Zongzheng threw a piece of paper to An Jin, "What does it mean that a woman said these words to you?"

An Jin took a look, isn't this the little cousin's handwriting?Was it Xiaojiali or Shu Ran who told the little cousin?

The little cousin is really boring, remembering it so clearly, including all punctuation marks and three exclamation marks.

He pointed to one sentence, "This shows that she longs for you deep in her heart."


Zongzheng frowned and frowned, the reason why he chose to ask An Jin instead of He Nan was because He Nan was good enough so that he would not be scared by Jing Hao and his face changed when he heard that, and every girlfriend of An Jin broke up You can also contact like friends, so he feels that An Jin understands women better than He Nan.

But, why couldn't he see that she longed for him?

Seeing that her little cousin didn't believe him, An Jin immediately analyzed it for him, and then pointed to another sentence, "This shows that she is afraid of you. You may have caused a misunderstanding. Be gentle in the future."

Zong Zhengzheng looked at the answer sheet and studied it for a long time. He didn't know much about it. At that time, he couldn't help but sigh that women's minds are much more difficult to understand than business and advertising ideas. Hearing what An Jin said, it seems quite reasonable.

"According to your experience, how long does it take for her to fall in love with me?"

"If it's me, about a week, if it's my little cousin..."

Zongzheng's face turned cold, and An Jin coughed, "I'm not talking about you, little cousin, you have experienced too few women, I will teach you a trick, women are auditory animals, you can follow her and talk more nicely If you don’t like it, praise, it’s best to go on a two-person trip or something, find a place suitable for flirting, and quickly develop feelings.”

The little cousin was too bored, otherwise Shu Ran would have dumped the little cousin, of course he didn't dare to poke the little cousin's sore spot in front of the little cousin.

"But, she used to have a man she liked."

Zong Zhengliang's face turned dark suddenly, and he made a murderous sound, which startled An Jin, so he hurriedly came up with a plan...

Ran Ran was sitting in the dormitory, thinking about Zong Zhengliang all day, and kept sneezing wildly. She touched her forehead, it didn't feel hot, she didn't have a cold, damn it, who is scolding her behind her back!

She was restless, uncomfortable lying down, and uncomfortable sitting, and her hands and feet were cold when she thought of what that flirt said.

"Ran Ran, the test results are out!"

If the person arrives before the sound arrives, who else can it be!

Ran Ran was interrupted by Shi Shanshan, she didn't have any expectations, she handed in a blank paper in the first class, hehe, the plan to fail the course was realized, and the insurance research was out of the question, why did she suddenly feel so bad, her nose was so sour, and she suddenly felt better She wanted to cry, her parents dreamed of her and her sister's future, but she was so disappointed because a man who was sullen and held grudges was forced to nowhere.

"Ran Ran, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Ran Ran's tears streaming down the floor, Shi Shanshan was frightened, she had never seen a dead girl cry before.

"Did I get a zero in one subject?"

Although her grades were not top-notch, she was also in the upper middle class, and she had never failed a subject. This feeling was really uncomfortable, Ran Ran howled.

Shi Shanshan sneered, "Zero points? You're joking! It's said that a woman's IQ drops when she gets puberty. How come when Professor Zongzheng appeared, your grades improved by leaps and bounds, and you got full marks! You've got a quad-core processor embedded in your head." device?"


Ran Ran wiped away her tears and looked at Shi Shanshan. Did Zhu Toushan deliberately tell her a joke to make her happy?Anyway, the joke is not funny at all.

Seeing Ran Ran's face as a resentful woman, Shi Shanshan wanted to poke her with her finger, and spread a report card on Ran Ran's desk, "You still have the nerve to take my cheat sheet, why don't you pass it to me! Your sister's , Lao Tzu's research on advertising media has failed!"

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