President Mensao, I want it

002 You come out 1 time

Damn, you have a bit of backbone, don't be tempted by the beauty~, you have a professor is enough, now you are here to collect debts, momentum, momentum, show it, "Excuse me, Mr. Zongzhengyu?"

Zong Zhengliang glanced at Ran Ran, but said nothing.

Mistaken?No way!

Ran Ran didn't notice that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the box.

Suddenly someone grabbed her arm, and Ran Ran saw that it was Young Master Jiang.

Young Master Jiang threw another twenty stacks of bills on the plate, looked up at Ran Ran, "Is it enough?"

A lot of money, since she was a child, it was the first time she had seen so much, Ran Ran was a little weak-legged, she used to dream that money would smash her to death, but with so much money thrown at once, the mood was really complicated.

She took one more look at Young Master Jiang, and that look of certainty made her very upset. She was pretty good at first, but compared with the people next to her, tsk tsk, especially that brown leather windbreaker, which was dressed like this in summer , Ah's head is showing off!

Ran Ran hurriedly said "I'm sorry", but her heart was terrified. I heard that the actress Ran Ran only cost 20 a night, so she is not worth more than the actress!

Ran Ran was in a trance when the manager of the box next to her reminded her in a low voice, "The bids are already high, and they are all well-known. They really ruined Young Master Jiang's face. Do you still want to live?"

Ran Ran was trembling all over, why don't you say it so horribly!

"Is this Tianyi box?"

The manager nodded.

"Then tell me, which one is Zongzheng?"

This woman dared to call Young Master Li's name directly, the manager looked towards Zongzheng Liang.

Ran Ran looked towards his gaze, just in time to meet Zong Zhengliang's eyes.

Sure enough it was him!

She looked at Zongzheng Liang and asked the waiter, "Is he dumb?"

The manager hurriedly shook his head!

Ran Ran glared at Zong Zhengliang, it wasn't that he was dumb and didn't speak, it was probably a refusal, why did his face look strange?After thinking about it, I suddenly realized that buying a human body doll is not a glorious thing, since it is a famous person, it must be taken care of!

She was about to speak when someone took her hand.

Damn it, there was a check lying on the plate, Ran Ran rolled her eyes, six zeros, she counted it again, damn it, it was really six zeros, she knew she really really needed the money, but……

Ran Ran's face was slumped, and even a hundred thousand grass mud horses roared and couldn't understand her sadness at the moment.

The countless Grandpa Mao in front of her was blushing and seducing her, Ran Ran swallowed her saliva, and said those three words with difficulty.


She turned her head to look at Zong Zhengliang, "Mr. Zong Zhengliang, please come out, I have something to ask you."

When it came to the word Zongzhengliang, Ran Ran bit her teeth very hard.

Zongzheng raised his phoenix eyes, "What do you want from me?"

"Well, come out for a while, it's not convenient to talk inside."

Ran Ran looked at Zong Zhengliang, then at the human doll next to him, and nodded vigorously at Zong Zhengliang, so that only the two of them understand, is it vague enough?

She struggled to pick up the human doll, which was one size bigger than herself, and walked straight towards the door. Looking back, Zong Zhengliang was still sitting there motionless, wait, hell, that second generation ancestor of Young Master Jiang walked towards her Come here!

Drunken, Jiang Minghao grabbed Ran Ran, dragged her, and threw her on the sofa, "Don't you just have a crush on you? It's a pity that you don't like you. Let's make a price, it's more than one night."

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