducing unstoppable bitter love, deducing the beautiful and distant melody, putting a spiritual contract in the tender heart, waiting hard, and engraving it into eternity.

See or not, read or not read, love or not love, the heart is there, always awake, awake...

two.See you for the first time

Thousands of years ago, in the autumn waters, you wore a green shirt and a long sword on your back, like a jade tree facing the wind, and your eyes, as bright as morning stars, were full of affection, as gentle as autumn waters.From the lips of your flute, you slowly blow the long song of lovesickness, blowing away the red leaves of a tree, and intoxicating the autumn rhyme of a river.In the world of mortals, there is your nostalgic figure. Under the acacia tree, there is a girl you love deeply. Looking at her from a distance, she is slim and graceful, like a fairy Lingbo.Your flute sound is gentle and affectionate, but do you endow the flute with infinite thoughts and convey them to her from afar?She is the jewel in the palm of the official family. She is extremely beautiful, but also extremely arrogant.Every move of his hand and every throw of his foot reveals arrogance, and under the care of the stars, he smiles coquettishly.And you are just a wanderer who travels the world with a sword and is a chivalrous man; you are just a prodigal son who lives in the open and sleeps in the open, does she care about you?

You, the affectionate gaze has been looking at her obsessively, without moving away for a moment... I came to your side gently, staring at you deeply with my dark eyes, and my small body snuggled quietly at your feet.You were awakened by me, lowered your head and saw me, a slight smile floated on your lips, held me up carefully, and said softly: "What a beautiful little fox", your eyes shone with kindness, The bright eyes, the gradually deepening corners of the eyes, just one glance, I can never forget your face, I feel the warmth that I have never had before in your arms...

Suddenly, there was a coquettish shout from afar: "Give me the white fox!" The voice was so loud, and the green shadow was dancing, she had come close, and she said with a coquettish smile, "What a beautiful white fox fur, use it to inlay the white fox fur!" It must look good on the collar." Yu Yin had already stretched out her hand to grab me.I was shivering, and hurriedly glanced at you in fear, only to see that your original scorching eyes became as cold as a knife, and there was a sharp insight into everything in your eyes.You put me down gently, patted me, and said softly: "Don't be afraid, go, go where you should go..." I ran away, ran far, far away, stopped, looked back, only Seeing you, you are still standing there straight, holding your long sword horizontally, and your clothes are fluttering, but the green figure is no longer around you...

In that life, I strayed into your world, and the beauty of the autumn water made my first meeting with you possible. Since then, your heroic appearance has been deeply engraved in my heart, and it will never be erased by the passage of time and vicissitudes.I know that I can't do without you anymore, no matter what kind of hardships I will experience in the future, I will meet you again in the world.

three.The dense forest is deep Mu Junen

The fleeting years turn darkly, things fade away, and the years rush by for several cycles.How much time has passed?There is no sun and moon in the mountains, I don't know.I just practice hard in the mountains for a vague thought.The fragrant grass in spring can't make me stop; the green lotus pond in summer can't make me linger; the light moonlight in autumn makes me miss a lot; the white snow and red plums in winter make me yearn for the beauty of the world.I hope that I can cultivate the appearance of an adult and meet you again in the deepest part of the world of mortals...

I often think that you appeared for me, and that the meeting in the autumn waters is the cause and effect engraved on the Sansheng Stone, so I dare not slacken half a bit, not because of bitter love for the world of mortals, but because of you in the reincarnation of all beings ;So I can forget everything and look down on the vicissitudes of life, but I can't let go of you.Three thousand weak waters will never be able to reach the tenderness of your indifferent smile. Even if you travel through life and life, you will always be my fate... The autumn water is long, the wind is blowing in the empty valley, the chaotic shadows sweep the steps and the dust does not move, I hold my breath and calm down Hard work and practice.The mountain wind disturbed the pines, waves and waves on the hill, but it couldn't blow away the Buddha's shadow in my heart; the autumn water was vast, but it couldn't wash away any obsession in my heart.

I quietly watched the world, the sun and the moon, watching them remain silent; I silently stared at the green mountains and long rivers, watching them stretching from generation to generation, just like in my heart, your figure is always so clear and never far away.In the river of time, the long scroll of memory decorates the lingering world, dancing out the infatuated nostalgia.How many springs, summers, autumns and winters have Pingting spent in pious penance.In the sword of wind, knife and frost, bright poems of pure pursuit are cast, and the falling red dancing in the cold wind soaks the title page of Jinse's youth.Just for the silent promise between heaven and earth, I have devoted my whole life; just for the persistent waiting, I let the falling red dance in the sky accompanied by the butterfly in my dream.After thousands of years of singing, I still cling to the belief of no regrets.

In that year, I practiced hard, but I hadn't completed my magic skills yet.In that month, the earth returned to spring, the flowers were red and the grass was green.On that day, the spring was filled, and the fragrance of a season was swaying in the wind. I walked gently in the spring, and the soft love was diffused in the spring...Suddenly, people shouted from afar, and one of the voices was special. It was clear and very familiar, it was the nightmare-like voice that haunted me for hundreds of years, and it rang in my ears again today, "Look, that white fox, hurry, catch it!"

It was her, indeed it was her!After several lifetimes of reincarnation, she is still beautiful and vicious!God is really unfair,

In this life, she devoted herself to a wealthy family again!This life made her live recklessly, and let her live arrogantly and domineeringly.Let her live willful and arrogant, and let her live selfishly.She could only hear her yelling coquettishly: "Go away, useless slave, look at this lady!" Before the lingering sound fell, she bent her bow and set an arrow, and the arrow shot at me like a shooting star. He has already shot her with an arrow.The point of the arrow went deep into the marrow of my bone, however, I couldn't care less about the painful arrow wound, I ran wildly towards the deep forest and dense trees, but I saw behind me like rain of arrows and horseshoes like thunder...

There was a hut vaguely among the densely wooded mountains. I panicked and ran towards the hut.All of a sudden, there was a low-pitched chanting faintly in my ears. The sound of chanting was so familiar, isn't it the voice that often makes me dream of each other?The sound of reading is so quiet and stable, as if the sound of heaven is covered with rays of light, descending on my suffering escape road. This sound of reading must be the guidance of God. I can't wait to rush towards this brilliance... It is you, it is really you , the one I've been dreaming of!It is you who live in a hut in the mountains.The bitter bumps in the world of mortals did not dust your soul.You, the green shirt is elegant; you are fluttering; you are still elegant; you are clean and dustless...

I crawl at your feet, staring at you deeply with my bright and dark eyes.You gently hold me in your hand, caressing me lovingly, I see the gentle warmth in your eyes, I see the deep pity in your eyes.You looked at the sharp arrow on my leg and wanted to pull it out for me, but you were afraid of hurting me, so you sighed softly: "Little fox, little fox, who would have the heart to hurt you so deeply, so painful..." In the midst of a dilemma, the sound of horseshoes came from afar.As soon as you gritted your teeth, you pulled out the sharp arrow, tore off your skirt and wrapped up the wound for me.Gently put me in your chest.Suddenly, you picked up the hatchet in the grass, closed your eyes, and slashed fiercely at your palm, blood gushed down immediately, and you walked slowly, completely ignoring the bleeding palm... After all this , You go back to the original place, holding a book and reading quietly.

The horse's hooves clattered closer, closer, and the green shadow flashed in front of my eyes.A voice like a silver bell asked loudly: "The scholar, have you ever seen a wounded white fox?" He only heard the fragrant wind blowing towards his face, refreshing his heart, looking at her bright eyes and white teeth, as beautiful as spring flowers. Face, you were lost in thought for a moment, and murmured repeatedly: "White fox, white fox?" She smiled like a flower and replied: "Yes, idiot scholar, that is a white fox that was shot by me." "Why do you Want to shoot it?" You asked stupidly. "You scholar is an idiot, its fur is beautiful, I want to use it to decorate my dress." As she spoke, she flicked her horsewhip impatiently.You looked at her silently, suddenly speechless.

At this time, a strong man pointed at the bloodstains all the way away and shouted: "Miss, come and see, there are bloodstains here." Her eyes flashed brightly, she whipped the horse, and said coquettishly, "Catch me!" Dozens of horsemen and horses roared in, and then sped away.Her laughing words came from afar: "Goodbye, dumb student. Giggle..." Only you are left standing in the wind, staring at that emerald-like figure for a long time, getting farther and farther away, momentarily in your heart The waves are turbulent, some are confused, some are confused, some are familiar, some can't stop, and some are distraught...

My soft cry awakened you who were in deep thought. You took off the green shirt to keep out the cold, wrapped me tightly, and you gently picked me up and walked towards the hut.At this time, if you look down at me, you will see the crystal tears in my eyes, you pity me so much, you treat me like this, how can I repay your great kindness... just like this, I am in your thatched cottage stay for a while.The days passed quickly with the sound of your book, and my arrow wound healed slowly under your careful care.But the pain in my heart is getting deeper and deeper.I know that the day of leaving you is not far away.Although my heart is reluctant to let go, I can only bear the tears of attachment. I am willing to turn the tears into amber and let her settle in the bottom of my heart for a thousand years. Although my heart is deeply missed, I can only let my thoughts turn into butterflies and dance in your dreams. Edge, sings for you.I am just a weak but persistent white fox. In your world, I can only wrap up the sadness in my heart and breathe with difficulty.Even if I cultivate to live the same life as the heaven and the earth, how can I raise my eyebrows with you?

Finally when it was time to leave, you held me for a long time, told me over and over again, and sent me to the deep mountains and dense forests... There will be a farewell to you after a thousand miles. When saying goodbye, you gently put me down, stroked my head, and said softly: "Little fox, you must know how to protect yourself. The world of mortals is dangerous and people are greedy. You must stay away from the human world, you know? "I stretched out my front legs and gave you a deep bow, with tears in my eyes.You sighed softly and said, "Little fox, oh little fox, are you reluctant to leave me? Blame me for being a useless scholar who can't protect you. Go obediently and remember, don't set foot in human beings again." world..." I stared at you deeply, engraved your figure firmly in my heart, bowed again and again, and then left in the dust.

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