President Mensao, I want it

021 This Is Called Boring to the Bone

So, are they going to die here today?

Even Young Master Jiang's hands were trembling. No wonder Zong Zhengliang dared to treat him like that last time and exposed his identity for a woman. I wonder if I can get out of here today.

"Get out of here!"

Zong Zhengliang threw the gun and turned to look at Ran Ran. She was so innocent that she really believed that it was a toy gun. He didn't want her to see his dark side, but that game must be played enough for them.

Ran Ran huddled in Zong Zhengliang's arms, seeing that group of people running faster than eight-legged dogs, she felt disgusted, dammit, let you bully me!

Zong Zhengliang kept frowning and looked at Ran Ran, she didn't cry, she didn't make a fuss, when a girl encounters this kind of situation, she might cry softly now, and she still has the mood to watch a play there.

"Were you scared just now?"


"Why are you here?"

"Didn't you ask me to deliver the goods here?"

Ran Ran looked up at Zong Zhengliang with innocent eyes.

Zongzheng frowned, looked at the three packages lying beside him, "Did you call me this afternoon?"

Ran Ran nodded, frowned, and stretched her neck to look up at Zong Zhengliang. He doesn't have amnesia or amnesia, does he?

I really hope there is, and I hope that he will suddenly forget about her, and the two will be clean from now on, how wonderful!

Looking at Ran Ran's reaction, Zong Zhengliang probably guessed what was going on, so he called An Jin directly, "Speak up, be honest and strict, and die if you resist!"

An Jin confessed all of them cowardly.

Zong Zhengliang curled the corners of his lips coldly, and said in a cool voice, "You wait for me..."

Although he didn't finish the rest of the sentence, An Jin also trembled. The little cousin has always been insidious, so he quickly hugged Ji Jin next to him, "Brother, save me, little cousin probably wants to punish me."

"There is me."

Ji Jin smiled playfully, and let An Jin hug him and make trouble.

Zong Zhengliang listened to the movement over there, and sneered, "Waiting at your door, the gift I promised you last time will be delivered in a while."

He quickly hung up the phone, hugged Ran Ran to his exclusive room, and called He Nan.

"Quickly fade the wound on her face."

He Nan looked at Ran Ran, his eyes were slightly hurt, he didn't know what Zong Zhengliang wanted to do, find a girl as a substitute?Only Zongzheng Ling can do this kind of thing.

"What have you been looking at me for?"

Ran Ran said dissatisfiedly, although this man was very handsome, and in ancient times, he would definitely be a gentleman or a prince or something, but it is impolite to stare at him like this!

Hanan smiled, "Girl, you are very beautiful, so I watched it for a long time. I'm telling the truth."

Zongzheng snorted softly, "Did you tell the truth that time? I remember you said this to Sister Feng last time."

Ran Ran looked at He Nan angrily, and He Nan smiled modestly, "Girl, he has always been like this, he is jealous that I am more popular with women than him."

Damn, she's really thick-skinned, Ran Ran took another look at Zong Zhengliang, she is an honest child, "I think Zong Zhengliang is more handsome than you, and he won't be less popular with women than you, right? There's no need to be jealous."

Hearing these words, Zongzheng Liang felt very comfortable, and gave Ran Ran a meaningful look, "Yeah. You have a good eye."

Ran Ran blushed weakly. I didn't expect Zong Zhengliang to be so narcissistic. He must be laughing wildly in his heart, but his face was faint, and he was really sullen. Thinking about his custom-made human dolls for Aunt Furong and Sister Feng , is enough to witness.

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