Jiang Minghao grabbed her and pressed her down. Suddenly, the light in the box changed a different tone, and he froze.

The atmosphere in the box suddenly became weird, and Ran Ran had no idea what was going on.

"Young Master Jiang, you dare to touch my woman, can you touch her?"

Ran Ran turned her head and looked over. Zong Zhengliang was leaning against the door, holding a pistol in his hand, and the muzzle of the gun was sharply aimed at the back of Jiang Minghao's head.

She could feel a layer of cold sweat on Young Master Jiang's body.

Ran Ran kicked Jiang Minghao away, before he recovered, kicked his thing hard, and then ran towards Zong Zhengliang.

Zong Zhengliang wrapped her in his arms and covered her naked body with his suit. At this moment, he really wanted to kill Jiang Minghao with a single shot.

Ran Ran leaned in his arms, a masculine breath reassuring her, he's here, he's here, that's great!She thought she was doomed.

Jiang Minghao tremblingly said, "You... are you the boss here?"

Zongzheng didn't answer him, his face was very cold, he lowered his head and wiped the black shiny gun body, and hooked his finger on the trigger, "You guys like to play so much, why don't we play a game too! Let's see who can climb the fastest and get the last one That person, take a shot from me."

As soon as his words fell, the box was so quiet that only the sound of panting was left.

"Don't, don't, it's a misunderstanding..."

A timid man trembled and sat limply on the ground.

Wasn't he the one who said this was interesting and fun?Ran Ran turned to look at the gang of bastards, "I said your name just now, and they looked down on you, saying you are nothing."

Zongzheng looked sideways at Ran Ran, "Really?"

Ran Ran trembled, Zong Zhengliang took a look at Ran Ran, and will settle accounts with you later.

Zong Zhengliang turned his head to look at the crowd, "Who said that?"

"No...no...no one ever said..."


Zongzheng's eyes suddenly turned sharp.

"It's him!"

"It's him!"

A group of people began to testify one after another, and suddenly one person panicked and pointed at Jiang Minghao.

Jiang Minghao slapped the man directly to the ground with a backhand, and no one dared to speak anymore.

Jiang Minghao turned his head to look at Zong Zhengliang, "You...what do you want?"

"Take care of your cheap hands from now on!"

Zong Zhengliang turned his head to look at Ran Ran's swollen face, "Does it hurt?"


Ran Ran looked at Zong Zhengliang, and suddenly smirked. If one day he finds out that you have lied to him, will he shoot her too, "This... this... this is a real gun? Put it away! Be careful Wipe... wipe the gun and fire..."

Zongzheng smiled lightly, and whispered into her ear, "What are you afraid of, I gave you money that day, and bought a toy gun on Taobao to play with, just to scare these few people."

Ran Ran breathed a sigh of relief, luckily it was a toy gun, and said in a low voice, "These people are so cowardly, a toy gun scares dogs into dogs..."

The more she thought about it, the more amusing she became, she suddenly burst out laughing in a disfigured way, trembling in his arms, rubbing against his chest with the elastic place, igniting a stuffy fire.

Zong Zhengliang lowered his head and glanced at this nervous girl. In the past few days, she often appeared in front of his eyes, as if possessed by a demon.

The people on the opposite side were trembling all over, looking at Ran Ran and Zong Zhengliang, what did Shao Shao mean?

The phantom blue light just now was the signal for the appearance of Zzz, the boss of Heaven on Earth. Zzz is a person so mysterious that it makes one's heart tremble.

I heard that the people making trouble here did not walk out of the door.

So, are they going to die here today?

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