President Mensao, I want it

001 Big shot buying human dolls

The night is getting darker, the lights are coming on, S City, a corner woven with neon lights, colorful geometric lights play four colorful characters - "Paradise on Earth"

Tianyi box

Ran Ran stood nervously at the door, her eyes fell on the opposite circular sofa, there were a dozen people sitting vaguely, one sitting in the middle, her tall body was lazily lying on the sofa, and the amber crystal lamp cast light on it. The soft light surrounded his body, and he was paired with a silver-gray suit, which made him look like a celebrity. He was a little far away, so he couldn't see his appearance clearly, but he could feel the invisible pressure around him.

Such an elegant person is obviously daunting.

She stroked her chest, Ran Ran, what are you doing, big shot?Aren't there just a few corrupt officials!Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!You came here looking for something. Just now, you were in a hurry to urinate. The human doll was too heavy. She threw it in the corridor and ran away, but she disappeared as soon as she came back. It’s 10 yuan. If you can’t find it, you will pay it to death. blue.

Wait, no, there seems to be a problem, Ran Ran involuntarily flicked her bangs, he...he...he, couldn't it be Zongzheng Ling who bought her human doll?Paradise on earth defends a character who is in awe even after hearing his name?In the elevator, the beautiful sisters are constantly flirting with the three generations of chaebols?

Suddenly, her eyes widened, and she fixed her eyes on him. Isn't that her human doll?

Damn, before the money was given, the things were taken away without authorization! !

Ran Ran felt angry, and strode towards Zong Zhengliang.

Zong Zhengliang squinted his eyes halfway, his brows frowned into a Sichuan character, a white shirt, washed hot pants, baby fat oval face, fair and sweet, but the girl who looked sweet kept staring at him?

If you look closely, it looks a bit like Shu Ran.

He glanced lightly at Jiang Shao who was beside him, with a mocking smile on his lips, "It's her?"

Young Master Jiang nodded, took a puff on his cigar, threw ten packs of RMB into the plate, pointed to Ran Ran, and whispered something into the waiter's ear.

Ran Ran kept staring over there, hey, ten packs of RMB, one cent is not a lot, what a neat buyer, it seems she was overthinking.

Ran Ran reached out to take the money, the waiter whispered in Ran Ran's ear, "Young Master Jiang has taken a fancy to you, what Young Master Jiang means is that he must take you away tonight, he will add money, and if you are satisfied, just say thank you If you don’t agree, just say sorry, if it doesn’t work, you can set a price yourself, girl, you’re new, right? You’re really lucky, think about it, this is just the starting price.”

Damn, is this considered a blessing?

She gritted her teeth and retracted her claws, while staring at Zong Zhengliang, she asked in a low voice, "What are you taking out?"

If you just take a walk, hold hands, and have a glass of wine, you can earn money along the way.

"What else can a man do when he takes a woman out?"

After the waiter finished speaking, he ran away as if fleeing. I have never seen such an idiot woman. How can the young masters like this now!

Damn it ran faster than a rabbit, Ran Ran glanced at the money on the plate, it was so much!But she can't...


Ran Ran glared at Young Master Jiang, turned her head to look at Zongzheng Liang, suddenly became dizzy, and kept flicking her bangs with her hands, not knowing what position to put her feet in, she kept looking at Zongzheng Hey!

Sword eyebrows like temples, narrow phoenix eyes, high nose bridge, sexy thin lips, and sculpted features form a perfect handsome face, which is particularly dazzling under the amber light.

Nima, a character comparable to the heroine of a romance novel, especially those pair of phoenix eyes, half-closed, can discharge electricity.

It took Ran Ran a long time to come to his senses. Damn, you have a bit of backbone, don't be tempted by beauty~, you have a professor is enough, now you are here to collect debts, momentum, momentum, show it, "Excuse me Mr. Zhengyang?"

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