President Mensao, I want it

057 Abducted by Zongzheng Ryo to Taipei

Seeing Ran Ran's face as a resentful woman, Shi Shanshan wanted to poke her with her finger, and spread a report card on Ran Ran's desk, "You still have the nerve to take my cheat sheet, why don't you pass it to me! Your sister's , Lao Tzu's research on advertising media has failed!"

Ran Ran stared wide-eyed at the advertising media studying that course. She scored [-] points. She was messy, and she could get [-] points if she handed in a blank paper. "No, I'll go to the Academic Affairs Office to ask for my papers!"

"Idiots are dreaming, you think the Academic Affairs Office is run by your family."

Before Shi Shanshan finished speaking, Ran Ran had already left the door.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she went to the Academic Affairs Office of the college to open her mouth, they immediately gave her the paper.

Her papers are not empty, but densely written.

"Damn, whose handwriting is so beautiful?"

Ran Ran muttered, thinking of the handwriting that she had been dozing off all the time, and then looking at the capable and vigorous handwriting, Ran Ran stretched out her hand to touch it, when will she be able to write such a good handwriting! .

It doesn't matter, I will find a man with good handwriting in the future to make up for her shortcomings. At this time, Yunxi's charming smiling face appeared in front of her eyes, and then a terrible thing happened. Yunxi's face was replaced by Zong Zhengzheng's poker face .

Ran Ran shook her head vigorously, she must have been frightened by Zong Zheng, she saw him all day long.

How to do?

She didn't pass any homework, at this moment, she wanted to cry again, did she just fall into Zongzheng's hands?Waiting for him to peel?

She is the legendary female dick, only to be punished by him!

How to do?

She secretly made up her mind that she wouldn't let him know that matter was rotten in her intestines.


Three days later, she was dragged to Taipei by Zong Zhengliang in the name of a mentor. Unexpectedly, the moment they met at the airport, Ran Ran felt something was wrong.

Now, following Zong Zhengliang, walking stop and go, shuttling through the streets and alleys of Taipei, Ran Ran always felt a chill on his back, and timidly asked Zong Zhengliang, "Why are you laughing all the time?"

"It feels very...comfortable."

He changed a word according to An Jin's template, and automatically omitted the previous "to be with you".


So he's in a good mood?

Ran Ran is relieved, she still wants to have fun when she comes to Taipei, look around, the scenery in Taipei is really good, the vicissitudes and magnificence are like the condensation of time, every bit is soaked in the collision of tradition and modernity!

Zong Zhengliang looked at the cozy Ran Ran with a dark face, and grabbed her hand suddenly.

Ran Ran froze, struggled for a while, but didn't pull it out, it's okay, she's kissed her before, Lala's little hand is fine, she comforted herself, remembering the horrible scene described by An Jin, she didn't dare to move.

Zongzheng Liang was very satisfied to see her well-behaved. Originally, he still despised An Jin's way of holding hands, such a nonsense way of intertwining fingers and connecting hearts, but now it looks good.

Ran Ran was uncomfortable and awkward at first, feeling like a puppy being led around, but then she got used to it, and it was fine.

I don't know why Zongzheng Ryo kept holding her hand.

During the day, Zong Zhengliang took Ran Ran around the quaint and warm Jiufen Old Street and the bustling Ximending, and at night took her to Jingzhaoyin to eat palace pastries.

Her hand was very soft, it felt numb in the palm, very comfortable, Zong Zhengliang never let go.

"Are you tired from walking?"

"A bit."

"Then go back to the hotel for dinner and rest."

"You shouldn't be tired after eating."

Ran Ran expressed her opinion in a small way, and looked at Zong Zhengliang. The strange thing was that he was smiling. It was undeniable that this smile made her look so sexy and charming.

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